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Where has B.B.C. Prime gone?

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I have Canal Sat and regularly watch B.B.C. Prime - channel number 364.  It's disappeared since Thursday and I'm not happy. 

According to the T.V. magasine it's still available on Canal Sat.  There is no explaination anywhere.  I called the Customer helpline which are recorded messages to help you modify your channels yoursef and the info they gave me is not helping me get the channel back again. 

I was working in a pub in Lavaur to-night and noticed that they had Canal Sat too so I asked if I could borrow their remote control and have a peep to see if it was a general problem.  They have the same black screen as I have when I tap in 364. 

I love this channel, I need this channel I will be lost without this channel.  Sad but true!  Can anyone tell me that it hasn't been pulled from Canal Sat - PLEASE!!!

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Yes, I don't get it either (we have Canal Sat too).  Haven't in the same time period you haven't.  Peeves me as I am an Eastender fan and missed yesterday's episodes (okay, you can flog me later).

I did not call them as it has always been a waste of time in the past - customer service nearly always blames your dish or says you need to reinstall les chaines (which I have already done several times).  I read the article you posted Twinkle, but it appears to be commentary from Freebox.  Now, I will go to CanalSat's website to see if BBC Prime is still listed there.  This problem has happened several times in the past and it has corrected itself.  I don't know why it seems to happen mainly to BBC Prime.  I figured perhaps they changed their coordinates and Canal just hadn't updated them??? 

If they have dropped BBC Prime, I will have to reconsider my account with them as there are few channels I really like and pay a fortune for so many I don't.

On the same subject, a friend (who does not get Canal Sat) also lost BBC Prime around the same time, so perhaps it is not just Canal Sat.   ??


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As Twinkle has said Canalsat have dropped BBC Prime . The news is also mentioned on their own website, if you look very carefully.


I assume that they think the number of viewers isn't large enough to justify whatever they have to pay to take BBC Prime.

It may also be part of a general deck clearing operation ready for the forthcoming merger with TPS.

I suppose the good news is that you could always use your dish to watch Eastenders etc for  free direct from the BBC on Astra.



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BJSLIV - you know I looked at what seemed like every page of their website (Canal) and I never noted that tiny little sentence at the top of the page. 

Okay, my dish is orientated for CanalSat.  We do have an independent satelite box that we can set to the BBC Prime coordinates (noted on their webpage), however, ....  don't we need a smartcard to actually get the reception?  Sorry to sound dumb, but in this area, dumb does not express my level of inapptitude.

Info on how to receive direct from BBC or Astra would be MOST appreciated. 

On the subject of why Canal cancelled BBC Prime - I thought it was free to air??  Meaning they wouldn't have to pay to transmit the signal, just have permission??  Perhaps this is another area of my "dumbness."



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The BBC domestic services and most of the ITV / C4 channels are available free on the Astra Satellite (2D etc)  at 8.2 degrees east , whereas Canal Sat is on Astra Satellite at 19.2 east. So with a minor repointing of the dish, and  a cheap digital box from Bricowhoever you will see lots of UK TVThere is  no need for any card!. Its within the capability of most French TV sat installers, no need to go to a British TV specialist either.


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Oh GOODY !!!  I am on my way downstairs to let hubby know.  He leaves today, so will most likely not be able to take care of this for us, but we have a great guy who installed our Canal dish who, I am confident, can take care of the issue.  I am willing to pay if it works.

Even the THOUGHT of getting BBC or ITV channels makes me giddy - okay I have no life !  Now, if I can only get it to happen.  Some things SOUND simple, but getting them done is another story.



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Since our Canal Dish is set to the Canal orientation and we have it connected to three TV's in the house, wouldn't it be easier if we installed a second dish orientated to the BBC Astra 2 coordinates?  This way each is a dedicated dish?  I have no problem doing this if it makes things easier all the way around.

If I am going to pay someone to come out, I'd like to do the right thing.  Will I need the Frequency, polarisation, etc. numbers for the BBC / ITV channels for the guy when he comes out?  I will ask him the same question, buy I figure you folks will know.

Thanks again for the info. 

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Lori, that's what I have done.  You can have your dish motorised to point at one sat and then another, but this is useless if you want to record from both sats at the same time.


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Thank you very much!  It sounds easy and my hubby knows what to do so hopefully it won't be long before me and Lori are happy bunnies again. 

In the meantime can someone tell us is Pauline dead and did Stacy tell Max's wife about their affair?[:$]

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PMm'd you back too.  And that link didn't note whether Stacey told Max's wife.... I wonder???  Perhaps the next show will tell and the link will show the update.

So, I will call my Electrician and ask for a second dish for the BBC channels.  I'll see what he has to say about it.  He is really pretty good with these types of things, so I will cross my fingers.  At least Twinkle's link will get me through until it is fixed.

Yes, Cooper, I guess I will be doing exactly what you have done.  Seems like the most logical thing to do, rather than messing around with something that works fine now.  I don't have luck with "change."  Always seems to screw things up.

At least I know there is another person out there that likes Eastenders !  and admits it..  thanks Twinkle.


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