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Has anyone managed to connect to sante.fr today?


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I tried sante.fr a couple of times and also received the message about all times already taken.

I then registered for doctolib.fr and found time slots. However, having selected times for the first and second injections, it failed to confirm the reservations.

Perhaps I'll try again next week.

It seems we are not alone. Problems reported everywhere in France https://www.lefigaro.fr/social/j-y-ai-passe-la-matinee-sans-decrocher-de-creneau-la-galere-des-prises-de-rendez-vous-pour-la-vaccination-des-plus-de-75-ans-20210114

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Went to the santé site this morning to try for a second jab, but it said that all rdv's were taken

Tried a couple of hours later, and it was up and running again.

I connected to the page for Aude, chose the same centre as before, and was taken to the page where I saw motif de consultation, from where I chose 2nde injection vaccine ....

This took me to a date 10 days after the first jab, so I assumed this was the recommended interval, and as there were no slots on the 10th day I made the rdv's for the following day.

Later in the day my wife remarked that she thought the interval should be 3 weeks, so I researched this a bit and found confirmation of that HERE and HERE

After reading the above sources, I looked at the confirmation emails for the new rdv's and clicked on the blue button "DEPLACER RDV"

This took me back to the calendar, where there were plenty of dates and times available, so I made a new choice exactly 21 days after the first jab.

I received new emails to each of us, so both rdv's were changed.

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Tried sante.fr yesterday afternoon and found no problem. Plenty of dates for next week, after having chosen a date and time it automatically popped up with a date for the second jab 3 weeks after the first. Luckily living in the northern extremes of Herault my small local hospital was an authorised site, 5 minutes walk away!!

Friends living next town up from me in the Gard have to go to Nimes nearly 2 hours away, Or do they? Is there anything to say one must go to a place in one's Department even if there is another much nearer in another Dpt?
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There was no mention of being able to make a second appointment on line when I made the first one, but it was said that the second one would be made at the first appointment.

"Notre centre de vaccination vous permet de vous faire vacciner contre le


Via Doctolib, vous pouvez directement réserver votre consultation

correspondant à la première injection du vaccin. Veuillez respecter les

consignes qui seront affichées durant la prise de rendez-vous et

notamment le fait que vous ayez le droit de vous faire vacciner.

Le jour de votre rendez-vous, à votre arrivée au centre, vous

commencerez par un entretien avec un soignant. Une première injection du

vaccin vous sera ensuite administrée et la planification du second

Afin de ne pas oublier votre second rendez-vous pour votre

seconde injection, vous recevrez un rappel par SMS et par email

After  reading the posts here I tried to make a second one but the  page no longer exists (error 404) 


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[quote user="mint"]
 And this is the message:  Tous les

rendez-vous de vaccination ont déjà été réservés. De nouvelles

disponibilités seront accessibles dans les prochains jours.

I have just revisited my local centre's site and for 1st vaccination there is the above message. For 2nd vaccinations there are a handfull of appointments at the end of February and begining of March.

However, only a couple of weeks ago the government was stating the reason for the slow vaccination rollout in France was due to 46% of french people's resistance to vaccinations. If that is the case, how is it two weeks down the line, when the vaccination programme is up and running, there are no 1st vaccinations available?

Shouldn't there be at least 30% to 40% of appointments still available 24 hours after the rollout of the programme or was the governments statement just a propaganda exercise and lame excuse to cover up major inefficiencies in their ability to co-ordinate a national vaccination programme?

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I rather think it is to give the impression of a shortage so as to encourage all the 'anti vaxxers' to change  their minds.

We will see in a while  whether it has worked.

The policy certainly seems to make sure that the most vulnerable people (plus front-line carers) have both a first and a  second injection, rather than rushing out single doses to more people.

As far as I know the results of the test stages of the vaccine  were obtained with the double injection model, so the single version is  rather a 'shot in the dark'.

I am not qualified to judge which is the better option.
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I have visited the site several times during the day since about 9.30 this morning and have noticed differences on each visit.

I saw the "no availabilty" message on one occasion, but a short while later there were plenty of slots. Some of these were very soon, and were probably the result of cancellations and RDV changes.

I think that RDV's within the next 3 weeks or so of those already booked have been restricted to allow people to make econd RDV's within the recommended time frame.

I also think that the software for the site was written fairly hastily, and that errors and shortcomings are being progressively remedied as reports come in from users.

