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Advice re maintenance of rental property


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We  have let our house long term on a French tenancy contract.  The contract outlines clearly what are our responsbilities and what are our tenants but it seems every time something goes wrong that should be their responsibility they tell us that 'we've only been in the house X months so it can't be our fault'. Up until now we've paid for everything but now that they are well into their first year, we feel that it is time for them to stop using this excuse. I know when you buy a house you are taking it 'as seen' as long as there are no vices cachees. Is it the same for rentals? I've looked on various websites (anil, vosdroits, etc) but can't see anything written.  They are lovely tenants and we don't want to upset them but we are worried that this is going to become an issue.

Thanks in advance

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What kind of thing our we talking about here? Issues with things like plumbing, roof etc, the fabric of the building are all the owners responsibiity and this is standard both in France and the UK. What items are you expecting the renter to pay for?

As for taking it as seen, well yes to an extent they cant demand a brand new kitchen if the old one is functional for example but upkeep of the building is the owners responsibility, if the roof gets damaged for example then that's repaired out of your pocket not theirs.
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Generally the owner has responsibility for the vast majority of problems except for minor day to day repairs. The attached link will be of assistance.


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No, I wasn't talking about major repairs however our French contract goes into great detail about who is responsible for what and it does require the tenants to be responsible for things like maintenance and repair of water pipes, maintenance and repair of the gas boiler, etc, maintenance and repair of pool equipment and it's these things that are causing the problem.  We understand that we are responsible for the fabric of the building and major repairs.
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[quote user="thepenofmyaunt"] ...  our French contract goes into great detail about who is responsible for what and it does require the tenants to be responsible for things like maintenance and repair of water pipe . [/quote]

So does our contract, but our landlord has paid a plumber to have repaired all water-pipe leaks - 2 so far - in the nearly 5 years we have been here. He has also paid to have rectified various problems with the 'volets roulants' and there have been quite a few of those - none of them our fault, just wear and tear.

[quote user="thepenofmyaunt"]

... maintenance and repair of the gas boiler, etc, [/quote]

Repair is down to you, annual service down to the tenant - though I've heard some landlords pay for this too - just to make sure it is done.


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[quote user="thepenofmyaunt"] So what's the point of having a contract outlining Tenant and Landlord obligations then? [/quote]

Vis-a-vis the lack of replies to your last comment then I would venture the thought that, as with many things in France, the points/obligations in question are down to interpretation.


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