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A number of new measures against Covid


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Nothing really startling as most of it has been endlessly speculated on in the press and on tv.

What was unexpected was the rallying cry (not much disguised) for next year's election.  Unexpected in the sense that we all thought it would be about the pandemic and measures to tackle it but the political stuff took roughly half of his tv address.

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[quote user="betise"]And yet over 900,000 rendezvous for vaccination were registered on the doctolib site after his speech last night, which is an amazing response.[/quote]

Yes, betise, and today a record number of vaccinations.  I think the French government has been very courageous to have taken this step.  Mountains of criticisms, of course, but it has made the difficult decisions and that's why we elect governments....to make the difficult decisions and do the unpopular things, when the occasion demands.

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[quote user="anotherbanana"]Surely, they are only doing what they should have done in the first place?[/quote]

Actually, in this instance, I don't think that they could have done what they are doing now.  This action has been provoked by the Delta variant and it's clear it is going to sweep through all of Europe.

As they say, for everything there is a season.  And this is the right time to take action.  Imagine, if Macron had made last night's speech last year or even earlier this year, the French would have been literally up in arms.  As it is, there are lots and lots and lots of opposition but there is nevertheless a majority who approve.

So, that's called good government.  You pick your time as politics is indeed the art of the possible.

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Norman, the Telegraph? You’ll be reading the Daily Mail next!

Short memories here; remember the chaos of the French vaccination programme which was so incompetent, slow and bureaucratic that it took 15 minutes plus to get the shot and one had to fill in Bobo knows how many formulaire. And slowwwwwwww.
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[quote user="NormanH"]
I am not sure that one can say that he " called Covid wrong the first time"

Are you mixing him up with  someone else? [6]


Indeed, more of the usual with Someone Else.....too little, too late on account of chaotic thinking, indecision and a reluctance to commit.

So now "thinking" of a covid passport or pass sanitaire (your link, Norman).  Thinking is good but perhaps Doing is better?

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As someone commented elsewhere:

(Govt) You'll die if you don't get vaccinated!

(Les français) Pff! (Gallic shrug)

(Govt) You can't go into bars and restaurants if you're not vaccinated.

(Les français) .... er ...

(Doctolib) *crashes*
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