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[quote user="briwy"]I will take a big 80cm dish[/quote]80cm isn't BIG..............this is BIG


What equipment are you using now. You need to pay particular attention to the cable both in quality and length. Most of the stuff you buy at places like B&Q for instance is mediocre at best. If you are in a marginal situation you need at least CT100/RG6 which is double screened.


 If what you have isn't like this then get some from a professional installer and keep it as short as possible, even if it means having your Digibox in another room and controlling it with a "Magic Eye".

In very rough terms and just to put it into perspective, even using quality CT100 cable the losses over just 10m equate to the difference between a 60cm and 80cm dish !

In your situation and if you haven't already done so, I would definately find a good professional to install the system for you. He'll tell you within minutes if it's a hopeless case or not.


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Dont think I could get that in the car Ernie.

I am using CT100 cable.

I believe from earlier posts that there is someone in Gers, not too far away from us, who does Sky installions so Ill get them in if I have no luck.


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And this is a REALLY BIG one.

Home made by a Radio Ham in Scunthorpe, God know what the neighbours think of it.

I can only imagine his wife left him which is why he's "planted" it in what was apparently either the garden pond or the kids sandpit.....!


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Last one, promise, but it is interesting.

These are what's called a Gregorian Dish after the 17th century Scottish Mathematician and Astronomer Jame Gregory.


It's compact and highly efficient because the big dish focusses the signal onto the smaller one which then focusses on the receiver giving much higher gain than any single dish of comparable size. 



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Hi Martin and All

I have just read the posts and I am a little confused, Martin you have touched a little on the matter, ie. using a standard stb from a brico or whatever, which gives you all the bbc and itv channels, the only channels you do not get are channels 4&5 and is that any great loss? but if you get a motor for your dish (should be at least 80cm) the sky's (no pun intended) the limit and if you are in the know  ;)  there are even more channels. I just would not pay money-bags murdoch a penny.

Brywi I find it strange though not impossible that you cannot receive a signal from 28e, can you see the sun around 12.30 if so you should get a signal, I would go for a 90cm dish and as Martin states good quality cable, makes all the difference also some stb's are more sensitive than others and will pick up a weak signal.

If you want further assistance just ask. 

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Another possibility Brian - I was recently called to assist someone who had a dish installed but was suffering from a weak signal from the 28east satellites. They, like you, were situated on the side of a large hill and were unable to get any signal at all with a dish mounted on their house. The only place available was to mount the dish on a fence post at the top of their garden. Their problem was some cows had been scratching themselves on the post and it had moved slightly. I was able to re-align the dish for them and they got their pictures back.

Just a thought. - Tim

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My neighbour has a similar problem with cows licking and rubbing off the paint on his strategically mounted restaurant signs, he told me that he over-painted one with some horribly noxious chemical which stopped them completely.

Mind you there are now several 2 headed calves and I have stopped eating French beef!

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