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Teleconnect changes.....

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I have struggeld like everybody else with the isses over the router "upgrade".

I believe that the 10mb down and 1mb up (sync speeds) that I had has been taken away by provisioning my line incorrectly when TC moved the servers (for what ever reason), which is linked to "upgrade" farce.

I am 2 km away from the Exchange (in Antibes) so how come I am now getting 1.2mb down and 0.3mb up.  I have trying to get TC to agree there is a problem, but they refuse to answer the phone and when reposnding to emails, seem to lack the technical expertise that is required.


A small update.  Still cannot get through on the phone after 5 hours of trying.  Sent an email 2 hours ago as well.  They asked me to call them in a previous email.  Now they do not both answering.

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I don't seem to be as bad as some.My telephone line seems to be OK However last weekend and this I lost internet access for several hours at a time on Friday and Sunday. No amount of resetting would solve the problem I almost lost out on an Ebay deal yesterday for a remoska,but luckily my laptop has dialup.

Line length 4262 metres,attenuation 438986dB.

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ErnieY said:

Tuppence - unless you gave your line over to TC in response the letter they sent out a while back - and also cancelled your DD to FT - then you will always have to pay €16/mth (€32/2 months actually) to FT.

As a matter of fact Erniey, I never have given my line over to TC and I know very well that I still pay FT for my line rental. What I can't get my head round is the fact that all calls made while the VOIP line has been problematic were SUPPOSED to go via FT but in fact have gone via Teleconnect. (See M. Caballero's comments re: preselection) something which I have never subscribed to or even want to.

With regard to the earlier point in your post, my line length is and always has been 3702 metres. Noticably on the Degrouptest site was the fact that under Budget Telecom and under the column referring to FT, BT have the green icon marking it has being OBLIGATOIRE to be subscribed to FT. Whereas Orange, SFR & Alice is optional. Interesting thought that.



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As I understand it tuppence ALL traffic is now routed through TC (Preselection) and charged, where appropriate depending on which call package you are on, and to use the FT line specfically you have to dial ##, even if your phone is plugged directly into the socket and not the router.

This is not how it used to be however I'm not at home to prove it (2 days to go YIPPPEEEE) but you can check yourself by doing it and seeing if the dial tone changes.

This is the reason they were able to offer a refund on any calls made whilst they were sorting out the problems. I always thought it was too much to believe that they would reimburse, without question, what could be extremely expensive calls made via FT.

I suspect that this fundamental change is what is at the root of the whole upgrade episode.

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[quote user="tuppence"]

ErnieY said:

Tuppence - unless you gave your line over to TC in response the letter they sent out a while back - and also cancelled your DD to FT - then you will always have to pay €16/mth (€32/2 months actually) to FT.

As a matter of fact Erniey, I never have given my line over to TC and I know very well that I still pay FT for my line rental. What I can't get my head round is the fact that all calls made while the VOIP line has been problematic were SUPPOSED to go via FT but in fact have gone via Teleconnect. (See M. Caballero's comments re: preselection) something which I have never subscribed to or even want to.

With regard to the earlier point in your post, my line length is and always has been 3702 metres. Noticably on the Degrouptest site was the fact that under Budget Telecom and under the column referring to FT, BT have the green icon marking it has being OBLIGATOIRE to be subscribed to FT. Whereas Orange, SFR & Alice is optional. Interesting thought that.




maybe you didn't read 2.4 in the terms and conditions regarding preselection with teleconnect - it is automatic.


it says "The Customer phone  line  is automatically  preselected  with  The  Company.  In  case  preselection  is  not  desired,  or  if
preselection  is  later  removed,  a  supplement  may  be  charged  according  to  price  list."

and in the prices it says "Surcharge for service without preselection  €5.00/month"

You may not have asked for it but it was there in the terms. They make money by routing all normal telephone calls via them if you use your FT line.

As for Alice, Free, Orange and SFR, yes you can use them without an FT line. It means that all your telephone service depends on the modem/ power supply working OK.


PS I am not a Teleconnect customer but I have been following this episode

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[quote user="Jane and Danny"]As for Alice, Free, Orange and SFR, yes you can use them without an FT line. It means that all your telephone service depends on the modem/ power supply working OK.[/quote]A leap too far there Danny [Www]

For the avoidance of any doubt or confusion, and wireless services excepted, you cannot use any ISP without an FT line however with some you may have the option of not paying FT for it is all [;-)]

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The préselection part has been like that as far as I can remember. It is the same for Neuf (now SFR). They charge you extra if you don't want préselection.

I am not so sure about  the ## bit before calls. I may be wrong but I understood the ## serves only to divert the call from the modem ( ie VOIP) line to the FT line. This is for a phone plugged in to the modem, of course.

I didn't think it applied to bypassing the préselection on the FT line. I don't have it so I am not able to verify anything.

All this makes it very easy to confuse people with verbal shenanigans who are not technically minded...

Use the FT line etc - when it is actually going through the preselected teleconnect lines....


