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I use Teleconnect as my broadband provider. They are my third ISP and the one that has given me the least trouble. But not everything is perfect! Teleconnect has this problem of the switching off of your modem every now and again through the day and night. It is not too serious, as all you do to get back on line is to switch off the modem and then wait two or three minutes, switch it on again and wait for it to reconnect itself!

I have taken up this problem with the company, who tell me that the trouble is caused by my out-dated telephone socket on the wall. They have told me that there are a dozen or so wires in the box. What I must do is to disconnect all of them other than the white and the grey ones and this should solve the problem. So I have taken off the cover and lo and behold there are this jumble of different coloured wires.

I hesitate to comply with their instructions, because if after I do this and the line goes blank, how can I be sure that I can put these little thin wires back in their original connectors?

Has anyone solved their broadband breaking-up signal using this rather extreme method? If so, did it work?

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Phillouis - I use Teleconnect.  I get interruptions all the time.  Like you, I switch off the modem for a short time, sometimes at the back of the modem and, if that does not work, sometimes at the socket.  Hey presto, I am reconnected.  My wiring is modern (rewired in 2006), both my telephone and my electricity wiring.  I haven't bothered to find out why it is happening.  The first time that it happened, I was told by a technician that they test things at night, which is when it will usually happen.  But it did it, for example, yesterday during the day and this morning.


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Teleconnect are correct, it only needs 2 wires, white and gray pair.

 If you look at the upside down T shaped socket, the top 2 left connectors are used, with gray at the top left, and white at the 2nd one down. (God I hope I got that right; if not the other way round). But just in case you want to put it back, the colour scheme is shown here:


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Thank you ErnieY, Kathy and Clarksinfrance. From your remarks, it seems that it is only the grey and white wires that are necessary. But if I disconnected the others, would it eradicate the problem of the breaking up of the connection?  I really do not want to take the step of cutting out the other wires, if there is no improvement! Is there amyone who has taken this step with positive results.

In my ADSL career, I was first on Tiscali, then Wannadoo (Orange) before I gravitated to Teleconnect. The breaks in connection on those two were very bad; sometimes for a day or two! But with Teleconnect, it is always possible to regaind connection with switching the modem off and on! But it would be nice to get a continuous signal.

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As an after-thought to my last posting. I failed to mention the very annoying and inconvenient habit of being cut off in the middle of a conversation to a UK or French connection. As I am paying extra for 'free' calls, it is not economic to make such calls on the alternative French Telecom lines. Furthermore, such calls can sometimes be of very poor quality; with much crackling and low volume. Any other sufferers?
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Disconnecting the other wires will make no differerence at all so leave them but make sure they are not touching the live pair.

You shouldn't really suffer from these sort of problems and it's strange that it varies so much between different ISP's. Not sure what you can do about it though. Basically if your telephone itself works reliably then you'll be hard pressed to get FT to look your line.

Not a lot of people know this but ultimately Teleconnect work on the back of Tiscali [;-)]

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Hi clerksinfrance,

Many thanks for the info. I took a deep breath and followed your advice and everything is working ........

as before.   It does seem to be faster though.

My main problem is that I cannot send messages with attachments, say 1-3 mb.  Has anyone else had this probem please ?  It has arrived in the past week or so, maybe it's because I have gone from Office 2000 to Office 2003 ???

Anyway, thank you again for the info, it must have done some good, I do appreciate it !




PS  How ya doin' ernieY ??

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When I try to send a message with an attachment (2 mb)  I get the following message (after about 30 seconds) :

Task 'Wanadoo1 - Sending' reported error (0x8004210B) : 'The operation timed out waiting for a response from the sending (SMTP) server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'


Any ideas ?  Calling Wanadoo is a waste of time in my experience, they just read from a script in fronto f them and don't seem to show much interest, I suppose hey are paid peanuts.



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ernie are you the same poster as philouis? If you are and your ISP is Teleconnect, you will shortly lose your wanadoo email priviledges (sp?). In this case you need a free e-mail service like yahoo, or my preference at the mo is for googlemail. If your not the same person and you have Wanadoo/Orange as your ISP, there is a restriction on size of e-mails that can be sent, (I don't know what it is, will try to find out, but I do know that many MS Office documents before the 2007 flavour, can indeed be larger than the maximum size allowed). Also if you have Wanadoo/Orange, you need to change your e-mail address to xxxxx@orange.fr (via your "espace client") which will allow your wanadoo emails to be delivered for a while but changing your e-mail addy to orange. You will need to change your account settings in Outlook/Outlook Express.

