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Setting up Sky box for first time

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Just setting up my TV and sky box. No problems with Samsung TV. I have been using the skybox for BBC Radio 4 upyo now and it has been perfect. But Tv screen is telling me

"No satellite signal is being received"

However BBC Radio 4 and other radio stations all fine and so is TV station Sky 3.

I do not have Sky subscription.

Can anyone help me please with any advice

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Sounds like your dish might be out of line Nigel or, depending where you are in France it might even be to small - not using one of 'minidishes' are you? Have you tried a software download? that sometimes helps.

I'm sure others on this forum will help even more as it has no lack of well informed guys (and girls!)

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NO!! - do not do a forced software download with a dodgy signal - it has been known to mess up the box.

Your login doesn't say where you are in France so we're not sure what size dish you should have.

If you're getting some channels and not others then it's either an alignment problem, or an issue with the LNB. There are several satellites up there and it's always a compromise to set the dish up for all of them, but it can be done.

It sounds as if your dish needs a small 'tweak' - or the skew of the LNB needs adjustment. It should be twisted to approx. the 'twenty to' postion when looking at the dish from the front.

Regards - Tim

P.S. sorry-have just noticed that you have another set on your dish - try swapping the boxes over and see what happens - again, it's a process of elimination.

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Never try a software download till you are satisfied you have a good signal. I resume you have two cables from your LNB and receivers in two rooms in the house. If so I would try the swop the receivers and see whan happens. It is possible the cables and or connections on the joints are not good enough.

What ignal quality and signal strength do you have on the default transponder /

Have a read through :



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[quote user="Nigel"]The dish has 2 LND (?) and the other TV is perfect so I guess it is aligned OK...would you agree....how do I do a software download please

[/quote]Can you clarify this.

You have a second LNB, and presumably a second receiver on the end of it, and that is receiving all stations OK ?

If that is the case then my first though is to swap the receivers over and see if the problem follows the receiver or the LNB.

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Thanks for all advice. I am going to swap  over the two boxes I have to see if the problem is the same. If is solves the problem then either the box or card is at fault..if not it must be the LNB I guess......any ideas how I can illimiate the card as being at fault

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[quote user="Nigel"]But I am receiving Sky 3 tv perfectly...and all radio stations......can I dust swap one card to another sky box ?

One thing you can be sure of is that it is not the card. If the card is at fault you will received either :

"Please insert the viewing card" or "Call a telephone number to ugrade your subscription for these channels"

Probable LNB or Cables/Connections. Possible Receiver. Unlikely Dish Alignment.  Please can you post the make and model of you two receivers and also the signal strength readings.

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You need a Sky card of some description to receive Sky 3 - if the card was faulty you would not receive this channel. 

A functioning Sky set-up will receive the BBC channels, and many more, even without any card inserted.

Anton's advice is valid, but I think just to be sure you should also let us know the signal quality and the other parameters (Network ID, transport stream etc) on the 'signal test' screen, because signal strength alone can be misleading.

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Thanks for all info

Here is the info you have asked for

Both boxes are Pace DS430N and are connected to the  same dish which has 2 LNB's

The readings are :

                                                For box with reception                                              For Box without reception

                                                                                                                              Except Sky 3 and radio

Signal strength                             about 50 %                                                            about 80%

Signal quality                                about  90%                                                            about 90%

Lock indicator                                OK                                                                         OK

Network ID                                   0002                                                                      0002

Transport stream                           07d4                                                                      07d4

Hope this all means something... I can signal strength is much lower on poor performing box 

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By my reckoning both should be absolutely fine - even 50% signal strength is usually more than adequate for receiving signals and 90% quality is very good indeed for France.

It looks as if one box may be suspect - have you tried switching them over?

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OK..i have swapped boxes over and when I tried the good working box the result was the same as with the poor box ( radio and Sky 3 only)

So I imagine the problem must be with cabling to LNB or the LNB itself.....do you agree or is it likly to be anything else

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90% quality I would say is verging on exceptional but the disparity between the signal strengths bothers me as does your comment,

"I can (see ?) signal strength is much lower on poor performing box " which is the opposite to what your table says !

As you say the poor box worked OK on the other LNB I would recommend you connect it there and do a forced update. To do this hold down the Backup button whilst powering up. Continue to hold until all the front panel lights illuminate then release. On the TV you should see this message:


   Do not disconnect from mains

           or satellite dish

  This may take up to 10 minutes

When it's finished it will go back into standby so switch it back on and it will show "Searching for listings" then finally come up on the service channel 998.

Now take it back to the other location and see if anything has changed/improved.

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