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Livebox alternative?

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Our house was used by some friends for 6 months. Before they removed the ethernet cable from our machine and plugged it into theirs, we could always connect to the internet. However, now our guests have left and when I tried to connect, it doesn't work. I tried pressing the button on livebox that makes the computer and livebox recognise each other, but that doesn't work. I have checked all the lights are as they should be as well. I eventually uninstalled the livebox software and then set about re-installing it. Unfortunately, during re-installation I am told that I need to install the livebox installation disc that is for Vista, even though it was the installation disc for vista that I was using. When I try to install using the alternative disc I am told to connect the ethernet lead, but then the computer doesn't recognise the I.P address and the installation will not let me press the suivant button. I am now stuck.

As an alternative I am thinking of using sonmething like a netgear modem, so the question is: Is it easy to bin the livebox, and set up with another modem like netgear? I have done this in the UK by replacing BT goods with Netgear successfully, but I am not sure wether this is the same process in France. I don't want to go and buy something and waste money if it is not the same procees as in the UK. I can't think why it should be different but......

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[quote user="baypond"]Our house was used by some friends for 6 months. Before they removed the ethernet cable from our machine and plugged it into theirs, we could always connect to the internet. However, now our guests have left and when I tried to connect, it doesn't work. [/quote]

Did your friends have an XP machine? Or perhaps they went into the Livebox and changed some of your settings? So you should only need to input your original settings to regain control.

[quote user="baypond"]

I tried pressing the button on livebox that makes the computer and livebox recognise each other, but that doesn't work.[/quote]

But that is used for connecting wirelessly so won't have much effect when using an ethernet cable.

Edit: John beat me to it!!


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The only problem with using a 3rd party router is that you will not be able to take advantage of any VOIP or TV facilities you may currently have - or not as the case seems to be !

I have 3 old routers knocking around the place, a hacked (unlocked) BT one, a Safecom, and a Netopia, all of which work perfectly with Teleconnect, my ISP.

Before you spend money though why not just exchange it at the local Orange shop ?

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When you get into the Livebox configuration pages it will ask you for a user name and password. They are both 'admin' without the quotes and both lower case.

Have fun.

One advantage about having the Livebox is that if anything goes wrong with it then you take it back to FT and they will change it for you. If you buy a box and it fails you BUY a new one... You can have a live box for a long time before you are paying more than one you have bought. Plus, when they get a new model, like the Mini Livebox, you will be able to upgrade to it no charge.

You will also be able to use the Livebox as a print server when Orange France get their donkey (or is that ass) in gear. That means that you can connect your printer to the livebox with a USB cable and use it on any other PCs you have connected to the L/box without having the 'maim' PC switched on. There is a lot of info on the broadbandbuyer forum about just that subject if you would like to see what it's all about! I will be trying to do the manual set up soon to see if it's possible here yet?

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Guys and Girls, thanks for all your help.

The other guy's computer was XP, not vista, and maybe they canged the IP address, though I don't think so. The problem is that as I bravely bought a French computer, I spend 10 mins inside a dictionary each time an error message comes up!

I will remember the 'admin' tip as well



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