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Sky Broadband

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Seems to be my day for daft postings...

Has anyone else registered with Sky for their free broadband service (for a UK address obviously), using a computer o/s the UK? Given that the location of the sending ISP can be determined by the software at the receiving end, I'm worried it could be the equivalent of ringing the service centre from the middle of France. I shall only be in the UK for a few days and - given that it's a location currently without broadband - there's probably a lead time for getting it turned on, which is my reason for not leaving it until I'm there.

I'm surely not the first to try this......


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No personal experience but they are coming in for a lot of criticism about poor performance, poor customer service and poor equipment quality. http://business.guardian.co.uk/story/0,,1873478,00.html.

(Sorry you will have to cut and paste the link if you are interested)

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  • 4 weeks later...

In general you can access data such as your mail account or the details of your account by going to the appropriate home page and then logging in with the correct user name and password.

Having had BT broadband at home and then used either Vodaphone 3G, V21 dial up or often a local wireless connection when in a hotel or other hotspot, I haven't found any problems getting my stuff so far.

I have just found out from BT that it is possible to retain your email address with out having to pay out for a connected service, you just pay for a 'Premium Mail Address' and that is it.

What has always put me off moving from one ISP to another has been the loss of my mail address and the break in services. Now I am moving to France full time,  I'm hoping to overcome this by keeping my own mail accounts open back in UK even if I have to pay for them.



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Why not have a yahoo.co.uk e mail address, you can access from anywhere in the world. Its free, we can and do use our yahoo mail addresses in France, UK, U.A.E - anywhere and everywhere. No (or very little) spam as well.

A broadcast e mail to all your contacts telling them of the change will solve the continuity situation.

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As Nick says it is irrelevant where you take your sky equipment -France, Spain, Timbuktu.  Your Broadband will ONLY work in the UK as it connects via the telephone line (BT line) NOT the Satelite system.  Therefore you can't use Sky Broadband in France.



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If your only going to be in UK for a short while, you could think about using a wireless hotspot. As others have said, once your logged on line, Outlook Express or your mail account should try to connect you and then download each mail box you have. They are in most airport lounges and a lot of hotels now.

I have had good results from a number of hotels that I have stayed in at various times, using a local WiFi connection, varies from something like a £1 for an hour to £10 for 24 hours connection time. I can usually pick up all my mail and save the cost of using my Vodaphone 3G card.

I also used to run a small dial up account which for £5 a month gave me 15 hours a week access without any call costs. If you go to a hotel you can use a dial up ISP account but the hotel will usually charge you a £1 fee for each connection.

My job then took me away quite a lot so I was trying to cover as many angles as possible.


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[quote user="tel"]


As Nick says it is irrelevant where you take your sky equipment -France, Spain, Timbuktu.  Your Broadband will ONLY work in the UK as it connects via the telephone line (BT line) NOT the Satelite system.  Therefore you can't use Sky Broadband in France.




I'm sure this is the answer to some posting, Tel, but not this one!  - If you had taken the trouble to actually read the original you would have seen the parentheses containing the line ".. for a UK address, obviously."

I may not be very bright or especially computer literate  (for example I am completely at sea when it comes to IP addresses - fixed and virtual - and port forwarding, as witnessed by an earlier posting) but I do understand the fact that a home broadband service still needs to be connected by a pair of copper wires supplied by (if not still controlled by ) BT !


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[quote user="Gyn_Paul"]Seems to be my day for daft postings...

Has anyone else registered with Sky for their free broadband service (for a UK address obviously), using a computer o/s the UK? Given that the location of the sending ISP can be determined by the software at the receiving end, I'm worried it could be the equivalent of ringing the service centre from the middle of France. I shall only be in the UK for a few days and - given that it's a location currently without broadband - there's probably a lead time for getting it turned on, which is my reason for not leaving it until I'm there.

I'm surely not the first to try this......



I did read your post carefully, the highlighted section gives me the impression you want to register in the UK, BUT take it to France to use.  Hence my reply.

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