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Messagerie on FT line?

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Can you  get one? Similar perhaps to the BT 1571?

I am using the trente et un, trente et un, service and that was not promoted in the annuaire at all so perhaps there is also a free messagerie lurking somewhere but what is the number?[8-)]

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Yes you can and it is free. Try 3103 and look at http://www.agence.francetelecom.com/doc/contrat198.pdf

Lots of past posts about this on this site and the Total France site. Just type 3103 into the search box. FT shops may have a leaflet giving instructions in English.

You can adjust the number of rings before it cuts in and change the message it gives if you are not in................Jackie and John 

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After much stubborness from the FT website I created an account but when I searched for the messagerie it appeared to cost 1.50 euros per month, is this right?

Also can I not just set it up from the telephone? what about the poor customers without internet?

I did look through all the postings using the search function, I found one 2005 refernce to it being free.

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I don't know what you were looking at if it cost 1.50€ per month; the page I gave the link to in my post clearly says it is free to set up and free to consult from a fixed phone.

You have to apply online or the FT shop should be able to arrange it for you.

For the people without internet access perhaps FT feel they don't go out at all so wont need a message service [Www][Www]; or,of course it is well known that every French person has at least one mobile phone clamped to their ear at all times, even when driving apparently, so they don't need a fixed phone messagerie [;-)][;-)].


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Thanks again SPG

I followed your link again, the 1.50 charge was for advanced functions like receiving faxes, although the sign up page I found before only gave me that option.

I have now signed up and got a reference number, I guess that I will have to wait for activation.

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[quote user="J.R."]

I have now signed up and got a reference number, I guess that I will have to wait for activation. [/quote]

When I signed up, at a previous property, it was set up very quickly; I remember I received an email giving me details of my 'inscription' and how to use it etc; but that was a couple of years ago so things might have changed in the meantime.

Well done on getting so far; I personally find the whole FT site completely perplexing and am totally amazed when I actually manage to achieve anything positive via it.


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thanks again for your help, it became live with a welcome message at 3 o clock this morning!

Now to try and record the message and adjust the number of rings etc.

Lord only knows what a French customer without an internet computer would make of their systems.

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Well I have it and have recorded my message but now want to adjust the number of rings, according to the recorded message I have to do this via the internet, I received a welcome E-mail telling me my user name and account etc, inviting me to use the espace client but without any reference to a web address!

I have got into the espace client using the link that SPG gave me but having tried most of the options I cannot find the page to personalise the service or indeed now find nay reference to this service.

I accept that I am an immigrant and my French is not perfect but I can understand every menu on the web site not to mention the hundred and one voice prompts on the phone (you are asked the same question slightly differently several times in succession, each time you have to press etoile) yet I still cant get to make what should be a relatively simple adjustment, could they possibly make it any more difficult for their customers?

Sorry for that rant, my question is how do I get to the bit to personallise the number of rings, it cant be done on the phone menu only on the website.

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Problem solved - I hope!

I tried again and used the search function, actually you can only make the change on the telephone, but it is not within the menus and you have to get the instructions from the internet, or as Claire said from the FT shop where they may even have a book in English.

That route would indeed have been the most simple but for my stubborness and wanting to do everything in French!

I think I will go to their office and ask for the user guide but in French!

Thanks again everyone.


Claire, you were too fast for me again!

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