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Teleconnect changes.....

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ErnieY, I have just used the dfg123ty password and lo and behold I am now logged on to Budget Telecom (note new logo changed from Teleconnect). So very many thanks for that. Don't know where I got the change in password but as I said in an earlier post, getting a new modem and then all the troubles we've all had may have had something to do with it. I know my downstream time went from 22 to 9 , but it is no back up to an acceptable 13.8.

Anyway keep your eyes peeled on this subject come the 13th as there will be a race to see who has VOIP first!!


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And here's me thinking you are a super technophobe ErnieY!!!  It shows the state of your adsl line, there are upstreams and downstreams and each time I have had cause to talk to Teleconnect they always ask me for the figures. See page that opens when you log on to Anyway I guess (?) it is to do with uploads and downloads. Downstream for me when I first subscribed was 6.4!!!!! It was up to 22.0 before all the recent problems, currently at 14.0 which is good.[:)]

thanks for all your help BTW


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Yes yes tuppence, I know all that, but there is nothing anywhere in the router statistics called 'downstream time' which is what prompted my question.

For downstream you have 3 numbers, line rate - which is the speed of your connection, SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) margin - roughly translated the quality of it, and attenuation - how much loss there is between you and the exchange, so which of those are you calling 'downstream time' ?

I'm guessing (hoping) you're talking about the SNR

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ErnieY, yes I think that you are right it is SNR margin that I meant. On the occasions I've spoke to a TC techie, that was the one he always wanted to know the figures. So I always check that now as the 'other' downstreams tend to stay much the same.


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Hello, (I am someone who has a second home and was unable to make any changes until we go here Wednesday night)

As some who did the modem/router update Wednesday night (and did not see this post..gggrrr), I was back on within 11 hours. My VOIP had changed and so had the SMTP (which I do not use anyway).  However, my bug bear is something which has not been mentioned here yet and I am wondering if this is effecting everyone else as well.

My static IP address has been changed. This has caused issues with the webcam we use for security.

I have lost ADSL2+ and now only have ADSL. I disabled G.DMT and then had no sync, proof of no ADSL2 or ADSL2+.

My Downstream has gone from 11,000 to 1,216.

My Upstream has gone from 1,200 to 320.

I have written to TC this morning asking why I am getting a 10th of the service.

Anyone else having problems?


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Are you sure you had a static IP address with Teleconnect. If you have not specifically arranged this then I doubt you had one.

With 'always on' services you will hang on to the same one for extended periods, and even retain it through a router reset, but a reasonable period off line would likely have seen you pick up a different one, especially so at the moment where there is probably a lot more router cycling going on.

The only way to ensure your webcam stays up is to use something like DynamicDNS and once you have signed up with them (free) the Tecom router has section where you can set it up. I use this for my TiVo recorders.

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[quote user="ErnieY"]Are you sure you had a static IP address with Teleconnect. If you have not specifically arranged this then I doubt you had one.

With 'always on' services you will hang on to the same one for extended periods, and even retain it through a router reset, but a reasonable period off line would likely have seen you pick up a different one, especially so at the moment where there is probably a lot more router cycling going on.

The only way to ensure your webcam stays up is to use something like DynamicDNS and once you have signed up with them (free) the Tecom router has section where you can set it up. I use this for my TiVo recorders.

Ernie, Yes, I had a static IP - I did not specifically ask for it, but phoned them and they advised me that it was static; it has been the same one for over 18 months.  The webcam can also supports Dynamic DNS as well.  I may give this a try later anyway as it will help if the router does lose the IP address.

Thanks - Simon

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I had to reset my router as part of the upgrade and took ErnieY's advice regarding DDNS and set this up.  On the Webcam, the default port is 80, but you can setup an secondary port of 81, which I have done and this port works locally.

However, when ever I use the ext IP address (or DDNS name) on the port (81) I cannot see the webcam and get web page not found error.  I have even tried DMZ (with a very worrying error message about disabling VOIP), but this still did not work.  I have tried using port 80 as well, and the modem "allegedly" moves to port 8080, but when you reboot it reverts back to port 80.Do you know, through your own experience, if TC or the new options have disabled port forwarding?

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I don't know how your camera is configured but my TiVo recorder actually runs as a web server on port 80.

All I have done is entered the relevant Dynamic DNS name in the router's Dynamic DNS page then on the NAT page forward it to the TiVo IP address.

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Came into the study this morning to see my VOIP light off, feared the worst but a router reboot has restored it.

Holding the breath now for Monday which is supposedly 'drop dead' time for those still un-upgraded.

Incidentally, as a matter of interest I tried using Skype to call my new VOIP number beginning with 09 and Skype says 'Invalid' and their help says I cannot call this type of number. I suspect the same will apply for calls initiated in UK but I'll try and confirm that later this morning, nice one TC [:'(]

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Unless you have got a standby router I'd hold off until you're forced to do it. As I've said I upgraded my spare and ended up with zilch out of it afterwards [blink]

I plan to have another play with it over the weekend and maybe leave it on overnight tonight to see if it comes to life.

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I'd suggest, don't do anything while the technical support line is closed...

Also, worth comment - Having started this post because I did the update not long after being told too, I noticed that in the last week while TC seem to have been messing about with the VOIP, yesterday I think was the only day my VOIP did not go off at some time during the day... Whether that's significant on not is anybodies guess (Could even be the fact that they were not doing anything yesterday because it was Good Friday [blink] )

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Hi Nell,

Just to muddy the waters a bit more, my VOIP line used to go off every night so I had to reboot every morning. Since TC's messing about it has only gone off once and been on all through the night. Don't seem to make sense does it? Still theres always Monday to come but remember they will be on holiday[6] too so maybe Tuesday might be a better day to try the phone lines[8-)].


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Our phone was fine last night too.  In fact I think it was better than before although it could be just that I'm not used to being able to hear anything.

BTW I usually have a problem hearing what people say if they ring from a mobile or an office within France.  For instance delivery people who are lost, and people selling me top-up insurance or frozen food.  Has anyone else got that problem?  It's not always that I can't understand the French but I can't hear what they are saying.

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[quote user="tuppence"]

Just an update on previous post. Just phoned Mum in the UK via my VOIP line and no gargling, no Norman Collier, no goldfishbowl!!  Must go and lie down in a dark room, the shock is just too much[8-)]!



Wow - Phoned mother in Northern Ireland - crystal clear - Dare I say "All is well with Teleconnect"  [Www]

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