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English over French XP

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Give it a go, what's the worst that could happen? It didn't work and you had to format the HD and start again.

Don't forget you are supposed to uninstall it from the PC you 1st registered it with/on/from, your EULA only works for one machine (or is 'Pro' different from 'home' ? ,


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Hi Chris,


It looks as if it can be done – but not easily!  Have a look at this article on the Microsoft Website:  http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;282089


So long as your Pro CD is a “full product” rather than an “upgrade”, it would be easier to format your hard drive and install XP Pro.  You’ll probably need to have the drivers for your video / sound card, DVD, etc etc.



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you should be able to do a clean install, but not an upgrade.

As a developer I've had to do this many times - usually with Japanese XP / English XP.

As it's a new computer what have you got to lose? You should have the discs for any additional software that came bundled with it, and drivers are readily downloadable from the net if the defaults aren't optimal.

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If it's XP Pro you can install it to a different area of the disc and have dual boot, I have done this and it's not a problem. The next thing is that you will have to then install the applictions you require in to that version of Windows so you could end up doubling your used disk space. Don't forget the keyboard. you will need a UK one as well but then they are very cheap. I bet somebody will say you can work the keyboard out or put little stickers over the keys but for long term use it's a pain in the rear your much better off replacing it.

I forgot, if the original is XP Home edition then XP Pro will create the dual boot but I am not sure if Home Edition will create a dual boot but you can always look on the Microsoft website.

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I have just done this and it was far easier to reformat the hard drive and install XP professional in English. Being a Dell, all drivers and software came on separate disks so there was not the problem of having all installed products on a reinstall disk which was an 'all or nothing' problem. This has happened when I have tried to help others with machines from other manufacturers.

Dual booting does seem an option but as I really did not want a French version of everything I did not bother with that.

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