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A further tightening of restictions is likely: The President will be on TV Tomorrow evening


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If people had wanted to avoid further upset they should have behaved like adults after the last lockdown and not re-embraced and continued behaviours that were known to spread the virus. Though that's not an attitude confined to France, of course.

If a proportion of the population continues to believe it can behave in a way it perceives it is 'entitled' to do, this lockdown might once again slow the transmission of the disease but as soon as people relax back into social irresponsibility, it will spread again.

And yes, as someone who has been mask-wearing (in the right places!) since mid-March and has been carefully managing our risks of exposure through that time (while still managing to go places and see people) I'm really very irritated that we're back to where we were 7 sodding months ago.

And breathe. ( In an open air, socially distanced manner... [;-)] )

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France f*****up by opening up borders and tourism in the summer.

That is why we are in the position that we are.

I bet they regret it now.

I would say that most people in France are obeying the rules regarding masks and social distancing.

I was in Paris at the weekend and there is no way you can stop the spread.

Are BF still sailing to France with their mini gem infested cruise ships ?
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Catalpa - I agree with you 100%   1000%

We just went for our one hour walk within 1km of our house.  Luckily for us, the parc is directly beside us.  90% of the other people in the park had no mask on at all and were NOT jogging or riding a bike.

People just don't give a f***.  And no one here enforces anything but parking tickets.  So, it will get far worse before it gets better.

And the new confinement seems nothing like the old confinement.  A huge amount of things will remain operating.  So, really nothing like what we did in Spring.

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I had to go to the hunting and fishing shop this afternoon (no, not to buy guns or knives...lol) to pick up a parcel sent via Mondial Relay.

The owner was very glum indeed after the last confinement.  I asked him whether he would be open tomorrow as I have another parcel due.  He said he really didn't know!  I cheekily asked what the hunters will do now during the season if he were closed.  He didn't catch the broad smile behind my mask and has entirely missed the un-seriousness of my question.

His is a generations-old business so no doubt he was a very worried man. 

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It’s interesting to see that some people have been practising walking for an hour within a km of their house. I spent my last day on a trip to pack up my boat ready for the winter. Like ALBF I don’t think I will get the chance to visit there for at least 12 weeks. They say they are going to review the situation in two weeks but that will tell them nothing because the people filling the hospital beds and worse will be those who’ve been rubbing too many shoulders before today.

Best start planning your quiet household Christmas now.
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[quote user="BritinBretagne"]It’s interesting to see that some people have been practising walking for an hour within a km of their house.[/quote]

If you are referring to me, yes we did walk yesterday morning (before the confinement rules began).  I've printed my attestation and I have no idea when or if we will walk in the parc during the new confinement.  We are allowed to.

Luckily for us, the parc is enormous and just next door to our house.  We can walk for an hour and avoid getting anywhere near anyone else.  We may see people off in the distance, but there are so many paths to take, it is easy to stay well away from anyone else.

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[quote user="NormanH"]though sometime I have the impression that I am the only person who has downloaded it. [/quote]
Doesn't work on my phone - it's a Windows phone and a model fine for my level / type of usage but it does limit what apps will work.

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I wish they would give serial numbers or ID's to the various versions of attestations.I have 3 current versions, all slightly different.

I have saved, and printed a couple of copies of the one from the Service-Public site, which seems to be the same as Catalpa's. https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/actualites/A14405

I can't see any category which really covers going to La Poste or even to a letterbox over a km away.

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Yes, thank you Catalpa.  I've printed the Attestation.  My Dentist called and left a message confirming my Monday appointment, so I'll have my Attestation filled out and ready. Along with his message on  my phone in the event of a controle.

When I look out my window (we live in the centre ville), looks like any other day of the week.  Nothing whatsoever like last Spring's confinement.

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I just use

Déplacements pour effectuer des achats de fournitures nécessaires à

l'activité professionnelle, des achats de première nécessité [3] dans des établissements dont les activités demeurent autorisées, le retrait de commande et les livraisons à domicile 

as a catch-all clause..

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Agreed, Norman. That's the tick box I used when I went to the boulangerie (4 kms away) this morning. And the bit about establishments that are authorised to be open covers post offices - in my way of (lateral) thinking.

Re versions of documents:
As time passed, I think the previous attestations were... refined... to take account of ambiguous or missed points. I expect it will be the same this time and as long as the document comes from an official, government source, minor variations in wording shouldn't matter.

Most people continue to use the version they first download and print - they won't be regularly checking back for updates unless they happen automatically on the digital version.

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[quote user="Catalpa"]
Agreed, Norman. That's the tick box I used when I went to the boulangerie (4 kms away) this morning. And the bit about establishments that are authorised to be open covers post offices - in my way of (lateral) thinking.

