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Internet/Broadband which is best

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Hi, I'm moving to the Charente Maritime in March, we already  connected (phone) to France Telecom, I need to get  my computer connected to the Internet and Broadband does anyone have any preferrence to using F T or someone has mentioned Teleconnect, any advice would be useful. Many thanks, Bob.
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There seems to be something of a price war going on at the moment  between many of the suppliers. When we first moved here 4 years ago we connected up with FT ... then after reading in the press about cheaper deals we switched - first to Neuf and then to Tele2. We had problems with both...so have ended up back at FT for the last 3 years.  They have been expensive but very reliable.

My friends are giving me great reviews about Free , (they are not literally free, but are low cost) however twice bitten has made me rather shy of switching. I'll watch this thread with interest.

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After working in telecoms for many years in the UK, I agree with Ian and it would take a lot for me to be convinced to change away from the company who looks after my line. In addition, might I add, think carefully about some of the great deals, especially ones that do away with the landline. There have been many people on here over the last few years who have done this and 'come a cropper' when they have a problem, as they find they have no way of making calls.

I am always looking at the options available, but the way we use our system is not too expensive and more importantly, it's been reliable. I must go now to touch some wood[;-)]




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French ISP's seem to suffer from the same inconsistencies and failings as those in UK, compounded by the language barrier for those not competent in French.

In UK I never strayed from BT and similarly am likely to stick with Teleconnect here in France until there is some compelling reason to change.

A case of "the devil you know" [6]

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[quote user="Timco"]

There have been many people on here over the last few years who have done this and 'come a cropper' when they have a problem, as they find they have no way of making calls.


They do if they have a mobile, but that can prove very expensive, and if the object of swapping ISPs was to save money then it doesn't work from that point of view. I only add this because I have just spent ages next door trying to reconnect our French neighbour who continues to have intermittant problems wih his all-inclusive Neuf abonnement. I tried, I failed; meanwhile our FT/Orange connection lumbers on but at least mostly consistently.


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Having had a friend of mine in my house for an hour trying desperately to get connected up to one these offers, I couldn't agree more, Tim and Ian.  He had spent the whole of the 20€ which he had on his mobile, trying to get through to them from  home because he no longer had an FT connection! Even if you have a package, keep your landline with FT (perfectly do-able.)  I have an Alice package - not cheap but all free calls and broadband - but have always kept my FT line.  When the power goes down (as it does), I can phone the electricity company; when Alice plays up I can phone their freephone number and sit for hours waiting for them to answer the "helpline" then argue the t*ss for another hour while they finally agree that the problems is at their end!  The only advantage of Teleconnect is the English speaking service, if that is a problem for you.

Oh, and with Alice, I get absolutely zero SPAM. 

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After a very sporadic service with Teleconnect last September, I now have a very good service with Teleconnect. All this because I called their English speaking helpline cos my VOIP line was consistently 'dropping'. All I had to do was to take most of the coloured wires out of the FT box and leave the white and grey ones in. Lo and behold the downstream rate went up from 5 to 22 in the space of seconds and the VOIP line is constant. But I did do the sensible thing and kept my FT line just in case[:D].


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[quote user="spg"][quote user="Timco"]

There have been many people on here over the last few years who have done this and 'come a cropper' when they have a problem, as they find they have no way of making calls.


They do if they have a mobile, but that can prove very expensive, and if the object of swapping ISPs was to save money then it doesn't work from that point of view. I only add this because I have just spent ages next door trying to reconnect our French neighbour who continues to have intermittant problems wih his all-inclusive Neuf abonnement. I tried, I failed; meanwhile our FT/Orange connection lumbers on but at least mostly consistently.



Quite correct. In all circumstances it's very annoying, perhaps even dangerous if you are unfortunate to have an emergency, but the people I remember panicking when this happened were those running a business - they were really in a complete 'pickle' when they lost the ADSL - all eggs in one basket??


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I won't be moving out  to live there permanently till July this year, so I don't actually have a phone number yet, do I have to wait till I register for a phone, or could I ask the previous owner what the number was, and work from that?[8-)]

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[quote user="Jo"].... so I don't actually have a phone number yet, do I have to wait till I register for a phone, or could I ask the previous owner what the number was, and work from that?[8-)]


You'll have to get your own number; they don't use the previous resident's number here but allocate a new one.

I agree with previous posters that it's best to use the reliable ISPs even though the cost is higher. I'm with Orange.


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[quote user="Jo"]I won't be moving out  to live there permanently till July this year, so I don't actually have a phone number yet, do I have to wait till I register for a phone, or could I ask the previous owner what the number was, and work from that?[8-)]

France Telecom will tell you if broadband (ADSL) is available at your new property. Here's the link to their English spaeking hotline.


Hope that helps

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We've been with Tiscali (Alice) for about 3 years and have had (virtually) trouble-free service throughout that time. The only problems that we've had have been the loss of the VOIP facility for a few hours very occasionally. We retain our FT line so even on the very few occasions when the VOIP has been out there's been no real problem. All local, national and international (to the countries we dial anyway) calls to landlines made through the 'Alice box' are included in the 29.95 monthly rental. We pay only for calls to mobiles and 'special rate' numbers.  The 'Alice box' was provided completely free of charge, with no monthly rental fee. We haved moved house twice in this period and the last time (August 2007) there was no charge for transferring the service and the new connection came online within a few days. Whilst there will undoubtedly be people with bad experiences of Tiscali, we have found them very reliable and our current location provides a 6Mbit (tested) connection speed, which I think is reasonably good. We've certainly had no reason to look elsewhere.

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[quote user="sid"]

[quote user="Jo"].... so I don't actually have a phone number yet, do I have to wait till I register for a phone, or could I ask the previous owner what the number was, and work from that?[8-)]


You'll have to get your own number; they don't use the previous resident's number here but allocate a new one.

I agree with previous posters that it's best to use the reliable ISPs even though the cost is higher. I'm with Orange.



if you look on some of the ISP sites (Neuf for example, others too) you can use the old number to check what is offered in certain circumstances :

"Branchez un téléphone sur une prise téléphonique de votre logement et composez un numéro (ex: 0123456789). Un serveur vocal vous communiquera le numéro de téléphone de votre prédécesseur."

This assumes that you have access to the property in question of course

Maybe the estate agent or someone else has the old number?EDIT sorry  - yes, the old owner if you know them (didn't notice that bit earlier) This number should work for Neuf, Alice or Free websites and should give you a good idea of what speed is available - if any


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I have had a trouble-free service with Free for 3 years.

I have free telephone to fixed phones in 60 countries including all the ones I call.

Good speed Internet (around 6 download)

TV by internet.

I had France telecom for 10 years before that.

I didn't have any problems, but thet were twice as expensive, taking into account that I had to have TPS for the TV, and they were extremely unhelpful with a friend who was having problems with his emails.

After I had the devil's own job to get out of their clutches..

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Thanks for the help, I see the previous owner just about every day when I am over there as he built himself a new house in the neighbouring field, I will ask him what the old number was, not too bothered about the speed, just that we can get it!!![:-))]

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You don't need the actual number of the previous owner, any resident in the village - to all practical purposes - will probably have the same potential ADSL speed. Lookup neighbours, or the Mairie or the Poste, for example, you're bound to find someone eventually. Put their number in degrouptest com and you should come up with an result.


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