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Has anyone tried Spotify in France?    It's an on line recorded music library (or juke box if one wants to be modern).

I signed up last month in Britain when it was mentioned in the Telegraph,   and find it absolutely superb.   So good that (and this does NOT happen often) I'm now paying the £9.99 per month for the ad-free version,   mainly because it annoys the **** out of me the amount of "directguv" nanny-state stuff there is,  which as a UK tax payer I'm no doubt funding!

Anyway,   whilst the catalogue does have some holes in it,   they're more than plugged by all the marvellous (and often pretty obscure) material that IS there.   Early jazz (which I love),  rock and pop,  and classical.   Even "Derek & Clive Live".   I believe Naxos have just agreed to release their entire catalogue too.

It's legal  (Spotify pay the record companies),  easy to use,   and pretty good quality (they use Ogg Vorbis rather than mp(*) digital compression).

They assure me my sub will work in France too,  although I doubt Alice running at 350 kbps is going to make for stable listening.    If you opt to pay you can unsubscribe easily too.


is the link from Britain,   and I don't understand all this stuff about needing an invite,   I subscribed to the free version without one.

I'd be interested if anyone else is using it.....

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[quote user="Martinwatkins"]Has anyone tried Spotify in France?    It's an on line recorded music library (or juke box if one wants to be modern).

I signed up last month in Britain when it was mentioned in the Telegraph,   ... and I don't understand all this stuff about needing an invite,   I subscribed to the free version without one.

I'd be interested if anyone else is using it.....


I registered for an invite at the time of reading about the service on SkyNews, but haven't visited since. I'll try again now...

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There are I gather plans for specific paying downloads (slightly cheaper than iTunes) as they produce a bigger revenue stream than the ads and subs.   However they are still at the planning stage at Spotify.

But why bother with them?    I just don't "get" this need to "download" everything.    Why not just hook up a tape-recorder/minidisc/CD burner to the audio o/p's of a computer?   That's what I've done,   one can even (with the right USB interface) access the digital stream (Toslink or phono) and record direct to disc or tape without leaving the digital domain.   I'm not sure one is encouraged so to do but it works and one has a "hard" copy at the end rather than the risky environment (in terms of reliability) of a HDD.

This isn't meant as a jibe against you jonzjob,  but this "fashion" to put everything on a hard drive.....   I suppose it's good if one has an mp3 player.   Both for computer files and audio I prefer to burn things onto discs/tape.

Laters -  actually I can see that downloads are useful in that they avoid the need to copy in "real time";   but I suppose my "upbringing" on matters technical makes me a bit of a forward planner!!

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