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computer com port connection

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I really thought the days of recalcitrant COM ports were over; but apparently not.

I'm trying to wake up a com port on my all-singing, all-dancing PC

(It's the only way to connect a satellite receiver in order to update

its software).  However, the loader isn't having any of it. The

hardware device manager page in 'control panel/system' shows it to be

working, with no conflicts; I've also checked that it's enabled in the

BIOS, I've uninstalled it and re-installed it, disabled then enabled it

again....  changed it's IRQ ... that's about the limit to my

expertise.  Nothing has any effect: either the loader says

'checking com port status' (then nothing happens) or 'can't open com


Any thoughts anyone??

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Well amongst the 16 COM ports the loader said were available,  you just tried each one in turn until you found one that didn't say "programmer not found" - et voila tht was the USB port.  On one machine it's port 5,  on another it's 14 I think.  .    But I did tear my hair out as it wanted four different bits of software to make the USB port work in the first place.

Other than that I don't know.   I've never had trouble with a COM port for satellite stuff,  except when I bought a laptop which didn't have one.

It is very odd your problem and certainly beyond me!   Have you tried Alsat or Satpimps - guys on there are very helpful.

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Thanks Martin,

will give them a go this evening when it's cooler. I'm currently

emptying the camion of the last of 10 loads of removals; the one where

you have it full of stuff which won't fit into boxes + the wood burner,

the chimney parts, the garden furniture, the cleaning stuff, the odd

cupboard or two, brushes, mops, strimmers and all those things with

cables which manage to copulate on the 5-hour journey, making unpacking

(in the heat) like some fiendish Chinese puzzle.

I'm finding it all a bit of an effort: I think I peaked - strength-wise - about two trips ago !


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-  presumably yuo've stayed in 23 though.....?

It really is our favourite dept scenic wise,  and if we could have found somewhere suitable and already done up we'd be there not here in 24 (our bit of 24 is pretty similar to 23 though,   we're only 2 kms from the Limousin/Aquitaine border).

We came up your way last week to see an exhibition of tapestry at Aubusson designed by Dom Robert (well worth the visit,  I'm not in tapestry but goodness he did some lovely ones) and really the paysage is as lovely as ever.   We stayed near Le Grand Bourg several times in the 90's too - lovely.

Hope your strength recovers soon!

Know what you mean about cables copulating - I've got drawer fulls in Devon and half of them have quite clearly cross-bred 'cos I've no idea what they were supposed to link up originally.

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