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Netgear DG834G settings with Orange/Wanadoo

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He eveyone..

I fly tomorrow morning to a friend's place and she has a Livebox. I'm planning to unplug it and use my NETGEAR DG834G which is currently set up for a French NEUF ADSL account. I won't have internet access until I get it up and running so I'm trying to pre-empt any problems now before I leave! I have all the necessary paswords etc and filter.

I'm wondering about some of the more esoteric setting should I have trouble. Some of the following has come up on a Google for mainly UK Wanadoo settings:

Basic Settings:

Data Link Encapsulation: PPPoA



Leave everything else dynamic

Ensure NAT is enabled

ADSL Settings:

Multiplexing Method: VC-BASED

VPI = 0 (Virtual Path Identifier)

VCI = 38 (Virtual Channel Identifier)

I am asuming that the modem "login" is the 'identifiant de connection' - some letters slash letters and a number (eg. abc/defg99 ) and the "password" is the 'mot de passe de connexion' (eg. abc99de ) some letters, a number and more letters? And not anything that includes the accountuser@orange.fr?

Many thanks (PS I'm using a Mac which I know shouldn't make any difference)

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Just to confuse matters, I just read this here regarding international providers settings :






WAN Service

PPPoA - RFC2364

Encapsulation LLC or VCMUX


and on another forum i read this:


I live in France and use Wanadoo (France) with a Netgear DG834PN.

When I initially set it up I used encap PP0E and Multiplex LLC-BASED.

This seems to work but I get occasional disconects.

What is the difference between PP0E & PPoA and between LLC & VC?

I got the PPoE and LLC settings off the LiveBox just before I chucked it out.

Best regards,

So, PPoE (and not PPoA) and LLC (and not VC)  with VCI 35 and VPI 8 ?

Does this correspond with what people are using on their Orange/Wanadoo accounts?

Thanks again.

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I have a DG834G. There are too many settings for me to list separately, but I remember that it was a very simple process, so I think that most of them must have been defaults. I only remember having to enter the user and password, but it was 3 years ago! I assume you have the same menu down the left hand side? The first two are as follows...

Basic settings:

Does your Internet Connection require a login: YES

Encapsulation: PPPoA

Login/password: as supplied by Orange/Wanadoo

Internet/IP address: Get dynamically from ISP

Domain name server: Get automatically from ISP

NAT: enable

ADSL settings:

Multiplexing method: VC-BASED

VPI  8

VCI 35


If you need any more details just PM me.


PS I see that Bob T got in there, with the same settings, while I was replying!

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Thanks - I have the standard menu etc and have found the DG834G really easy on other occasions. I've just found some conflicting info (for example PPoE for Mac and PPoA for PC).

I guess I'll go VC based, 8/35 and fiddle with the PPoA/E thing.

Can you confirm the "user" is the letters/number combo and not the 'username@orange.fr' email address?

Many thanks, and I'm sure I'll get there!

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Silly question, but its not clear why you are changing the modem on your friends system, so unless you are changing your friends livebox to this other modem permanently, why not just use the existing ISP connection through the livebox and log in to your own internet provider in this case neuf as I do to wanadoo/orange.fr when away from my own PC? I just cannot see why changing the modem would enable you to connect to your ISP.
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Not a silly question... I have limited experience with a livebox and won't have any wireless passwords etc - only the Orange ADSL login account details.

Can I for example simply unplug the Livebox, plug in my Netgear modem and access my own Neuf account directly? Is this not telephone number specific? Or do I need to mess about with going through an ethernet cable/livebox/passwords in order to get to my own NEUF ADSL ?

I'm not bothered which account I access, just that I can go live. In fact, if I can use my NEUF at this other property (it's only 100m away from my own barn which I won't have access to, not will anyone be using the ADSL from there at the same time) it would be better as my friend is away for a few months and ideally wants to 'suspend' her Orange whilst away.. Would 'suspending' her internet account disable the ADSL ability on her phone line meaning I could then not access my NEUF account?

Thanks, and please excuse my ignorance..

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[quote user="joidevie"]

I guess I'll go VC based, 8/35 and fiddle with the PPoA/E thing. [/quote]

No need to fiddle, just select PPPoA !

[quote user="joidevie"]

Can you confirm the "user" is the letters/number combo and not the 'username@orange.fr' email address?  [/quote]

The user is something along the lines of "fti/xyzyxxyxyx" and not your email address.

I can't go into the relative merits of Netgear vs Livebox; in my case it was a personal preference as I already had the DG834.


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You should bear in mind, Joidevie, that if you remove your friends Livebox she will lose any free (illimite) service for phone calls.

When my brother visited recently he just connected to our livebox network, was asked for the security password, and then connected easily. He could download his emails but couldn't send through his smtp account (but then you couldn't with the router anyway).

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Thanks for that - The phone won't be used while I'm there ( I have a voip ) but I presume after I leave I can just plug her livebox back in and all will be back as before?

Also, any more views on using my NEUF account with my own Netgear wireless modem through her telephone line? Will this be affected if we 'suspend' her internet account for a few months?


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Sid is the expert on modems, but when I go to the UK, I use BT intenet as my ISP through the kid's systems and just log into orange.fr, enter my E mail address and E mail password and get my E mails, I assume that you can do the same with neuf but have never tried it, If you want any other internet acces you can get that via in your case the orange ISP via the livebox.  If your friend has a livebox its almost certain that its illimite and on a long contract, maybe a question to ask before unplugging the livebox.  It should reconnect OK, but never tried it after a time.
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I'm the same as Ron.  I use my daughter's BT Hub when I'm in the UK - I've got it permanently set up on my laptop as an alternate Wifi connection.  All I needed was her network key.

