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Picture / signal quality

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We've had a couple of years of pretty good reception which has only been lost in bad weather (heavy wind/rain) such as we experienced a couple of nights ago. (North edge of  84 Vaucluse).  However the weather is now back to near normal but we are still getting a broken picture and no sound. On the box setup we appear to have very good signal strength but marginal signal quality.  Any suggestions for action before I get out on the roof and start looking at it in a threatening manner (not having any other clues as to what to do!)??


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Right. Well you have two possible causes, and two possible action plans.

For the one you need a spanner and a chain of response from the dish to the screen ("Is that any better now ??  "     "Erm....").

And for the other you need to feed about a foot of slack up the cable, shorten the coax and re-make the conection. (What do you mean there isn't any slack?)

Guess which I'd recommend first ?[:D]


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Thanks folks......  since I DO have a bit of slack and I DON'T exactly have a good adjustment feedback loop system (e.g. her indoors cannot be heard without a 60 second delay while she goes downsrtairs, outside and round the house until I can hear her!) I guess it will be remake the connection to start with!

All the best


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Well re-doing the connection at the dish has given a significant improvement in signal quality to about 40%, and 100% signal strength instead of 90%. There is now a "blocky" picture on most channels instead of none, but still no sound. The dish does not seem to have moved and waggling it about a bit seems to give a maximum of maybe 70% quality on an intermittent basis. I would in my ignorance have expected signal strength to be associated with it pointing in the right direction, and signal quality with problems between dish and box (or interference elsewhere).   Maybe replacing the coax cable will help? It's about 3 years old and sits in the sun all the time..... or maybe replace the LNB?


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No sound is much more likely to be the expleated deleated scart having become loose at either the TV or Digibox end. Quality is even moreaffected by alignment as signal strength. You can carry on improving quality long after you have reached full signal strength on a digibox display. Have you got any skew ( the angle the LNB sits in the arm. ) set . Viewed from the in front of the arm my sits with the cable coming out at between 7 and 8 pm.

I would buy another length of co ax and move the TV outside so I could see the signal quality and strength as I tweeked the dish. I would probbaly also buy another LNB at the same time as even if it is not damged now it will eventually wear out.

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