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Wanadoo.fr to become orange.fr

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Wanadoo have just announced that from I June, Wanadoo is to be called Orange.  The E mail address will change but your Wanadoo.fr addressses will remain valid so no need to panic or change existing log-ins with wanadoo.fr addresses.  It is assumed that all new log ins after 1 June will be to orange.fr and E-mails will give this as the return address.
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I remember reading about this ages ago but thought it would never actually happen.  Back then I also read about this thing they were doing with a wireless 802.11 web cam connected to your computer and a thing where you can then check on your house (i.e. view the web cam) through your mobile phone) – sort of remote checks whilst e.g. on holiday.  Again I dismissed that ever happening when I read it (thinking its just some idea to generate some publicity) but saw that they have now started offering the service.




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Makes sense I suppose - they're all owned by FT anyway. Concentrating on the "Orange" brand is probably a good marketing plan.  It will be a bit tough on the UK people though as they've only recently got used to being Wanadoo instead of Freeserve !!

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[quote user="Ron Avery"]Wanadoo have just announced that from I June, Wanadoo is to be called Orange.  The E mail address will change but your Wanadoo.fr addressses will remain valid so no need to panic or change existing log-ins with wanadoo.fr addresses.  It is assumed that all new log ins after 1 June will be to orange.fr and E-mails will give this as the return address.[/quote]


Clarification has arrived, wanadoo.fr will remain the E mail address it appears for some time, but users will be offered  a new @orange.fr address later in the year, for I suspect a gradual changeover.


"Vous continuez à utiliser votre adresse de messagerie actuelle @wanadoo.fr pour envoyer et recevoir des messages, ainsi que pour vous identifier sur les services Internet du portail.
Le fonctionnement de votre messagerie n'est pas modifié et vous continuez de bénéficier des options que vous avez éventuellement souscrites (Anti-spam Plus, Anti-virus Mail, Giga Mail, etc.).

Votre adresse @wanadoo.fr reste valide, selon les conditions générales de vente et d'utilisation.
D'ici la fin de l'année 2006, nous vous proposerons de bénéficier, si vous le souhaitez, d'une adresse supplémentaire en @orange.fr pour accéder à votre boîte aux lettres. Nous vous contacterons lorsque cette possibilité sera ouverte".

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  • 2 weeks later...

For a non techie, why do I have to pay for a telephone line and also for broadband? I always thought that one line did it all?

Sorry if I sound dim but I hear don Radio 4 that Orange were to provide telephone/broadband/TV on one line for one monthly fee! Did anyone else here this?

I'm being bombarded by emails from Orange and non of it is makes me any wiser to what's going on (due to my weak language skills).

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It's because France Telecom continue to own the telephone lines unless you are in a zone of 'dégroupage total', i.e. an area where your ISP can completely take over the line (and generally charge you less than FT for the monthly line rental).  Dégroupage seems to be spreading gradually.


Edit - The Orange Wanadoo MaligneTV rebranding under Orange is the subject of this thread.

 It's been on the TV adverts for the last month.

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