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Freebox and downloads

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I've had a Freebox for a couple of weeks now and - after a problematic start - I now have the pc connected by either Ethernet cable or WiFi card and the laptop connected by its own WiFi card.

Both happily talking to the internet and dowloading files with no problem.

But suddenly none of my torrent software will connect: I've tried Limewire, Morpheus, and Azureus and none of them will connect, search, or - of course - download which is odd because I downloaded an episode of 'House' a couple of days ago.

I've uninstalled all but LimeWire, and tried adding the programme name and listening port to the individual settings of the Windows Network Connections (both the Ethernet settings and the WiFi settings): I've tried adding the same to the XP's Firewall 'exceptions'; I've even tried it with the firewall removed, and each time the programme reports that there is a firewall so I can only assume it is a function of the Freebox.

I've rummaged around the Free.fr account pages (including the ones with a spanner!) but can't find any help or option other than to force it to use a fixed IP address, which looks a bit scary.

Anyone else had this problem, and if so, what was the solution ?

The annoying thing is that the 'help' pages of each of the above programmes - sooner or later - are reduced to telling you to, 'consult the manual which came with your router' not an option open to the Freebox user !


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[quote user="Leslauriers"]I don't know if this helps...... but, Ares is working on my system ( inc Freebox) however to get it to work in the first place I had to disable the firewall on my pc before installing the program.


Yes I wondered about that, Les.  So I uninstalled the lot of them and then killed the firewall before re-installing LimeWire and it's still no better. No, I'm now coming to the conclusion that it's a function of the Freebox and its dynamic allocation of IP addresses each time, and  - short of getting it to show a fixed IP  (and that message :Etes vous vraiment sur de vouloir

bénéficier d'une IP fixe ?
Ce processus est pour le moment irréversible!  really frightens me because - no - I'm not sure!) I can't think what to do next !

Well, in for a penny in for a pound, I'll download Ares and give that a try !




Arrrg!!! - came across that under a different name last night. Somewhat reluctant to pay for a software which may or may not work !

back to sq 1. !

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  • 2 months later...
It does sound like an issue with the Freebox. I use a Livebox, and had to setup forwarding within the router for my torrents to work. I also had to configure my torrent client to use a non-default port number. I suspected that the default port may have been 'shaped' or blocked.

For the port fowarding I went to the config pages on the Livebox by entering into my browser and logged into the admin pages. It did say that I should have a fixed IP address but I noticed I always! get allocated the same IP address so I just used that. Configured the port selected in the torrent client to forward to my IP address for both tcp and udp.

Good luck.

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