Just found this on the MS site:

You receive a 0x8004210B operation time-out error

message when you choose to send a read receipt notification in Outlook

2000 or in Outlook 2003

So it maybe when/if you ask for a read receipt (this may be set so that all your emails ask for a read receipt).

Hope it helps.

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Cannot offer any help other than to say that I gather that Neuf boxes suffer from the same problem during the early hours and need the reset button pushing or the mains lead pulling out and putting back in. Close friends have this problem and searches show this to be quite common! Although I am on Neuf/aol I elected to keep the FT line and in the light of other folks problems I am glad I did! I would be surprised if disconnecting the other unused wires and reducing the shunt capacity would have much effect bearing in mind the long bundle of wires running down the road. Our friend's installation have them disconnected in the JB where the cable enters the building and it has not helped them.  Good luck!......................J
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[quote user="Jackie"]Cannot offer any help other than to say that I gather that Neuf boxes suffer from the same problem during the early hours and need the reset button pushing or the mains lead pulling out and putting back in. Close friends have this problem and searches show this to be quite common! Although I am on Neuf/aol I elected to keep the FT line and in the light of other folks problems I am glad I did! Good luck!......................J[/quote]

I have been with Neuf for about 18 months now and have never had this problem.

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Hello Clair,

Many thanks for the info. In fact I did google the error code and was one MS update short.  I corrected this, but same story aafterwards.  It looks as if the Wanadoo attachment limit may be the problem here.  I have other accoutns, maybe I should duck Wanadoo ...


I appreciate your help, again my thanks.



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Hello clarkie,


Phillouis ???   No, I am me and am not he.  I have a France Telekom landline and ADSL and wanadoo for my ISP.  Looks like the lattachment limit could be the problem here and I might need to change my address, what a hassle for all my correspondents, but seems to be the only way to go.

I noticed the receipt advice, not applicable in my case.  If you found out the max limit, I would surely be interested.

I cannot say that wanadoo is the finest ISDP I have ever come across, but I will need to get someone to set me up for gmail maybe, I mean the settings etc, I already have the account.

I truly appreciate your help.


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I think you are correct, I have  already tried all the MS suggestions (6 restarts this afternoon) and the best option seems to be to change to gmail.


Again, I'm very grateful for all the kind help from so many.



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It seems that the maximum email size has been increased (don't know when) all the details are here:


If you are still having probs sending largish mails, hal way down the page under REMARQUE, it shows an option to split large e-mails (SCINDER To split). I have never tried this (I didn't even know it existed anywhere), but it may be worth a go?

Having re-read the Orange page shown above, I must say it is damned confusing (to me anyway). It seems to be saying you can send upto 10Mb messages, then under REMARQUE it states: La messagerie internet sur orange.fr est limitée à environ 1.3 Mo par message en envoi. So 1.3Mb it is, either try to split your e-mails, or sign up for a different service.

Hope it helps

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[quote user="ErnieY"]

Are you talking to me or yourself [8-)] [:D]

This could get confusing now with 2 Ernies in play [+o(]




Well, I do have the odd chat with myself (seldom I have such an appreciative audience/seldom I get the chance to listen to somebody really interesting)   but in this case it was your esteemed self, I forgot the “y”.  I don’t know y.


I never become confused, just a little uncertain of the many possibilities …






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[quote user="clarksinfrance"]It seems that the maximum email size has been increased (don't know when) all the details are here:


If you are still having probs sending largish mails, hal way down the page under REMARQUE, it shows an option to split large e-mails (SCINDER To split). I have never tried this (I didn't even know it existed anywhere), but it may be worth a go?

Having re-read the Orange page shown above, I must say it is damned confusing (to me anyway). It seems to be saying you can send upto 10Mb messages, then under REMARQUE it states: La messagerie internet sur orange.fr est limitée à environ 1.3 Mo par message en envoi. So 1.3Mb it is, either try to split your e-mails, or sign up for a different service.

Hope it helps



Thank s for this clarkie, I agree with what you say about the page, they claim "no limit" then come to say that there is a limit, depending on the SMTP server, clever.  And then, as you spotted, they present a further limit, down to attachments.  Great.

I have written to them expressing surprise at their idea of service (reducing facilities, when others are increasing what is offered) but I don’t expect a reply, although I hope to be surprised.  If so, I'll pass on the message to all

So, you can't do nothing about it, unless you want to try splitting files - not for me.  I shall go over to Yahoo, unlimited storage.  I will check the max size of attachments and advise.

But for those who want to give it a go, here are some possibilities :


Thank you again for all the help.




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Thanks ErnieY,

I think they also have a 20 mb option of about GBP1 per month.

I will research the offer you have so kindly provides, looks interesting and cocld be very wirthwhile fo me, I send some heavy stuff out from time to time.


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