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Help please - satellite dishes banned!

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We live in Department 79 and have sky free to view with no problems.

We are buying a new holiday apartment in Leucate near Perpignan and we had planned to take our sky box and free to view card with us, and then erect a dish to receive the signals after buying a new French tv.

We have just found out that on the holiday development, all satellite dishes or terrestial aerials are banned.  There will be a central dish system sending tv signals by cable to each house, but we are told that these will be only French and German tv channels.  At this time they could not give technical details as the full set up will be determined by a residents comittee (all French and German) when the development opens in early July.  We can ask for British tv, and the committee will consider the matter.

Does any one know if we could plug the sky dish into the house tv cable and receive free to view, or is there any way of setting up a portable sky dish through a window or on a moveable tripod on the terrace?

Alternatively does anyone know what questions we should ask the committee, or what reception we should ask for?

Many thanks in advance.


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[quote]We live in Department 79 and have sky free to view with no problems. We are buying a new holiday apartment in Leucate near Perpignan and we had planned to take our sky box and free to view card with ...[/quote]


If you have a garden put the dish there.


Good luck


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[quote]Hi, If you have a garden put the dish there. Good luck Richard[/quote]

Unlikely; the satellite the dish will be pointed at is probably not going to be 28.xE where the Sky and the (English) free-to-air channels are to be found.

Do you have a slightly-east-of-south aspect from your terrace? You could try a mini dish (shielded with pot plants), on a small trypod. You'll probably lose the signal in poor weather but it would still be better than nothing.


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I believe it is against French law for you to be denied access to transmissions in the language of of your choice.  Please excuse the translation appended:

Contrary to the generally accepted ideas, the installation of an individual, hertzian or satellite antenna, is free! It is necessary however to comply with the legal rules of the right to the antenna. These steps, sometimes constraining, will undoubtedly open the doors of the satellite sky to you. The installation of a parabolic aerial is indeed a law guaranteed by the law. The legal base of the right to the antenna freedom of audio-visual reception is a fundamental freedom resulting from the right to information proclaimed by article 11 of the Declaration of the rights of man and of the Citizen of 1789 who forms integral part of the constitution of Ve République. Thus in decided the constitutional Council in its N°86-217 decision of September 18, 1986. This freedom is also proclaimed by article 10 of the European Convention of safeguard of the Humans right, ratified by France in 1974. In national law, the freedom of audio-visual reception was arranged by the law N°66-457 of July 2, 1966 amended twice by the N°90-117 laws of December 23, 1990 and N°92-653 of July 13, 1992 and by its decree of N°67-1171 application of 22 December 1967, itself modified by a decree of 27 Mars 1993. The right of audio-visual reception applies to any citizen, whom it lives in house, in multifamily apartment or which he is tenant or joint owner. If the owner, tenant or occupying in good faith profit from the principle of freedom of installation, it will have nevertheless to conform to the procedure defined by the decree of December 22, 1967 to be able to exert its right. Indeed, the article 1st subparagraph 1 of the law of July 2, 1966 lays out that: "the owner cannot, notwithstanding any contrary convention, concluded even before, to be opposed, without serious reason and legitimates, with the installation, maintenance or the replacement, the expenses of one or more tenants or occupants in good faith, of a receiving antenna external of broadcasting. He cannot, under the same conditions, to be opposed to the connection of a tenant or occupying in good faith with a network distributing by cable of the services of sound broadcasting or television ".


Which are your obligations? The decree of December 22, 1967 described the procedure to be followed by the joint owner, the tenant or the occupant to carry out the installation of an individual antenna in good faith. Thus, it lays out in its article 1st: "Before carrying out work of installation, maintenance or replacement of a reception antenna of sound broadcasting or television, or of a transmitting and receiving antenna of broadcasting of a station of amateur or with work of connection to a cabled network mentioned by the article 1st of the law n°66-457 of July 2, 1966 referred to above, the tenant or the occupant in good faith must inform of it the owner by letter registered with request for notice of receipt. A detailed description of work to be undertaken is joined to this notification, matched if it is necessary, of a plan or a diagram, except if the establishment of this plan were made impossible because of the owner. The notification must also indicate the nature of the services of sound broadcasting or television whose reception will be obtained using the individual installation ". The tenant, or occupying it in good faith, before carrying out work of installation of the individual antenna, must carry out a request near the owner of the building, or the administrator of goods of this one or with the syndic of joint ownership which manages the building where the applicant lives. Within the framework of a joint ownership, the owner, tenant or the occupant in good faith will address his request to the joint owners and to the syndic (article 1 of the decree of December 22, 1967). If the building belongs to a company, the request must be addressed to the legal representative of this one and, if necessary, to the carrier of shares which authorized the lease.


