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Covid tests for coming to France, an apparent change of policy


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Valid 20 June at least. The link seems to suggest that for those who have had both jabs there is no longer a requirement to have a test before coming but you will have to swear sur honneur that you have no symptoms:

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I have followed your link, translated into English and can’t believe it! It seems very clear that I no longer need a test before leaving UK for France.

Why has it not hit the newspapers with some force? Please, could someone confirm this is the new, true state of affairs? This would save us a trip to Fareham and the cost of two tests.

Thanks for highlighting this change.

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I have seen French govt. sites in English which suggest that a test IS still needed. Again, caution is the watchword in my case.

Oh Norman, have they run out of the Beano? OK then you can read the Guardian, but stick to the cartoons. You know what some of their articles do to your blood pressure!
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Talking about cartoons, I saw one I enjoyed recently but I don't think it was in the Guardian.

There was depicted a wedding (with reference to the covid rules surrounding weddings, I think, or maybe a bit of a nod to Boris's most recent wedding) where the happy bride and groom were surrounded by assorted guests.  There was a big arc drawn through the air and the caption was "I don't know about your bouquet but the bridesmaid caught the hand sanitiser!"

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[quote user="anotherbanana"]Alistair, my feeling is that it is best to wait a couple of days ro see if this is confirmed, so I shall book a test just in case or at least be ready to do so.

Guess we will have to watch the website and cross fingers.[/quote]

We had a 75 mile round trip to Boots in Fareham for our antigen tests. All very efficient and we received negative results by email on our way home.

That site was misleading us with a bit of mis-cut and pasting and has since been corrected so we are all back to testing bot( ways.

On our way tomorrow night.

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