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New NRJ Mobile tarifs leaked

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New NRJ recharge tarifs leaked by a couple of websites:

Les recharges classiques :

5 euros : 60 SMS ; valable 7 jours
10 euros : 22 minutes de communication ou 100 SMS ; valable 15 jours
15 euros : 33 minutes de communication ou 150 SMS ; valable 1 mois
25 euros : 55 minutes de communication ou 250 SMS ; valable 2 mois
35 euros : 1 heure et 25 minutes de communication ou 385 SMS ; valable 3 mois
65 euros : 2 heures et 50 minutes de communication ou 720 SMS ; valable 4 mois

I'm sure you'll be delighted to know that for all recharges of 20€, you can download a pigging song for free!

More at http://www.generation-nt.com/actualites/19241/nrj-mobile-prix-forfaits-bonus-19-octobre/


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[quote user="Sc"]

I'm sure you'll be delighted to know that for all recharges of 20€, you can download a pigging song for free!



Oh whoopy bloody do! Think I'll have to check my SFR sim & see if it still works! Cheers Steve

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I was thinking about NRJ PAYG but decided to go for one on the low monthly cost contracts (I did Orange but the other do them as well). The prospects of NRJ staying on the previous "deal" were always doubtful given the French mobile market. However, the Orange (and others) 7€ per month and slightly cheaper calls than PAYG it now looks like these are better suited for low use. I had to have Orange or SFR for coverage at home and Orange gives you caller ID included where SFR do not (on their low cost deal) - at least when I took out the contract that was the case. The low cost contract were better for me as there was no need to remember to top-up, then finding you've forgotten and are running out whilst e.g. visiting UK, etc.

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"So about as crap for me as the orange sim card I switched from."

Me too.

Ian, do you know off-hand whether any of the 7€ contracts offer carry-forward of unused minutes? I believe Debitel have a PAYG card offer that works out at 7€ pm too.


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The 7€ Orange (and others) thing is not a PAYG but a true contract. They take their money from your account (7€ plus use charges) each month. Its like any other contracted one except the monthly charge is low, call costs high (but often less than PAYG). No top-up, nothing like that - just use the phone. Another aspect is that its a "sans-engagement" contract.

The 7€ contract I've got has no minutes with it when I took it out. Was in a FT shop the other day and it looked like it now (might) have 10 mins per month with it - but not 100% as I hardly ever make calls. I would doubt it does carry forward but to be honest I don't know. Will be interesting as they gave me 90 mins credit the other day (60 mins used talking to them, plus 30 mins as I got a bit angry with them).

From checking my account I have not been accumulating minutes. I have the credit which I will try to use. Phoning their customer services is a real rip-off as you pay for the call at standard mobile rates. they will credit you the time but you still pay for the call and if you don't use the credited time then you lose it. I have to use my credited time before 20/Nov when I guess I will lose it.

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Just looked on espace client on the NRJ site and they have details of the new charges,but I was interested by the questions.


    Ton credit reste sans duree de validite tant que tu ne recharge pas, mais tu benificies tout de meme des nouveaux tarifs.

     NRJ mobile ne resiliera ta ligne que si tu n'as pas passe d'appel facture pendant une periode de 6 mois.(copied sans accents!)

         So......no mention of p....... off elsewhere in 6 months if you don't like it! The solution seems to be to top up enough before Oct 19th and the occasional call should keep me going for some years! Unless of course they change the goalposts again!

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Hello Ruth

Thanks for that information - I had not seen that on the website. 

May as well stick a few euros-worth on it as it will still be cheaper for us than anything else on offer, as we only really have a mobile in order to take calls when we are away from home. 

Must make a note in the diary to use it once in a blue moon for an outgoing call!

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