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Cost of cataract op


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Had my eyes examined on last visit to UK;  was told I have early signs of cataracts in both eyes (18 months ago).

I wear contact lenses, but am reaching the stage where I need new, stronger, prescription for new contacts, and night vision (or lack of it !) is becoming a problem.

Wondering whether to start making steps to have cataract removal ops here in France.   What are my first steps - optician first, or can I book directly with opthamologist without seeing optician? - and would that have cost implications ?

Even more important, though, is going to be the total costs involved.   We have the Carte Vitale, but not top-up insurance; deliberate decision so please don't criticise that - was a risk based decision we made.   After all, that's what savings are for aren't they !

Anyone gone through this process ?   What's my first step ?

But far more important, can anyone give me advice, guidance on the costs involved ?  

Any info would, as always, be gratefuly received.

Thank you - Chessie.

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Mine cost €800 for each eye. We are fully insured so I am not entirely sure what the level of reimbursement is on the Carte Vitale.

On top there are the fees to the anaesthetist and the hospital.

In in the morning and released very early in the afternoon. No pain or complications in my case but I know that some people are less lucky.

Each eye was done separately (I guess they do this anyway but in my case the cataracts developed at a different rate). Now done, my eyesight is nearly perfect (I was very short sighted before) but I do need glasses for reading - a sure sign of age catching up.
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I had one eye done but after several detached retinas and it was covered 100%.


A timely posting as I want to have the other eye operated so as not to wear glasses or contact lenses, there is a cataract growing which is causing problems but i am years away from them considering it a necessary operation, I have an appointment with an opthalmo de ville in October (4 month wait) to ask the questions, can I have it done? where? and how much?


I will report back unless you get to see one before me, you need to see an opthalmo but if you find a specialist clinique they will have one who will probably see you much quicker, in fact I am going to ask Docteur Google now!!

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The one I already have is set to close so I have what they call monocular not binocular vision, one eye for reading and close work the other for distance, the brain took some re-educating and I have had to develop other senses to judge depth and distance but it suits me now, problem is the good eye is losing mid range vision hence my wanting that one done as well.


I could however have em both done with progressive implants, seemingly there is only so many times one can "ouvre la boîte" so it will be the second time for one eye and I want to be sure that there wont be any further correction needed further down the line, so either 2 ops, 3 ops or maybe 5 ops with future changes, each time the odds for complications increase.

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I'll have to have a detailed discussion with my chappie when I see him in January.

I have glasses with progressive lenses but they don't seem to work that well for reading so I have reading ones as well.

Now everything is a bit flou regardless of what specs I wear.  To sew a button, for example, I have to wait till the sun comes out in order to do it on the balcony.

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I had my cataracts in France about 5 years ago, opthalmo who I had been seeing (no referral from medecin traitant requried) found them, and operated on them too.  Carte vitale, but then no top up, op covered 100%, I maybe paid the extra bit myself for the surgeon as he is sector 2.  But nothing much.  Suggest you find an opthalmo you like, trust, can communicate with .. and get them done ... almost the best thing I had done (toss up between those and the hip op earlier this year, for which I did take out a mutelle!).

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