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Satellite install help needed!

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So much for EU harmonisation then! I'm using a coupler/repartiteur wherby the aerial and sat signals come down the same cable then split to their respective receivers (along with an FM feed) without any apparent loss of signal- can the sat feed then be split between two sat boxes and if so, how many times? If it can't be split and needs a separate feed for each box then is there a limit to how many heads can be attached to the dish?
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Having had such a great response with some very helpful and positive replies and with the fab link to http://www.bigdishsat.com/diy.php  we've decided to give it another go at setting up the dish before forking out any more money!

The link to the BigDishSat site is great! Especially for someone like me who likes lots of pics ![:$]

Anyway we can't do anything until next weekend so I'll let you  know how we get on.




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Lynpy - When tweaking the position of the dish...

The only thing I would add, which I don't think has been mentioned, is the need to go SLOWLY: digital decoder boxes of all types take anything between 1.5 and 6 seconds to react to the arrival of a digital signal data stream, and that stream has to be continuous. So it is quite possible to have the dish at the right elevation, and to then scan an arc straight through the signal path and not realise because by the time the receiver is processing the signal and about to display for you the 'stream ID', ' locked' and all the other gubbins, you've moved the dish right out of the signal path again and so it just gives up.  What they all need really, is a circuit which immediately detects a satellite signal and on comes a light labelled  "hang on a mo, I've got something, give me a sec to find out what'

Now that REALLY would be a technological advance !


PS.  the only way to align a dish without a devorce lawyer is to have a TV in your line of sight while you move the dish. Trust me, I've tried the shouting-through-the-window method, and the talkie-walkie or mobile phone method, and neither brings anything but tears and grief !

Bon Chance!

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[quote user="Gyn_Paul"]Lynpy - When tweaking the position of the dish...
 What they all need really, is a circuit which immediately detects a satellite signal and on comes a light labelled  "hang on a mo, I've got something, give me a sec to find out what'
Now that REALLY would be a technological advance !


My little 15 euro satellite finder does exactly that.  It has a light, meter and a horrible beeper which get lighter/louder as the signal strength increases.  It doesn't know/care what type of signal as all it's looking at is the carrier wave and if you have that good and strong - Bingo!

I agree completely with the 'go slow' comment, too easy to miss that vital small window of signal

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Yes - I bought one of those in Brico Depot a year or so ago, however it manages to become totally invisible, hiding in the tool box, the corner of the barn devoted to satellite stuff, and/or the other corner which is full of leccy bits and pieces whenever I have need of it. So I only have the word of 3rd parties like your good self that they are any help, as mine certainly isn't !


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