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Nationwide where are you ?? (can't log on to the Nationwide web site ?)

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It is simply a problem with encryption levels between Nationwide (and others) and Wanadoo, Nationwide know about the problem, they have been inundated and they are/were looking into it.  It has nothing to do with IE 7/ OE Firefox memory leaks or anything else, only that your ISP is Wanadoo/Orange.  Wanadoo customers are also having problems with other secure sites.  Nationwide say its Wanadoo who have the problem, not them, but they are looking at it with Wanadoo, I doubt that Wanadoo will admit there is a problem they rarely do unless challenged.
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I posted earlier that I had changed my DNS server to Neuf's and it was working. I've now changed it back to Wanadoo's default and it's OK as well.. There was deffinately a problem with the DNS lookup from Wanadoo earlier.


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The problem everyone has been facing today is to do with DNS translations on the Wandoo/Orange's DNS server.

The internet runs on a series of addresses that are just numbers. For example is an address. The whole internet runs on these numbers. In order to use these numbers you have to have a DNS server to translate what you type in.

When you type in www.nationwide.co.uk or any other text into your browsers address nothing will be understood by your internet service unless it is available, for translation, via a DNS server.

A DNS server will translate www.nationwide.co.uk to its correct digital address so that you get pointed in the right direction..

I hope this helps.

Edit: If you actually know the numbers and can carry them around in your head then you don't need a DNS server. So next time you can't get to a particular site then type in the digital address. That is if you know what it is.

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I travelled the world before moving here and logged on to all of my internet banking accounts without problem in the most remote and or poor countries like Vanuatu and Bolivia.

When I arrived in France (2 years ago) the first shock was that I had to travel 50km to find an internet cafe (at a university and it was on strike) the second was that no matter what I tried, whatever address I typed in for Egg.com, Newegg.com, Egg.co.uk etc etc it always defaulted to the Egg France site, I was completely unable to access my money for a very long time including when I got my own computer connected via Wanadoo.

I never did get to the bottom of it but I did find that I could link to it using Google UK but not Google France.

Perhaps that is worth trying?

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[quote user="J.R."]

I travelled the world before moving here and logged on to all of my internet banking accounts without problem in the most remote and or poor countries like Vanuatu and Bolivia.

When I arrived in France (2 years ago) the first shock was that I had to travel 50km to find an internet cafe (at a university and it was on strike) the second was that no matter what I tried, whatever address I typed in for Egg.com, Newegg.com, Egg.co.uk etc etc it always defaulted to the Egg France site, I was completely unable to access my money for a very long time including when I got my own computer connected via Wanadoo.

I never did get to the bottom of it but I did find that I could link to it using Google UK but not Google France.

Perhaps that is worth trying?


In the mid eighties when fax was the way to communicate in most of the Western World I went on a trip to the USA. I needed to send a fax and was going to going to send it from the nearest hotel. However my girlfriend at the time told me that I wouldn't be able to do that from a hotel in the USA. I was taken aback because this technology was available everywhere in the West but not apparently from hotels in the USA.

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Hi Everyone, Thanks Quillan it worked! I am on Wanadoo / Orange here in France and AOL in UK. I usually go onto AOL here in France via AOL redirect. I was able to to access Nationwide site uptil Tueday night this week, then nothing from Weds morn onwards.

I rang Nationwide in Swindon today, they claimed not to know about the problem at first, the guy went away and had a chat with someone in tech dept. When he came back he said they had a few calls since Weds morn, so they now know about it, I hope it can be fixed!  Regards Art

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[quote user="Quillan"]

Now it's getting really odd.

Done a search in google on nationwide and use the results to try and get in - nothing.

Typed it in by hand - nothing

Tried cooperlola's link and it went in straight away and you can get to the current account page.

Re-booted PC and tried it again all OK.

Is this all a red herring or does it now work for others? I wonder if somebody has complained any they have reset their server?

Very strange but if I had my money with Nationwide I would have been panicing there for a bit I can tell you.


I wonder if this is a case of a DNS server poisoning.

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Thanks everyone, have been away for a few days and everything working fine again??? The initial panic was due to the French mortgage payments being locked in our Nationwide E-savings and not being able to draw on it !!

It does appear as though this is a case of a problem (which one I am not qualified to say) being denied by a large company (Nationwide / Wanadoo/Orange) while they are working to fix it. 

I had access to tens of other UK sites at the time I couldn't access Nationwide from France and looked up several phone numbers for Nationwide, including our own branch. I asked if there was a method that they could transfer our money from savings to current and was told no, not at all by everyone I spoke to. As the E-savings account is only accessed by internet, you are stuffed if you can't access it even if the problem lies with Nationwide. I did ask two different departments what I should do as our money was almost entirely in the E-savings and we were about to run out of same, the answer was "sorry I can't help" and "contact Orange".    

Have to say that we are very happy indeed with Nationwide, and apart from this problem haven't had any cause for complaint over many years, so going to put this down to a blip that happens when using the internet. Maybe if the companies were more open about problems there would be more tolerance in waiting for the problem to be sorted ?

Hope everyone else who had a similar problem has it sorted too, and thanks again for an amazing response, what a knowledge bank this forum is.



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