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[quote user="ErnieY"]

[quote user="Jane and Danny"]As for Alice, Free, Orange and SFR, yes you can use them without an FT line. It means that all your telephone service depends on the modem/ power supply working OK.[/quote]A leap too far there Danny [Www]

For the avoidance of any doubt or confusion, and wireless services excepted, you cannot use any ISP without an FT line however with some you may have the option of not paying FT for it is all [;-)]


Ooops yes [:$] you know what I meant but maybe everyone else didn't


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[quote user="Jane and Danny"]

As for Alice, Free, Orange and SFR, yes you can use them without an FT line. It means that all your telephone service depends on the modem/ power supply working OK.


PS I am not a Teleconnect customer but I have been following this episode


It also depends on haveing a working ISP.

My old modem/router on Wanadoo (now Orange) was plugged in for just over 6 years and apart from a dodgy line outside and a power tripout in the house it never failed. My new Livebox (Orange) with phone and TV has been on since December. The only thing I have a problem with is the TV decoder locking up when left in standby for long periods but it does not effect the modem/router or the IP phone. I have not paid a penny (OK cent) for any calls even to French mobiles.

As for this thing about loosing power well a lot of people seem to have cordless phones or ones that use power anyway and they also don't work when there is a power cut. Not only that but nearly everyone has a mobile. You can automatically transfer to another  number in the setup after a certain amount of rings if you want although I have not bothered to do this.

My friend who recently had Orange installed had problems with the line outside and they could not switch her phone over to IP after installation. Within 24 hours an engineer knocked on her door to tell her she would loose her (normal) phone for about an hour while they ran a new cable in for her. All the people I physically know as in talk to them face to face (as opposed to hearsay or a friend of a friend) who have Orange are extremely happy with the service as am I. Perhaps you the people with problems might consider moving to another ISP as listed above.

The only (good) thing I can say about TC is I have my mobile phone with them and it has always worked OK.

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Quillan, I have thought long and hard about switching over to Orange over the past few weeks that we have problems with Teleconnect. I have had a look on their website to see if I can get the same things with them as I now get with TC. I opted to have unlimited calls to the UK and France for an extra €10 a month so in effect I am paying €39.90 with TC. If I could get the same for the same as it were I think I might be very tempted. Like you lots of people I know have successfully used Orange for some time, so who knows if TC don't get their act together soon.......


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I don't think anybody is really talking about cost are they Quillan and it's definitely not the issue at hand.

TC are neither the cheapest nor the most expensive and their packages are reasonably on par with most other ISP's. The majority will have gone with them for the obvious reasons and will have been satisfied with their service up until now.

We still don't know the precise details of what's gone wrong and whether it was down to bad planning, bad luck, or even malfeasance on the part of their outgoing provider who, I understand, were supposed to be 'pushing' the upgrade prior to cutover as opposed to customers having to action it manually afterwards - a possibility which cannot be dismissed but clearly is unlikely to be spoken about in public. Whichever is the case though there is no denying that they have handled it poorly as a result of which they will have lost an incalculable amount of goodwill. I do wonder though if any other niche ISP faced with such a situation would have coped any better.

I've said it before and will repeat it, whatever anyone might think you can be absolutely certain of one thing and that is that TC never wished this on their customers.

In regard to your own €49.99 package Quillan, from what I'm gathering both here and from other sources, it seems to be those who are at or near the extremeties who are suffering the worst and for them the services you enjoy are simply not an option at any price so I doubt they will thank you much for kicking them when they are down [blink]

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[quote user="ErnieY"]

In regard to your own €49.99 package Quillan, from what I'm gathering both here and from other sources, it seems to be those who are at or near the extremeties who are suffering the worst and for them the services you enjoy are simply not an option at any price so I doubt they will thank you much for kicking them when they are down [blink]


Well according to the Degrouptest which people seem to take as the de facto test for line ability my line is 5,262M and has a db of 54.1986 (1033kb rec - 266kb snd) which is not exactly the best and certainly worse than others who have given their figures in this thread and have problems. From that alone it would indicate that either the Orange box is better at longer distances or that the distances quoted by other posters are not the cause of their problems. Seeing that it is highly likely that the 'chip sets' in these box's are probably the same as is probably the kit back in the exchanges I think the indication is that the problem lies elsewhere (not in the box), probably with the ISP don't you think?

I also disagree with the service being good (for everyone) up to the point of the upgrade as people in the forum have complained in the past (search in the forum on Teleconnect) and I also know personally of at least two people who have had support (or lack off) problems in the past and lost their usage, in one case for up to 2 weeks. Having said that I know of another that has had horrendous problems with Alice and another with problems with Tiscali both resulting in a lot of down time. I also accept that people here have also complained about Orange and having mega problems. So just like you having no problems with TC I am simply saying I have had none with Orange and that those I know who have had problems have been dealt with both quickly and efficiently.

