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AZERTY to QWERTY please help

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I hqve unzittingly chqnged ;y keyboqrd lqnguqge qnd qlso ;qnqged to lose the keyboqrd icon thqt i clicked on to chqnge it does qnyone knoz hoz to chqnge it bqck

I hqve qn azerty keyboqrd but noz hqve qwerty settings [:(] I hqve zorked out hoz to zrite azerty by exchqnging the qw for az to explqin thqt this is not q zindup qnd i q; not dyslexic [:D]<

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Do you have a little icon in the bottom RHS of your screen that says FR or EN?  If you do you can click on that to toggle between the two input languages.

If you can't find it then you need to go to your control panel and find the regional/language options and change it there, if that's what you're asking (it's kind of hard to tell [:$]).

EDIT:  If you haven't changed the default shortcuts for toggling between the two keyboard settings, then the LHS ALT key held down at the same time as the Shift key should do the trick.

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on Vista:

Configurer le clavier en disposition AZERTY

Dans la disposition de clavier AZERTY, les touches A et Z sont

remplacées par les touches Q et W de la disposition standard du clavier

anglo-saxon, nommé QWERTY.

  1. Cliquez

    pour ouvrir Options régionales et linguistiques.

  2. Cliquez sur l’onglet Claviers et langues,

    puis sur Modifier les claviers.

  3. Sous Services installés, cliquez sur Ajouter.

  4. Double-cliquez sur une langue dont le nom contient (France), (Belgique) ou (Luxembourg).

  5. Sous Clavier, sélectionnez une disposition

    de clavier AZERTY.


    • Toutes les dispositions de clavier AZERTY ne sont pas référencées

      en tant que dispositions AZERTY. Pour vérifier si une disposition de clavier est

      AZERTY, sélectionnez le clavier, puis cliquez sur Aperçu.

  6. Cliquez sur OK.

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It is an Azerty keyboard Katie or at least it was until I cocked something up and it became dyslexic, I wanted to change it back to AZERTY from QWERTY but my title was misleading, I do have an excuse though, i was more worried about how to write AZERTY when it was coming out QWERTY, as for the punctuation marks etc, well you saw the result.

I agree wholeheartedly, when in France etc and would not now want a UK type keyboard again.

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JR you have just given me the best laugh I have had in ages [6][6]!

But I can sympathise with you because I was helping our neighbour, French, with her PC this morning and I warn't arf gettin confusticated with that stupid azerty set up. Who on this earth would put the top numeric keys as uppercase????????

The French, I truely love them [kiss][kiss]!!

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We got a usb numeric pad to avoid that nightmarish top numeric keyset. Trouble is you have to keep pressing numlock on when you want to use it and it also switches the numbers on the letters too, so you have to remember to turn numlock off again if you want to go back to letters. Very tricky if you're typing numbers and letters. How do the French cope with it all?

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