Re versions of documents:
As time passed, I think the previous attestations were... refined... to take account of ambiguous or missed points. I expect it will be the same this time and as long as the document comes from an official, government source, minor variations in wording shouldn't matter.

Most people continue to use the version they first download and print - they won't be regularly checking back for updates unless they happen automatically on the digital version.


I guess so. There wasn't much time to get them out.

The one I downloaded last night, just before the new rules came into effect, said nothing about shopping for necessities, or going out within a km for other than attending to the needs of a pet.
I think it was designed for leaving the house outside the limits of a 6 am to 9 pm curfew.

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The one I downloaded last night, just before the new rules came

into effect, said nothing about shopping for necessities, or going out

within a km for other than attending to the needs of a pet.
I think it was designed for leaving the house outside the limits of a 6 am to 9 pm curfew."

The latest version  has all that...
I am talking about the version that can  be filled in on the smartphone..

but this printable version also

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ATTESTATION DE DÉPLACEMENT DÉROGATOIRE En application du décret n°2020-1310 du 29 octobre 2020 prescrivant les mesures générales nécessaires pour faire face à l'épidémie de Covid19 dans le cadre de l'état d'urgence sanitaire Je soussigné(e), Mme/M. : Né(e) le : à : Demeurant :certifie que mon déplacement est lié au motif suivant (cocher la case) autorisé par le décretn°2020-1310 du 29 octobre 2020 prescrivant les mesures générales nécessaires pour faire face àl'épidémie de Covid19 dans le cadre de l'état d'urgence sanitaire 1 :□ Déplacements entre le domicile et le lieu d’exercice de l’activité professionnelle ou un établissement d’enseignement ou de formation, déplacements professionnels ne pouvant être différés2, déplacements pour un concours ou un examen. □ Déplacements pour effectuer des achats de fournitures nécessaires à l'activité professionnelle, des achats de première nécessité 3 dans des établissements dont les activités demeurent autorisées, le retrait de commande et les livraisons à domicile. □ Consultations, médicaments. examens et soins ne pouvant être assurés à distance et l’achat de □ Déplacements pour motif familial impérieux, pour l'assistance aux personnes vulnérables et précaires ou la garde d'enfants. □ Déplacement des personnes en situation de handicap et leur accompagnant. □ Déplacements brefs, dans la limite d'une heure quotidienne et dans un rayon maximal d'un kilomètre autour du domicile, liés soit à l'activité physique individuelle des personnes, à l'exclusion de toute pratique sportive collective et de toute proximité avec d'autres personnes, soit à la promenade avec les seules personnes regroupées dans un □ même domicile, soit aux besoins des animaux de compagnie. Convocation judiciaire ou administrative et pour se rendre dans un service public □ Participation à des missions d'intérêt général sur demande de l'autorité administrative □ Déplacement pour chercher les enfants à l’école et à l’occasion de leurs activités périscolaires Fait à : Le :à: (Date et heure de début de sortie à mentionner obligatoirement) Signature : 1Les personnes souhaitant bénéficier de l'une de ces exceptions doivent se munir s'il y a lieu, lors de leurs déplacements hors de leur domicile, d'un document leur permettant de justifier que le déplacement considéré entre dans le champ de l'une de ces exceptions. 2A utiliser par les travailleurs non-salariés, lorsqu'ils ne peuvent disposer d'un justificatif de déplacement établi par leur employeur. 3Y compris les acquisitions à titre gratuit (distribution de denrées alimentaires...) et les déplacements

liés à la

perception de prestations sociales et au retrait d'espèces.

Unfortunately the site has messed up the layout

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The version of the attestation that was on-line prior to mid-night last night did NOT include the words covering visits tp shops (authorised) for essential supplies.
It had been omitted.
Where there is the small figure 3 - in brackets - there were no further words after (3).
I put a post up early this morning querying this - but before (stupid) I had re-checked the french gouv site.  I subsequently re-checked the gouv site after posting, realised there was a corrected version, and deleted my original post.

Seems someone spotted the gouv error in the early hours (!!) - and added the extra words to cover our essential shopping trips.
Must admit I was rather puzzled when I looked at the form last night....!!  Then I decided to print out some copies of the version we first had to use - simply because I had to go out this morning.   And in the meantime the revised vrsion appeared.
Oh what a happy life

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[quote user="chessie"]
The version of the attestation that was on-line prior to mid-night last night did NOT include the words covering visits to shops (authorised) for essential supplies.  ............................ [/quote]

That's what I said in my earlier posts.[:)]

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Hi NoM - aren't we the clever ones !!
I thought it was my fault when I couldn't see where it covered essential shopping.
So 'we' have caught 'them' (the clever french officials) - in a mistake !!
Oh well - have to have something to smile about these days - there's enough 'bad' in the world at the moment.
Keep happy, keep safe - we've got Christmas soon !!

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