My real point is thats its inconvenient and very annoying and I personally believe in using my feet. If I don't get the service I feel I am paying for I will go elsewhere. For these people to have put up with poor service, support and lack of usage for so long is an absolute disgrace. It also makes me wonder if (after reading all this) I should leave my mobile phone with them as whilst they have given excellent service so far what happens if their is an upgrade or it goes wrong, will I be left trying to get help for 5 hours at a time. It certainly makes me think.

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Another Update (The following takes place between 9 am and 12 pm - said in a Jack Bauer voice):

Cannot get through at all. Calls via TC to their own support centre are always engaged via VoIP.  Routing without the router gets the voice of a lady, who sounds fairly fed up; as am I, who kindly cuts me off after 7 minutes and invites me to send an email and it will be looked at quickly.  24 hours later and I have not had a response to the email I sent... So she is lying!

I now have to go back to London and I am not scheduled to come back here until July (may sneek in a long weekend in June), so I cannot perform any tests that they wanted me to perform because they cannot answer the phone.

I have been with TC for over 2 years and the only thing that disguishes them is the VoIP calls to the UK, which I require when I work here and the 0844, which I can source myself.

So my question is-who else is offerring the TC type service, but one that works?  No need for television neither, just straight Broadband and VoIP to/from the UK.


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As Quillan has said you can get bad service from any of the providers in France , and I would say that much the same applies in the UK.

The problem with Teleconnect is that it is a small part of a small outfit, so that when things go wrong it can't cope. 

As far as alternatives are concerned Neuf, Free, & Alice all offer packages at around 30/35 Euros that include Broadband and worldwide calls. If you prepared to take the chance of going 100% then that price can include your line rental as well!

The disadvantage of Neuf is that unless you are in our of the main centres they don't provide ADSL2 so the maximum (Theoretical!!!) speed is 8Meg.

Orange and their subsidiary Nordnet , as well as Free / Alice can offer theoretical speeds of up to 20Meg.

If I were starting from scratch I would look at Nordnet who have a good reputation, use FT's technology but without the FT premium prices. Darty also have a good reputation for customer service.

But returning to my original point I am sure that for each of these suppliers there will be someone who will maintain that they are not worthy of contact with the proverbial a barge pole.

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I have to say that I'm rather surprised Quillan that you can satisfactorily run TV on 1mb, indeed that any ISP is even offering it !

Degrouptest is not infallible by any means and I would be the very last to claim otherwise. I am evidence of it because it reports my line as 4838m with an attenuation of 49dB numbers which anybody sufficiently knowledgeable will realise do not really match up. Taken along with other real time parameters such as sync speed (usually <6mb) and actual download speeds (rock solid 2mb on my 2mb package), the indications are that my line is more in the region of 3.5km, which coincidentally, is almost the exact distance I am from the village and the exchange.

The problem is that whilst the attenuation and all the other figures are actively measured line length is taken from nothing more than a database which was likely compiled when lines were first installed and apparently sporadically and haphazardly updated since, if at all. Like it or not then your line is what the database says not necessarily what it is.

As for previous complaints here, and note that I never said that 'service had been good for everyone' but for the majority - which I believe to be true. I won't deny that there have been a few complaints but taken in context, meaning that it can only be a tiny subset of their customers who are actually on this and the other popular forum, they cannot really be taken as indicative of anything. Overall, and prior to this episode of course, I don't imagine TC's complaints count was proportionally any greater or lesser than any other ISP's and what dealings I had with them were handled promptly and efficiently.

Finally if you search for Teleconnect of course you will find posts about Teleconnect which will now be completely out of proportion so to be fair and balanced you would have to overlook the recent rash then search for every other ISP and see what people have had to say about them.


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[quote user="ErnieY"]

I have to say that I'm rather surprised Quillan that you can satisfactorily run TV on 1mb, indeed that any ISP is even offering it !


Quite correct, the decoder works with both ADSL and/or satellite. Being so slow we have to have a dish although it appears that the 'Guide' is sent via the Internet as does, I believe, the English language film audio. The decoder has to be connected to the Livebox to function.

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Presumably they do the same as CanalSat and transmit two parallel streams of soundtrack. You tell the decoder which one you want to listen to. TF1 transmit some of their American import dramas with the same choice of VO or VF.
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[quote user="ErnieY"]

That's a new one on me Quillan, we do live and learn !

I doubt that your audio comes via the Internet though as it would be impossible to synchronise it with video via satellite due to propogation delays.


In fact Quillan has previously posted on the OrangeSat option in 2008 in some detail.

Since then the only notable change has been a new decoder and wider availability of OrangeSport.


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[quote user="pachapapa"]In fact Quillan has previously posted on the OrangeSat option in 2008 in some detail.[/quote]Thank you. Sometimes makes you wish for the days of an 'H +4' and a mere 4 channels to choose from [blink]
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  • 2 weeks later...

Was anyone else with Teleconnect down all weekend.  I had no VoIP for most of the weekend until they obviously sorted it on Monday morning.  So I couldn't get online for Sat and Sun - again.  Why can't Teleconnect work at weekends?

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