It's basically the same situation as when you use a Wifi Hotspot at somewhere like McDonalds.  Once your computer has detected their router and you enter their network key, you're connected through their server and you can go to Neuf or anywhere else.


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[quote user="joidevie"] it would be better as my friend is away for a few months and ideally wants to 'suspend' her Orange whilst away.. [/quote]

I may be wrong, but I am sure that I read somewhere (possibly even in another thread), that whilst it is possible to "suspend" an FT phoneline during periods of non-use at a maison secondaire, it isn't possible to "suspend" an Orange Internet account under the same conditions.  As I say, I may be wrong.  However, if this is the case, then as has been said many times already, you are fretting over nothing, as you will simply access the internet (and any of your own accounts) once connected to this other livebox.

Good luck, whatever the outcome[:D]

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[quote user="Ron Avery"] Sid is the expert on modems..... [/quote]

No, please! I just happen to have used Netgear for many years.

I think you're correct (Ron, SD etc) in pointing out that the Livebox would work just as easily (in fact, easier! No set up required) and just log in to Neuf, or whatever ISP.


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We suspended our internet connection last winter (orange/wanadoo) but you have to have the right account

you also have to reconnect within 6 months to guarangee the same e mail address.

OH was very suspicious and said it was a recipe for disaster but it turned out to be surprisingly easy to reconnect when we returned here.

but then we might have been lucky - we were reconnected within 48 hours to both phone and internet.

cant remember offhand the name of the internet account we have but it is 24.90 a month if that helps.

let me know if you need the name and i'll look it up.

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.. Follow up.. As expected, plugging in my Netgear and entering the Orange codes has worked fine. Only thing is, I seem to be unable to 'send' emails via Entourage? Receiving is fine. I'm hoping maybe my pop host (for several domains) is having issues (amenworld.fr) which happens occasionally..

Coincidence? Or another 'settings' issue?


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[quote user="joidevie"]... I seem to be unable to 'send' emails via Entourage? Receiving is fine. I'm hoping maybe my pop host (for several domains) is having issues (amenworld.fr) which happens occasionally.[/quote]

POP - for receiving mail; SMTP - for sending mail.

Do you normally send via an amenworld.fr smtp server or through Neuf?  If it's normally Neuf, but you are now connecting through Orange, then sending (more correctly, relaying) through Orange will not be allowed as an anti-spam measure.  You would need a relay service such as AuthSMTP to do that or a private smtp server.

You should still be able to use Neuf's webmail to send, but that would bypass Entourage.

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It all goes through smtp.mydomainname.com via Entourage. It's all fine in the UK through my ISP there and when I'm in France on my own NEUF connection.. Just not at my friend's place here in France on her Orange ADSL.. I've changed nothing in my email settings and it is always fine in wireless internet cafés..

I'm suspecting a hosting 'out'.. Coincidence though ?

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[quote user="joidevie"]I'm suspecting a hosting 'out'.. Coincidence though ?[/quote]

I'm still shuddering at the prospect of using Entourage -- you're the first occurrence I've come across in the wild.

The host returns pings okay.

Are you using standard port numbers?  If so, Orange might be blocking traffic.  Are you using an SSL connection to your server?  If not, Orange can inspect and then block your traffic!

Don't knock Orange's attempts to do something about its terrible reputation as a source of spam -- even if it's too little, too late and not always appropriate.

If you are able, I'd suggest a high port number and SSL direct to your smtp server.  Port 2525, for example, definitely goes out okay.

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Thanks - I tried overiding the defalt port no to 2525. No luck. I then tried to select 'SMTP service requires SSL'. No luck. I tried combinations thereof. Still nowt.

The only other option is to select 'logon using... ' with boxes to fill for account id and password. Is this the way to go? It's basically the other option to 'use the same settings as receiving server'.

Also, if it helps, I'm set to PPoE on my router (PPP over ethernet) and LLC based (previous posters have cited other settings). VC and PPoA do not work at all. I'm using a Mac (and did read somewhere that it may be a little different)

I just read this poster number 3 may have the answer.. But I still dont't know if I can overide this?


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[quote user="joidevie"]I just read this poster number 3 may have the answer.. But I still dont't know if I can overide this?[/quote]

That's what I said -- you can't use Orange as a mail relay.  No ordinary ISP will allow it any more.

To use a non-standard port and SSL, both you and your mail server must be set up for it.  Only changing your end will guarantee that mail transfer will fail.

Router transport settings are a complete red herring, if the connection is working, it's working.  Incidentally, the DG834 series will negotiate with the telephone exchange equipment and get those settings automatically with the connection wizard -- no need to make any adjustments, I found.

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[quote user="bmt"][quote user="joidevie"]I just read this poster number 3 may have the answer.. But I still dont't know if I can overide this?[/quote]

That's what I said -- you can't use Orange as a mail relay.  No ordinary ISP will allow it any more.


Gosh, does that mean when I get back to my own house that NEUF will be blocking it too?? Surely this is an insane thing to do as an ISP - there must be millions of people with their own domain name accounts who need to set up mail sending accounts?

I'm frankly quite bemused... And annoyed too!

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One more update which might help other readers - I changed my email client (Entourage.. Why  so maligned?) to "overide" port 25 for sending messages and set it to 587. All working fine now and no need to change anything to "smtp.orange.fr" etc..


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