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I seem to have developed bursitis in my left shoulder.  I have always had problems with both my shoulders after years of garden work (mowing, strimming, weed pulling, planting, etc.) at our home in Provence.  However, it seems to have recently flared up in a severe way.  I presume this is down to packing up and moving country; which meant arm use way over the top of normal.

Of course, I am diagnosing myself as seeing a doctor is not going to happen and an ultra sound is also off the grid these days.  It is a classic case.  The description is down to a science.

So, for any of you who might suffer from this, what do you do to try to ease the pain?

Research shows very little can help it.  Stop using the painful limb - which I can't really use anyway.  Had to wash my hair with one hand.  Suggestions for an ice pack, NSAID's and pain relief creams (I'm using Voltaren with minor success) is all I see, short of corticoid shots; which are also not possible in confinement.

Is there anything you folks could suggest?  It is extremely painful and I consider myself a high tolerance of pain type of person.

Thanks !!

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At the moment in France NSAIDs and cortisone are considered to increase the risk of a bad reaction to the Covid virus and it is recommended NOT to take them.
This is not entirely the case in the UK, but I thought I should mention it.

Paracetamol  ...for lower back pain my Kiné prescribed a Tens machine which I was able to get from the Pharmacie..

Sorry not to be more helpful

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Thanks Norman.  I don't know what a TENS machine is?

I gather there really isn't much that can be done for this.  I just don't / can't use my left arm.  Thank goodness I am right handed.

Interesting about the cortisone thing.  Had not heard that, but I can't really get treatment now anyway.

The Voltaren gel does help a little bit.  Mornings just seem to be brutal.

I guess I should be grateful I'm alive and stop complaining.

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I can still see my doctor. I went yesterday.

He makes appointment of 15 minutes on his normal days. There is no-one else there except him and the receptionist, and the next patient arrives as you are leaving. Minimum risk.

There has been one case of CV in out town (Pop. 2,000), who is in Carcassonne hospital at present.

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Oh thank you all ! I will try the hot and cold treatment as it is easy for me to do.

I'm afraid doctor visits are only virtual right now, so I guess I could try it, but it would not be a normal visit.

ALBF, my symptoms are I cannot lift my arm to do anything.  It has been a bit painful for several weeks now, but I just figured it would improve as it has in past years.  It has not, only gotten worse, so much worse that I cannot use my arm and wince in pain for any movement.

I cannot lift my left arm in any degree.  I can move it if it is kept in the lower/downward position, but only just for brief not weight bearing movements and only in very small movements.

The pain is terrible.  I hate to complain when there are so many people suffering so much.  So, I will just say that I cannot use my arm.

Calcification, well, anything is possible, but it just doesn't seem to fit with the descriptions of the only possible maladies I might have. 

Thank you all.  I appreciate your input.

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Lori. My wife is recovering from a fractured humerus, broken near the shoulder joint just before Christmas..

Her kiné cancelled the remainder of her rééducation visits because of the corona virus, so, as 50% of the time there was for heat treatment I obtained one of these on Amazon, which she finds very effective. She did not get any cold treatment, but it is possible to use it for that also.

It does not seem to be available right now, maybe because of their problems in France, but may become available later, or elsewhere.

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Lori...I share your pain.

I know exactly how you feel.

You need a radiography....and some inflamatoires.

In the meantime...

Stand straight and then bend over like you want to touch your toes. With the painful arm/shoulder (other arm behind your back) start making a full circular movement with the painful arm gradually getting wider. Clockwise then anticlockwise.

You can also do a movement (same standing position) in the shape of a cross.

You can Google for the moves to be more precise on the internet. They are well known.

Do it a few times a day.

BUT don't over do it.

But....you do need to see a doctor. Don't suffer the pain. I know it is intolerable. Don't put yourself through it.

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I would start with the exercises.

If you go to a kiné he will tell you to do those exercises. If you go to a doctor specialising in shoulder problems he will tell you to do those exercises.

If you have an operation on your shoulder and you can't move it afterwards, the surgeon will tell you to do those exercises.

I guess the OP may need an infiltration by radiograph. Which is no big deal.

But you have to do the exercises first.
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Thank you all.  I will look up the exercises.  I took medication (Aleve) last night and went to sleep early.  I did use the Voltaren gel on the shoulder too.  Managed to sleep, thank goodness.  I don't think I would have gotten a wink without the medicine.  So, hopefully I will continue to avoid Covid in the event the Aleve interferes with treatment.

Luckily, I can still type and manage to prepare meals. 

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To be honest ALBF, doing any movement of the arm at all terrifies me.  I just shook out the bath mat out the window - with my good right arm.  When pulling it back inside, I barely lifted my bad arm and the pain was shooting.

So, bending over and moving my bad arm in a circular motion scares the heck out of me.  If I make it any worse, I might have to seek medical help.  That is the very LAST thing I need in confinement.

Most of my research says that in order to feel improvement during bad periods is to "not use the bad limb" to let it heal.

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