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British telephones, is there an adapter?

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I've seen it elsewhere on the forum that French cordless phones will work in the UK if you can get an adapter, so I assume the reverse is true, in theory.  As to where you actually get an adapter and whether it would be legal (type approved), someone else may know.

There seem to be plenty of sources for converting US RJ-11 telephone plugs to French, but not for UK to French.  There is one for UK to US:



but it's from a US site and then you'd need one for US to French.  Bit of a palaver!

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[quote user="Keith Wilson"]I have a great cordless system of four phones and would like to take them with me, is it possible to fit an adapter?[/quote]

We asked the same question when we moved here. All our friends have done the same. The short answer seems to be, No. Bite the bullet and change over.

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They do exist, but haven't got a clue where you might buy them, because they were left behind for us by the previous (Brit) owner.

Maybe France Telecom shops, or somewhere like Planet Saturn, which is pretty comprehensive but am unaware how widespread the stores are. 

As suggested, buying afresh might well be the easiest option.

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I got an adaptor for my modem (which is the same as a phone isn't it?) when we arrived over here from the local computer shop. At the time I didn't know it was possible and lugged the whole computer with me as I thought he would have to change the lead (which went straight into the back of the unit, not plugged in). I did feel a prat when he just produced an adaptor[:$]

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The wall plug is different but the phone end is the same as Uk. All we did was to buy a new lead with French plug one end and plug the other end straight into the phone in place of Uk lead. Our UK Panasonic cordless set works fine.


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Don't all reasonably new phones have the plug-in cords?  We had one of those systems (only got up to two phones though) in the UK, brought it with us and just bought the new French lead and plugged it into the main set.
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Provided you have the correct adaptor most UK telephone equipment will work in France including DECT phones and faxes. As well as the correct adaptor it must also includes a ring capacitor to ensure your UK telephone rings on incoming calls. This company will be able to provide the type of adaptor you require, just look for the UK to France adapter.  http://www.revealcable.co.uk/acatalog/Telephone_Country_Adapters.html



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[quote user="St Amour"]Don't all reasonably new phones have the plug-in cords?  We had one of those systems (only got up to two phones though) in the UK, brought it with us and just bought the new French lead and plugged it into the main set.[/quote]

No idea - it's donkey's years since I bought a UK phone.

That's neat, Baz - how did you find that site?

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[quote user="Cassis"]
That's neat, Baz - how did you find that site?

This site has been mentioned in the past and I add to my favourites anything that might have a useful future use. The question of telephone equipment use in France turns up here at least once a month, it is a pity there is no simple way of finding quick links for members to search.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Faced with the same problems, want to use existing UK telecoms and PC equipment when I move to France in a few weeks. I found these suppliers as a source for phone connectors.

There is one type of connector for the BT wall phone type connector and another for the smaller type used on PC's such as laptops. Haven't used them just found the site through searches. There are some French adaptors that are capable of being piggy backed, having another adaptor plugged into the plug to give you more than one connection, handy for using a fax or answerphone with a cordless base unit for instance.

Maplin in UK used to do a multi phone connector and also a French type adaptor but now seems to have gone from the latest catalogue.







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In my experience some phones do, others don't and I cannot comment on the reasons. Adaptors are easy to get (all over the place) and I've tried several and they all have the same results. When I moved over, some of mu UK telephone stuff worked OK, others "lost functionality"). For example, a standard BT cables handset worked fine except it would not ring. Answerphone was a bit "iffy" about answering as well. I've now (several years later) switched over to all French purchased stuff.

If you can afford to miss a few calls through technical problems then give it a go you will soon find what is OK and what is not. I would not buy and telephone stuff in the UK before moving just in case it does not work - wait and buy it in France. If you are moving with e.g. a business and the telephone is important then buy some new stuff over here (its not that expensive).

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I would agree with that, many things work in both coutries by just using the right adaptor but some things don't work. English telephones that don't ring in France and answering machines that don't answer seem quite common. If it's something that is sold in both countries, like Philips or Siemens (our French Doro Matra phones were sold in Britain as Audioline for example) then it stands a better chance. Always worth a try though.
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