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Complete France Forum

Any Freenautes out there?

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Does anyone else use Free.fr, what do you think of it, do you have any particular problems, likes dislikes etc?

A very high proportion of French people I know use it but it seems very few forum users do (though I think NormanH does) hence the posting.

I suppose it could be that most live in rural areas and will not be able to make the most of the deal.

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What is a freegan? _ A freeloading vegan perhaps like the one that was freeloading across France and who complained that the food that she (might have been a he I cant remember) was given by the Croix rouge in Calais was not vegan.

Freenautes do however get free wifi access across the whole of France, so they tell me anyway as I dont have a portable computer.

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Yes I use it and am very happy with it. In 3 and a half years I have only had one problem when the power pack for the freebox failed, but the helpline diagnosed it immediately, and the pack was quickly replaced.

One good thing is that there are two freeboxes, one for the Internet/telephone and the other for the TV.

They can be in different parts of the house because they can be  connected via the mains, not by a cable. This means you can have your TV anywhere, not necessarily close to the computer

You can also have the system where you share a bit of your bandwidth in exchange for Wifi access elsewhere.

I get Internet (ADSL2 at about 8mb ) TV(a big offer but no mainstream British)  and telephone with free calls to fixed phones in over 60 countries, including all the ones I need to call, and free calls to mobiles in North America, for 29,99 a month

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Mine is like that Norman but with a wireless connection between the boxes.

Once in a blue moon a film or program does have an English (usually V.O.) soundtrack which can be accessed via the languages option on the information menu.

I have found such programs mainly on TF1, TMC, W9, Arte etc, Usually it brings up "no other language available" and even when you have the option most of the English soundtracks on Arte are German and most of the time with the others they are still in French but it can be worth persisting.

Failing that you could always watch the Jerry Springer show (W9 I think) which has the original soundtrack (99% ***** bleeps) and French subtitles which bear very little relation to what is being uttered.

Do you have any problems with audio feedback buzz at low volumes and especially when there is an on screen display?

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