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What gadget do I need for UK fax machine?

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I know that there is a gadget ( because its been vaguely mentioned before) that I can use to get my UK fax machine to work in France.

Can anyone ( Nick Trollope )  tell me what it is and where in France I can get one?

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There are two things to consider:

First the French and UK telephone house wiring systems are different: in the UK the ringing signal is extracted from the incoming line (a single pair of wires) by a couple of componets in the master socket and applied to a separate pin in the master socket, and thereafter to a 3rd (green, usually) wire in the wiring to any subsequent secondary sockets. The phones, faxes and modems on sale in the UK generally look for the ring signal on this 3rd wire . The French system requires every apparatus to derive its own ring signal (i.e. every French phone contains the same gubbins as is in a UK master socket), so just 2 wires will suffice to make a phone ring. Many phones on sale in the UK these days have belt-and-braces circuitry which means they

will ring on a French system, but you can't guarantee it.

Secondly a fax is a device which detects a ring-tone and answers automatically. The French and English ring tones are different. Some machines have no difficulty with this, others find it to be a deal-breaker

If you find the fax doesn't ring when connected to a French line, buy a UK master socket, wire it to a French plug, then plug the fax into the UK socket. It should at least now ring. If it doesn't answer, however, you are probably stuffed.

The manufacturer's website might give you a clue....

good luck,


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