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They have been very good. However at the moment they are changing servers and are in a bit of a state. Headless chickens. Once that has been sorted I would recommend them. Having an English speaker to help with tech problems is great. FT 's support could not explain in words I could understand things like "attenuation" and the fact that our phone sockets were not wired correctly.
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I'm a Teleconnect user.  You do have glitches with them when the modem does not work but if you ask, they refund calls that you have to make.  They do not have cover at weekends, which is a nuisance.  Problems always seem to happen on Friday evenings.

It is great to have an English speaking service and they are always helpful.

There's lots of feeedback about the firm on this Forum.  Take a look at the threads:


You will see on one of the threads that it is recommended that you keep a France Telecom line as well as the Teleconnect modem.  Read on...

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[quote user="Cathy"]

You will see on one of the threads that it is recommended that you keep a France Telecom line as well as the Teleconnect modem.  Read on...


You have no choice but to have a FT line if you want to subscribe to Teleconnect so I'm not sure I understand what you are getting at here?

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[quote user="connolls"]

Jay, you can now change your provider from FT to Teleconnect and rent the telephone line from them instead at a much lower monthly fee. I think this is what Cathy means....

Thanks for all the advice.



I think it is what she means but...

the much lower monthly fee is .......wait for it ......15,90 as opposed to FT's 16,00

It is not really worth the effort to change it for 1euro20 a year

You can't go ADSL nu (i.e no phone line rental) with Teleconnect like you can with Free, Alice, Orange and SFR if that interests you.


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[quote user="connolls"]

Jay, you can now change your provider from FT to Teleconnect and rent the telephone line from them instead at a much lower monthly fee. I think this is what Cathy means....

Thanks for all the advice.


I assumed that is what was meant but it is not correct.

You still have a FT line even though Teleconnect deal with any problems via their English speaking helpline. This is very different to the services of other ISP's such as Alice where your line with FT no longer exists and you do not pay line rental. In effect you can pay your FT line rental to Teleconnect at a saving of about 10 Cents a month and have an English helpline.

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I  installed the teleconnect update on Friday night, my internet is fine if not better than before , incoming calls are fine , but outgoing calls are ok for the first 15 seconds and then they totally crack up as if the person on the other end is either Norman Collier or they are under water, I have emailed teleconnect three times but have not had an answer which is really annoyimng as I do not want to use FT for calls to the uk, Teleconnect have been good in the past when minor problems have occurred , but this time something tells me that they have a serious problem , maybe tehy have released the software to soon and now the bugs are coming in to roost, I just hope they can sort it out soon otherwise Im will have to sign up with Orange who have a similar deal as Anglopack.



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About my comment on the France Telecom line, when I was about to sign up to Teleconnect, I had no idea that you needed a FT line as well and so the cost has to be added to the package. I'm now pleased that I have a FT line because when Teleconnect are down (which happens from time to time), at least I am not telephone-less.

As for getting in touch with Teleconnect, I always telephone them.

Don't forget that they do not have cover over the weekend and so a problem occurring on Friday night will not be looked at until Monday morning, when presumably they have a pile of things to sort.  I can't understand why they don't have a technical person on call at weekends.


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Me too Billy10, you described the outgoing phone calls perfectly!! It has been almost a week now since this problem started. In fact what TC did wrong in my opinion was to send an e-mail to us 1st, when in fact they should have sent the letter 1st. I can use internet and e-mail as usual and receive incoming calls but outgoing.....as you described. Have tried e-mailing TC but they have yet to respond and no joy when I try to phone them, it is permanently engaged. I would have thought their people would have got this sorted by now and I don't really want to change users as on rare occasions when needed, TC have been great.


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I am amazed with all the problems they are seeing, they continue to send out the letters and emails. Probably best of they were to take stock  As to service, good in general with telephone,but they have never ever replied to  any of my emails.
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I'm sure the problem was unexpected and is likely down to some unforseen incompatibility with 3rd party equipment outwith TC's immediate control, possibly FT I don't know.

The solution is first to positively identify the problem and then get it fixed a process again not entirely within TC's control and also not likel to happen overnight.

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Hello again,

Since posting i've been looking at the threads and at my FT phone bills, my line rental is stated as 32 euro...........................am I paying too much, as it seems from the threads it should only be about 16 euro, I wonder if i'm paying for TWO phone points, there did use to be two in the house but when we moved in the one in the downstairs bedroom was never functioning and has since been removed, but still paying the 32 euro line rental and only just noticed this since posting !!!! Any thoughts ???

thanks mel.

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Hi Clair......................HOW FAB ARE YOU !!!!!!!! God i must have had a very early senile moment !!!! I never even thought to look at the charge period !!!!!! Thanks so much for your prompt reply it's much appreciated you're dead right I just looked at my bill !!!!!!![:D]

Thanks mel.

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