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Nice one Nick !

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It's ironic in a way because of course the BBC fought and still fights against any INTRODUCTION of commercials,   I was working there when we fought off the Peacock committee which wanted to privatise Radios 1 & 2 (and that would have just been for starters).

The flaw in being a licence-funded (or similar) broadcaster is that -  contrary to what Mr Sarkhozy has said - you DO (sadly) still have to chase ratings.   If you don't the government (or whatever) that funds you increases its wailings about having to fund programmes that few people (voters) are watching.   I'm sure that after a "decent" period during which France 2/3/5 will (it is to be hoped) make excellent programmes (with no annoying adverts) that a press campaign will start up protesting at the "waste of public money",  the money will then be cut,   and programmes will suffer.    It is after all pretty much what has happened to Radio France since "l'eclatement de l'ORTF" in 1974.

So sadly it's a no-win situation for public service broadcasters.    Unless the politicians are hyper-benign and very enlightened.

And personally for all its faults I think we are incredibly lucky to have the BBC.    As do all the people that stick up Astra 2 dishes as a priority when they set up home in France!

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It (la redevance) is used to fund "France Televisions"  (2/3/4/5/Arte/LCP),  and Radio France.   The problem is that France has the worst of all world,   cheese-paring in the past on putting up the licence fee meant that (a long time ago) the government allowed all the TV channels to supplement their income with limited advertising   (in the days of TF1/A2/F.R.3).    Eventually TF1 was fully privatised (so all its income is from ads and sponsorship) whilst the others were joined back together,   funded by the licence fee but with incremental ads revenue to balance the books.

The difference between France and Britain is that the redevance is about two-thirds of the level of the licence fee and so cannot support the public channels on its own at its current level.    I suppose the alternative woudl have been to hike up the redevance but that would have set people complaining too!

As I said,   unfortunately it's a no-win situation if you're a broadcaster in the public sector....

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So if I have got this right.


There are lots of crap programs on French TV ( seems reasonable from what I see). 

 These get lots of advertising revenue because they are popular with the masses.

So we will cut the advertising so that better programs can be made.

Which the masses will not want to watch.



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More or less.   The government reduces the dependence of France Televisions on ad revenue,  so that there is less need to chase ratings.

Assuming that this is carried to an extreme,  there is the risk that France Televisions becomes a "ghetto broadcaster" ie funded by a licence fee but producing programmes that satisfy only a small minority of the general populace,   even if they are very discerning.

It's something that the BBC have largely managed to avoid,  in that they are able to run Radio 3 (which has a pretty miniscule audience,  which does not include me when it became so down-market in the early 1990's) whilst at the same time also running Radio 2 and BBC 1;    they can say (with some justification) that licence fee money is used to satisfy all types of audience.   For my tastes a lot of the BBC's output has been horribly dumbed-down,   but at the same time there's enough of the good stuff to make me feel that the £140 (or whatever it is) is more than justified,   particularly in comparison with the daily cost of a so-called quality newspaper.  

I suppose it's a question of balance,   I imagine France Televisions will go on making programmes that compete with TF1 and M6,  but will also be able to do more esoteric things without the fear that advertisers pull the revenue because fewer are watching.

I'm sure a medja-student could express all this much better than me,  I'm just a humble engineer.

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Was your choice of title supposed to be sarcastic? I cant make out whether you think this is a good idea or not, if you had said Gorgon for instance I would assume that you didnt!

I am very pleased with the new broadcasting but then I can only watch French TV, the downside is that that as my taxe d'habitation bill has not yet included the relevance audiovisuelle I should now start to feel guilty.

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[quote user="J.Rs gone native"]


Was your choice of title supposed to be sarcastic? I cant make out whether you think this is a good idea or not,


Tongue in cheek JR, in that I like the idea of no ads, but wasn't too impressed with the planned extra taxes. Has to be paid for somehow, I suppose.


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