In other words, there are a series of "beta" versions rather than any sort of "cover-up", and if problems are experienced they will very soon be sorted, as there are probably hundreds of people reporting them.

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I went straight to Doctolib as there is a centre listed in our village (yippee - I can even walk to it), and did an experimental try - I'm techinically not the right age group - yet - and though being treated for cancer it is not chemo, so more in the line of research for now.  Will check with my GP who I will see towards the end of the  month, and then see how it goes .. it does seem rather to depend on where you are ..

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At last, I have been able to find out why I have been unable to get OH's RV. Our local centre is only opening from next Tues and is in any case only open for 3 days a week. So far all RVs have been for those in the EHPADs and carers over 50 with comorbidity.

From next week, RVs will be doled out to anyone over 75 in the wider population. By "from next week", I think they mean that, IF you are lucky, doctolib or the phone number they give will maybe start working for you to book your RVs
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Just back after getting the vaccination . It took about 2 seconds, however the administration took 2 hours and 26 minutes.
No social distancing, very badly organized, people turning up without having made an appointment.

The area for the vaccination was at the entrance to the hospital, could not have been a worst place, people parking on roundabouts etc, inside no body was in charge, after the administration was done, people queued in a corridor , no social distancing and no system in place to indicate who was next for the injection, over 45 people in the corridor at any one time, tempers frayed very easily.

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[quote user="danny"]
Just back after getting the vaccination . It took about 2 seconds, however the administration took 2 hours and 26 minutes.
No social distancing, very badly organized, people turning up without having made an appointment.

The area for the vaccination was at the entrance to the hospital, could not have been a worst place, people parking on roundabouts etc, inside no body was in charge, after the administration was done, people queued in a corridor , no social distancing and no system in place to indicate who was next for the injection, over 45 people in the corridor at any one time, tempers frayed very easily.


Which hospital was that, please?

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Yikes, danny, I sympathise.

I haven't yet found a "free" date and there are now no dates at all until after 24 jan. Still, for me, merely have our preferred centre listed seems like a miracle.

I am trying not to get wound up about this as I have other pressing things to do.
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Have been checking the website each morning and each evening. Yesterday evening there were appointments listed. I went on the site and tried to get one for, the nearest time, end of the month.

Whilst I was on the site every time I tried too get a reservation they were disappearing before I could get them confirmed. Pretty evident that there is a large number of people trying to get an appointment.

Eventually I got one for 11 February. Better to have one, even at that distance in time, than not.

The site also paired me automatically for the second vaccination four weeks later. Just have to keep fingers crossed that they get the supplies,

Only concern I have is that MOH is not quite old enough to qualify yet so my concern is for her. I qualified, comfortably, on age!!

For info that is at my nearest centre which is Nontron,
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A few photos from  Fessebeurck of our centre...I haven't been there yet myself..





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I tried at Narbonne at one point, a town that is close but in the next département.
As it came up  that all the RDV were taken I didn't get as far as  trying to book a place. I don't recall being asked for my department.

On the other hand the Goverment released stocks of the vaccine based on the numbers of over 75s in each department among other criteria, so it may cause a problem..

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I tried to book a RV at our previous address, but the site said that I wasn't entitled (not the right word but can't think of the exact French one) to a RV there.

So I conclude that the answer to my own question must be "no".  It's just that a neighbour (anglaise) rang to tell me she had a friend who got a jab in a place just south of Angoûleme.  On further questioning, I was NOT surprised to get her to remember that her friend lived in the Charente.  I get this sort of misinformation all the time from this particular person, never seems to have any idea of any thing going on despite having lived here in excess of 25 years. 

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Well I had my first injection today. All extremely well-organised, with a team of young, smiling and welcoming professionals. Even the young security guards (in PC parlance 'of African heritage'...it is Béziers remember, not La France Profonde) offered to get me a wheelchair..

As I had been told the second appointment  (for the 27th Feb) was made a the desk on leaving, so I needn't have been concerned that I hadn't been able to make it online.

I hope that those of you still waiting will be able to get an appointment as soon as possible.

As a strange co-incidence a friend of mine who used to put me up when I visited the UK after moving to France  had a call from the local  vaccination centre, but it was for ME not for him. We are still trying to work out how they still have my details.

When I was chatting to the nurse who vaccinated me she said 'here we have VSLs..will they be sending you a private jet to get you over there?' [:)]

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