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Hydroxychloroquine......in English!


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Since NormanH posted an article in French about this drug, there has been a bit more background information and particularly about why Trump is.....er.....trumpetting it!

This article is wordy, so you will need to read with patience and a willingness to evaluate what is undoubtedly a piece of writing that deals with a subject we don't normally glance over having a coffee.

I found it very interesting.


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Under strict medical supervision, perhaps, but here is a live link:-

Those are the possible side effects.

I know three people with Lupus.

It also treats rheumatoid arthritis.

Now in the US people with these severe illness are having trouble getting them. 

So BRAVO  to Trump the Great Maligne Deceiver!

And yes he is deceiving people by the merest suggestion that they have nothing to lose.

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Wooly didn't you say he was a Dr?

All strong medication should be prescribed by a doctor. And in this case were, properly prescribed and I glad that they worked.

In America at the moment, the great leader doesn't read, didn't see the memo about the virus, but was saying that they, meaning 'he' was on top of it months ago.

Now for all he says he isn't a Dr, an admission I am rather sure that he does not like stating, he tells people to go ahead, take it.

Here are some of his supporters:

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Id, this article says some of the things that your first link says:


I do wonder if Trump's personal "interest" in one of the companies producing the drug would go some way to explaining why he is so enthusiastic about it?

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I have just read this on Wiki:-

he is also obtuse, lazy, racist, inquisitive, deceitful, slothful, self-important and conceited

So guess who it describes, apart from the current obvious, to which I would add avaricious. So you are probably right about some 'personal' interest.

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