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Freebox and FT cablage

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we ordered adsl freebox at the beginning of the month,

the request to France Telecom was done on the 6th.

we received the freebox last thursday, when i plug it in the light keeps blinking clockwise and it does not show the time of the day, i guess this means the line is not ready.

if i check online for my account, it stops at the line 4 : Votre ligne est cours de cablage chez France Telecom

i called free and they told me that it could be the line still not ready, but that often FT does not inform them once it's ready, and that they have no way to check!

what can i do? is there a number for FT i could call?

also.. before i was using teleconnect for all my calls, this has now been cancelled by free as all the calls (or most of them) should be free once adsl is active, but does this mean that for the moment i'm paying the calls to FT?

thanks for any help

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If I was you.... I would...

Make absolutely certain that all telephones are unplugged in the property and therefore all sockets are unused - very important!

Plug in the Freebox and test to see if it will pick up the ADSL signal - if needs be try each of your sockets.

If you cannot pick up a signal then the next steps are....

1. Make sure that Teleconnect have disconnected their preselection system.

2. Phone FT on 1013 and see if they will check the line.

Having set up numerous Freebox systems it may be that FT are having difficulty in providing the ADSL connection, past experience with FT has shown this to be a possible problem.

Yes if Teleconnect have disconnected then you are paying FT for calls - www.telerabais.com is a good short term provider with no sign up required as they bill via your normal FT facture.

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  • 2 weeks later...

finally got ti!

FT did the cablage on monday, but they did something wrong and the line went dead until this morning, friday!

anyway now i'm in adsl!!!

just one more question, to benefit of the free calls with Freebox, i understand i have to plug my phone on the filter out of the freebox, but if i try there is no line...

..do i have to do something to activated it?



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[quote user="Chauffour"]

finally got ti!

FT did the cablage on monday, but they did something wrong and the line went dead until this morning, friday!

anyway now i'm in adsl!!!

just one more question, to benefit of the free calls with Freebox, i understand i have to plug my phone on the filter out of the freebox, but if i try there is no line...

..do i have to do something to activated it?




Yes you do.

Look back at the emails you received from Free when you signed up and you will find the equivalent of a user name and password, (identifiant & mot de passe), then go to the Free website again and click abonnment freebox on the left hand gutter, then select telephonie, and it will step you through the process. Eventually, you will be asked to choose a number etc,  (sorry if this is a bit vague but I've just been on the site to check the process, but because I'm already signed up, I can't  'go through the motions' again). They will confirm you have registered the number. Then the next time their computer does a system update it will activate the freebox. This may take a day or two (I did it on a Friday afternoon and the line didn't acquire its dialing tone until the Tuesday morning).

On the matter of routing until then, did you not get an email something like this ? --

"Chère utilisatrice, Cher utilisateur,

Depuis le 8 Aout 2006, vos

appels à partir de la ligne de telephone

France Télécom [my number] passent

automatiquement par le réseau de Free pour

toutes vos communications locales,

nationales, internationales et vers GSM.

Nous vous rappelons que la

présélection ne concerne pas les numéros

spéciaux et numéros courts que

France Telecom continue à acheminer et à


My reading of that is that calls made from my ordinary FT line are now going via Free, and charged at their rates. Of course, this might have been something else I signed up for; I'm a bit of a buggar for ticking boxes on these forms!


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P said

"My reading of that is that calls made from my ordinary FT line are now

going via Free, and charged at their rates. Of course, this might have

been something else I signed up for; I'm a bit of a buggar for ticking

boxes on these forms!"

P  - you have plugged a phone into the back of the Freebox haven't you? That's the one that gives you free phonecalls - the FT line via Free gives you discounted phonecalls.

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[quote user="Leslauriers"]P said

"My reading of that is that calls made from my ordinary FT line are now

going via Free, and charged at their rates. Of course, this might have

been something else I signed up for; I'm a bit of a buggar for ticking

boxes on these forms!"

P  - you have plugged a phone into the back of the Freebox haven't you? That's the one that gives you free phonecalls - the FT line via Free gives you discounted phonecalls.


Oh yes, I'VE got MY outgoing phone plugged into the back of the box (since the line was activated on the following Tuesday,); it was in answer to the original poster who had trouble getting their line ADSL'd, then had no dial tone when the phone was plugged into the Freebox.

DO keep up, Les ! <g>  [can't make smilies work]


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ok i did set up the number and now i'm waiting for the line to go active on the back of the freebox.


yesterday after a few hours working fine, the freebox went in a PPP status... i had to call the help line and they showed me the solution... unplug and replug the box 5 times! after that it does a reboot and it restarts fine... the all process takes 5 minutes, clever move from free, so they can keep you on the phone at 0.34c per minute!!!


also i want to thank  Ian who called me yesterday and helped me to define the phone number


...and last night for the first time i listened to an italian radio.

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Yea, mine did that the other day. halfway through posting something to this site, I spotted the box flashing 'PPP'. So I pulled the plug out of the back, waited 10 seconds and plugged it in again and it did the 'chasing snake in an oblong ' thing, then flashed ppp for a minute or two, then normal service was resumed.

I think you have to expect this sort of thing if you live out in the sticks like we do. (to my mind it's a miracle we have any services at all : water, TV phone, internet etc.!)

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