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Wisdom teeth?


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As some of you will have read, we have been dealing for several months with my daughters eye problem, which is not resolved but appears to be improving, after her visit to the clinic in Kiev.

She was prescribed a pair of CRT lenses which are worn only while asleep and give perfect vision throughout the day. Great, no glasses, no renewal of lenses etc.

We are now blessed with another problem, I guess shes at that age, her teeth have been getting a little disorganised for a few months, I took her for an xray Saturday and having looked it she needs her wisdom teeth removed, they are as yet unhatched but are growing in a forward direction pushing the others.

My question, is this done in hospital, so we should contact them directly, or do we need to see a GP first, with all the troubles she has suffered we have never seen a GP and are not registered with one.And any idea of costs, I guess irrelevent since it must be done, but an early idea will soften the blow:)

as always advice gratefully received



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Most french dentists are also dental surgeons and therefore I would seek a vist there first to see what they suggest. A doctor will only send you there anyway and  there is also the question of payment. I had one removed a few months ago which was shallow but I needed two jabs of pain killer cos I am a coward and could still feel things and that cost approx 48€ which was covered by my CV and mutuelle. Some years ago my daughter had her gums operated on in the surgery as they had descended between her teeth and had to be cut,cleaned and stitched and the dentist had to get permission from our insurers as to whether it would be paid for or not and as the end of the day we paid nothing as she was under 12.
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I had my wisdom teeth out at the dental hospital, sent there by my dentist, not that she couldn't do it herself, but the hospital, where she works one day, is better equipped and I didn't pay anything at all, just handed over my carte vitale.  I certainly wouldn't go and see a doctor about it, it is far better to go straight for a dentist who knows what they are doing.  If you have trouble finding one, then you could ring your dental hospital and ask for a recommendation.

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My thought too RH, as my daughter had a routine check up at the dentist a couple a weeks ago and he gave us an ordinance for the radio clinic for a full mouth xray. I would not put my money on it but am almost certain I would not have been able to walk in and ask them to xray her mouth without this prescription.

I then had to take the picture to out dentist who annonced to my shocked 13 year old that she has 4 wisdom teeth to come out, I was given a letter to take to the hospital for a consultation(I have not been that organised yet!!!) and if the consultant agrees with the prognosis she will go in as a day patient in the morning and be allowed out about 6pm. At this point I am not sure if she will be asleep or just sedated.

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I took her to the Richlieu clinic in Saintes, no problems paid the 34 euros and was handed the xray. And the problem was immediately obvious.

Strange though, I myself had a visit to a dentist, everything was done there, xray took all of 30 seconds, then into the chair and the dentist had the xray up on screen of his PC, he even used a small xray device inside my mouth as he was doing the necessary just to make sure everything was right, and for someone who dislikes visiting the dentist it was not the uncomfortable experience it has been in the past.

thanks for all your replies



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>>And the problem was immediately obvious<<

Is your daughter in pain then ?

I think that you may find to sort out her 'muddled' teeth a dentist may want to remove her 'sixes'.

Having fully impacted, unerupted wisdom teeth removed can involve quite a lot of swelling and /or bruising, my god daughter was recommended to take arnica which seemed to work for her. 

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Arneca....i think a friend of mine used that during her labour, wish I had given it a go!!  does that come in an oil, like lavender oil?  cannot somehow see a french holspital letting me treat my daughter with that before her extraction, given that styrups are still in use here for a smear test and labour/birth.
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 Re arnica : They are tiny tablets, ideally you are supposed to take them without handling them. Certainly worth trying afterward, if not before.

To the original poster - from what others have posted it may be that French dentists are happy to remove Wisdom teeth routinely, but this may not be the cure for your daughters orthodontic problems if her teeth are 'muddled' (if you are lucky,  it may be , of course)

Orthodontists take about 8 years to train, so IMHO its worth getting an opinion from one about your daughters case. From your other posts I know that you wish to do the best for her.

Bon Chance [:)]

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my daughter had all 4 taken out 4 weeks ago. orthadentist recommended this, took daughter to clinic for panaramic xray then made appointment at hospital, saw dentist there. had to then see the anethesistist to check out my daughter. got booked in for a few weeks later, dentist gave prescription for anti biotics and anti inflamitory pills to be taken on day of op.

all 4 taken out under general, very little swelling and no infection. i wish mine was the same 18yrs ago, after mine were taken out i was black and blue all over my face and neck and chest, i reckon they gave me a good kick in while i was out.

the only cost was for the initial appointment with dentist and anethesistist, refunded through CV and mutuelle, the op and room was covered automatically the CPAM

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TJ, having worked as a practice manager at a large group of dental surgeries in the UK I would like to suggest you visit a Dental Surgeon with your daughter and let them have a good look at what is happening in her mouth. It is quite possible that they might want to monitor the situation and see how her teeth are developing before taking any action, possibly taking a panasonic x-ray (full mouth as Opas said) - unless this is what she had done at the clinic, in which case they will use that. Alternatively it might be decided she needs some work doing, whether taking out the wisdom teeth or some further forward to allow room for the 8s to descend. Maybe they will want to refer her to an orthodontist. No dentist these days will extract teeth for the sake of it, so be guided by them - after all they haven't slaved through a minimum of 5 years dental school for nothing!

Just out of interest, I am curious to know why you decided to get the x-ray done yourself rather than visit a dentist first?

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[quote user="Rob Roy"]

 possibly taking a panasonic x-ray (full mouth as Opas said) - unless this is what she had done at the clinic, in which case they will use that. Alternatively it might be decided she needs some work doing, whether taking out the wisdom teeth or some further forward to allow room for the 8s to descend.

Just out of interest, I am curious to know why you decided to get the x-ray done yourself rather than visit a dentist first?



It was a full mouth x ray.

It shows all four, at around 70degrees from upright, and the forward teeth roots bending to accomodate their advance.

Of course the next stop will be the dental clinic to confirm and hopefully have them dealt with as soon as possible, and it would be nice if they can come up with an alternative.

When we visited the dentist a few months ago and raised the subject he said she would need an xray, and we didnt get round to it since the eye problem was foremost in our minds. So this has been our first opportunity, and didnt see any point going to the dentist again before having the xray to show them.

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