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hi all

I know this issue has been addressed before, but i wish to set up my own website.      For some reason i get a complete mental block everytime i consider doing this (and peruse the garden section instead!).

I dont understand anything to do with websites, and their setting up.   I was wondering if someone could imagine they were in dialogue with a somewhat backward 5 year old and explain to me what the simple steps are for (want of any other more technical phrase i can think of), getting your website on the web.    I read of hosting, but i dont really know why this is required (sorry i know i sound stupid and i am not normally).

If anyone could do that i would be most grateful, because i think once i have a grasp of the process i might even be able to contemplate the 'doing', although i havent got anywhere with that either.     If there are any website tehnophobes out there who have actually designed their own i would be most grateful for their ideas etc.    my first thought was 'buy a book' (which probably says it all come to think of it !), but i couldnt even understand the book titles on amazon !     well except the 'this and that for simpletons' but when i saw how many pages were in the book i had a sneaking feeling that it would just not be simple enough for me!   

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where to start ?

There are two main things: (as simply as I can)

1 - you or some one else has to create the website.

A website consists of a 'page' or a collection of 'pages'. These are just text files with a certain extension .htm or .html - it is a little bit like creating a letter in Microsoft Word, except those normally have a file extension of .doc . The html file can be as simple or as complicated as you want. The html file or 'page' is read and shown by the internet browser software (like Internet explorer). This is what happens when you view this forum page.
So the files are created and they are grouped under a particular web site address like www.google.com or www.completefrance.com or mine www.dpflutes.fr (little plug).

2 - hosting

These files have to be kept somewhere so that people can access them and look at your website. This is hosting. The files sit on a computer, normally at a hosting company who you send the files to and they are found automatically when you put the address in your browser( internet explorer or firefox or others) or click on a link to the file or website.

That is the barebones but of course it gets a whole lot more complicated.

There are many ways to create a website. Have a search in Google for 'introduction to html' or 'create a website' and have a look at all the pages that are found.

I hope that is of use. feel free to ask more.


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Your website is like a book:

It has pages written in a language called HTML (there are other languages too), it has a title (=domain name), a cover (=home page), and is printed by a printing company (=hosting company), so that it can be read in a library (=internet), but in this case, the library is worldwide and anyone who knows the title of your book can look for it and read it on their computer!

I started my website in 2003 using a simple 'drag and drop' website creating program. I did not know anything at all, nothing, nada... I registered the gite with several advertising companies online and the website provides all the info prospective clients need to have.

I am in the process of rewriting my website, not because I must or because it needs it (although it could be better, is amateurish and clunky when you're in the know, it does work fine as it is!), but because I know more and I want to make it better...
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First you need a domain name ie. www. YOURDOMAIN.com, you could host the files with those you buy your domain with, point the domain in the direction of your hosting and upload your files, sometimes easier said.

You may be better off going down the free design and hosting option, there are quite a few out there if you do a search or someone here might be able to recommend one.

You will be able to get a doman name, design your site and host it in one go whilst you get to grips with what it all does.

Then you could look at getting your own hosting and design your own site and upload it.

It depends what you want the site for and how you want to show it off.


Good luck

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Be aware that some domain name registrars actually register your domain in their name, not yours - not so common now as it used to be but it still does happen. You can't actually 'own' a domain name, you register it so you have the sole use of it for a contracted period after which it becomes available again, but a good registrar will send you reminders to renew well before it expires. An excellent registrar is a French firm - Gandi - http://www.gandi.net. Their prices are very competitive and their user control panel that you use to point your domain name to your web host's servers (and access other services), is a doddle to use.

I have no connection with the company, I'm just a satisfied customer.

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It's a shame the information has been sent by pm when it could perhaps be useful to others, I know it would be to me !

There have already been a few threads about it :





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I am in the process of building a website and am using 'sitesell' - seems to be very good with excellent forums for help and (positive) advice related to the particular areas you are on.  They have a video demo to take you through each day,  if you want it.  Offer money back if you are unhappy with it.  I was recommended it by friends who have built several sites using it.  Costs 299 USD - what ever you decide to go for I would have a look at them, it still takes effort but it is a clear step by step process.
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