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Expert Advice on this Security Camera SVP.

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[quote user="Punch"][quote user="WJT"]

Punch, I haven't been able to access your site. Yesterday, I did access a site used as a demo for a camera, it is amazing and I am very envious.[:)]


Ok if you let me know what happens when you click the link I'll try to help you out. You should be getting a purple login screen if you have allowed Active X . I will be adding some night vision cameras soon so will be interesting to see what comes and goes in the night !




It doesn't do anything, the page is just a blank white page, in the bottom left it says Done so it doesn't appear to be searching. I haven't had problems in the past with Active X.

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[quote user="nomoss"]

This is why UK phones and other telephone line equipment, such as fax machines, don't detect calls when connected to a French telephone line. They can be made to work by connecting a UK master box to the line, into which they can then be plugged. 


My UK phone works fine here... it rings and I can even make calls on it!  [geek]


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[quote user="sid"][quote user="nomoss"]

This is why UK phones and other telephone line equipment, such as fax machines, don't detect calls when connected to a French telephone line. They can be made to work by connecting a UK master box to the line, into which they can then be plugged. 


My UK phone works fine here... it rings and I can even make calls on it!  [geek]



Hi Sid. It is some years since I brought my phone, answer phone and fax machine from UK and had to then get master boxes from the UK to make them ring or respond to calls (although I could make calls on them without one).

Evidently, since yours works correctly here, UK phones, or at least some of them, now use the same system as here.

I would be interested to know how your UK phone is connected to the French line. Is it just wired to a French phone plug, or are you using an adapter?


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Hi Nomoss

Initially the phone (a BT phone, 6 years old now) was via an adapter; the BT-style phone plug went into a 'tail socket' hanging off a standard French plug (I bought this in UK).

After going online with ADSL I found that the telephone socket looked hideous with the ADSL filter, the adapter and then another phone plug (for a separate cordless phone) sticking out of the wall!!

I replaced the phone lead with one with a French plug, just 2 wires connected as far as I can see.

An older (maybe 12 years) Sony phone does not work!





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[quote user="kirsty321"]

HI to install a camera in france via phone line, is it correct to say i would also have to pay a monthly payment to a service provider in france,as well as uk.


many thanks  


well yes, unless you can find a device which just plugs into an ordinary phone line (as opposed to an ADSL line). Even then, you need the to be paying FT for a line and service.


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Hi Sid. Seems the BT system changed since I had my problems getting UK equipment to work. That was several years ago.

I was stuck with a very expensive fax machine that didn't work,and even the supplier didn't know why.

Eventually, after many phone calls I found a telephone engineer in UK who knew the answer, and I had someone there mail me some of the appropriate master sockets. I was using one in this house until I junked an old UK phone recently.

In the system explained to me the 2 wires from the line went to the master socket, then 3 wires went from it to the other ordinary phone sockets, the extra wire being for the ring. To avoid connecting the extra wire I simply used a master socket for each piece of equipment.


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In the UK the 2-wire incoming signal is on pins 2 (of 6) and 5 (of 6). The components in the master socket, dump the ringing voltage onto pin 3. Any old-style UK phone looks for the ring tone on pin 3. Since this doesn't happen in a French socket, there is no ring volts on the equivalent pin when it is plugged (either with a new lead, or via an adaptor) into the French system. However, the phone will be connected (more by good luck than anything else, I suspect) to pins 2 and 5 anyway, so you can use it to dial out, and to answer and talk provided there is another phone to do the ringing.

More modern phones in the UK duplicate the master box components inside the phone and either detect the ring volts on pin 3, or generate it internally. This is why some uk-sourced phones will ring over here, and some won't.


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Looks like my phone is one that does not work on the French system, as we have 3 of them and they are fairly new can Paul or anyone give me and idea of where to buy the uk master socket to make them work, I will be over in England for Christmas. I have tried to google UK master socket and not sure which one i need.



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Hi Barbel Bob,

As Gyn_Paul said


[quote user="Gyn_Paul"]Phones:

In the UK the 2-wire incoming signal is on pins 2 (of 6) and 5 (of 6).


So connect the incoming 2 wires to terminals 2 and 5 of the master socket (there may be 2 wires on each terminal if the line continues to another phone outlet in the house) and plug your phone into the socket.

You can add master sockets for each of the UK phones you want to use.

Or use one master socket and regular sockets for the other phones, and use one of the spare coloured wires in the existing cable to connect all their no. 3 terminals.

 I simply mounted my UK sockets adjacent to the existing French socket(s).

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[quote user="nomoss"]

Hi Barbel Bob,

As Gyn_Paul said


[quote user="Gyn_Paul"]Phones:

In the UK the 2-wire incoming signal is on pins 2 (of 6) and 5 (of 6).



So connect the incoming 2 wires to terminals 2 and 5 of the master socket (there may be 2 wires on each terminal if the line continues to another phone outlet in the house) and plug your phone into the socket.

You can add master sockets for each of the UK phones you want to use.

Or use one master socket and regular sockets for the other phones, and use one of the spare coloured wires in the existing cable to connect all their no. 3 terminals.

 I simply mounted my UK sockets adjacent to the existing French socket(s).


So how many master sockets do you have connected?


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