Which answers to be waited? The seized owner of a request for installation of an individual antenna by a tenant or very occupying in good faith will hardly have of preclusion, to seize the Magistrates' court within three month, if it intends to be opposed to the request which was formulated. The Magistrates' court will rule on the cogency of the request to authorize or not the installation of antenna. If the owner does not seize the Magistrates' court within three month, the right to install the antenna by the tenant or the occupant in good faith will be famous asset. Within the framework of a joint ownership, the syndic will have after reception of the request formulated by the joint owner, tenant or the occupant in good faith, to convene a General meeting in order to rule on the request for installation of the individual antenna (article 17 of the law of July 10, 1965). In addition, if the syndic does not proceed to the convocation of the General meeting or if the Magistrates' court is not seized within three month, the righ

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I copied this from Canal+ files: http://espaceclient.canalplus.canal-plus.com/pid321.htm



L'installation d'une antenne collective en copropriété relève de l'article 25 de

la loi de 1965 (majorité). Le copropriétaire occupant aura donc tout intérêt à

réunir une majorité des voix des copropriétaires dans l'immeuble susceptible

de voter les travaux avant de se résoudre à procéder lui-même à l'installation

d'une antenne individuelle.



Dans tous les cas de figure une décision de l'Assemblée Générale s'impose.

le copropriétaire occupant saisit par conséquent le Syndic de sa demande

d'installation d'une antenne individuelle par lettre recommandée avec AR.

Il y joint un descriptif détaillé des travaux projetés ainsi qu'un plan et un schéma.

le Syndic réunit une Assemblée Générale (art. 9 du décret du 17 mars 1967).

celle-ci est appelée à voter à la majorité des voix de tous les copropriétaires

en première assemblée et à la majorité des copropriétaires présents sur une

seconde convocation essentielle (défaut de quorum).

on peut penser que la combinaison logique des dispositions de la loi de

1966 et de celle de 1965 devrait conduire l'Assemblée Générale à se

prononcer dans un délai de 3 mois. Il sera néanmoins prudent de faire

preuve d'une certaine sagesse d 'appréciation à cet égard avant de procéder

aux travaux d'installation d'une antenne individuelle sur le fondement d'une

autorisation implicite.

en cas de réponse positive de l’Assemblée Générale, la copropriété peut

être fondée à fixer certaines modalités restrictives concernant l'exécution des

travaux, pour autant que celles-ci ne constituent pas un refus déguisé portant

atteinte au droit à l'antenne.




en cas de réponse négative de l'Assemblée Générale, le copropriétaire

occupant sera donc contraint de saisir le Tribunal de Grande Instance du

lieu de situation de l'immeuble pour solliciter l'autorisation que la copropriété

lui aura refusée en application de l'article 30 alinéa 4 de la loi de 1965,

le Tribunal de Grande Instance appréciera le fondement des motifs avancés.

As I understand it...

If there is an existing dish/system which does not deliver the languages or channels you want to watch, you are entiltled to request installing your own dish (by registered letter+plans). The request must be put to the vote and answered within a definite time (minimum 3 months).

If the answer is positive , go ahead.

If the answer is negative, take them to court.

At least you now know where to start...

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[quote]Unlikely; the satellite the dish will be pointed at is probably not going to be 28.xE where the Sky and the (English) free-to-air channels are to be found. Do you have a slightly-east-of-south aspec...[/quote]

A mini Dish would not work that well  that far south.

 We have had many clients in the south of France & Northern Spain who can not have dishes on there house or dont like dishes so we have placed Sky Zone2 dishes in there gardens next to bushes out of sight and they work very well with out any complaints.


SIRET - 48003796900015

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Sorry to be so slow in replying, but we have had a lot of thunder storms here and I did not want to fry my computer - again!

Many thanks for the kind and helpful replies, particularly the legal ones.  I will print them off and present them to the committee.  If the committee is bolshie, then I will take the formal steps.

Thanks very much for your help.


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good luck
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you can get disguised dishes ie an external globe lamp.

get wotsat magazine and have a look through.

Dont be put off by the small size of the dish - you will get reception on the smallest of dishes except in the worst of weather

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