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How to get a signal out of a tv with built in recorder ?

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I have an LG 42PC1RR , which has  a built in hard drive.

I would like to transfer to dvd some of the programs I have recorded.

I have tried with a scart lead but when I play a recorded program I do not seam to get a signal at the scart sockets (1 or 2).

I have looked through the instructions but can find no mention of how or if it can be done.

Has anyone any ideas ? .........please .


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I found a copy of your TV's manual on line.  My best suggestion is that you wire up your DVD recorder as per the instructions as to how to wire in a VCR, as - in effect - the principal for transfer is the same.  Details on page 17 of the manual I've got FROM HERE

But no doubt Mr Watkins and co will have an idea.  I certainly can't find a reference to it in the instructions either.

EDIT : I see also that the instructions for wiring in VCRs etc seem to be for playback only.  It does have a PC input though so maybe the best way would be to use this and dub and edit via your PC?  It's certainly very unhelpful.  I had a good google and all I can find are a few fora where other people have asked this question but nobody has answered it!

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I'm afraid Mr Watkins doesn't know either!

Although just a thought -  have you tried (assuming it's possible) to set the SCART output on the TV to composite (as opposed to RGB) by fiddling with the menus.    I suppose it's just possible that if it's set to RGB at the moment the DVD recorder can't "see" it.

But I'm far from sure that that is your problem.

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I realise that this is an unhelpful comment for you, Krusty, but I think it does highlight the major snag of buying "all in one" kit.  As much as I detest the bowl of spaghetti behind my TV, with seperate components at least if one has shortcomings or goes wrong, you can just replace that one piece of kit.  I'd be a bit peeved in your shoes if the hard drive packed up (which in my experience of DVD HD recorders, they do) and I had to replace the telly as well.  Annoying too if there is no dub or transfer facility.

I'd still try the pc option if I were you.[:)]

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Hello Coops .......are you still on the case ? , thank you.

I have looked at the PC option , but I dont think it is workable . The pc connection is just for an input ............loveley big monitor when I connect my laptop to it [Www]

I do not think the hard drive will be a problem if it ever fails , I can see it behind a metal vented plate on the back of the tv. It is a Seagate model so hopefully if the need ever arises I will be able to replace it.

I was thinking of taking it out and connecting it to a pc to get the program I want off it , but I suspect it will be a different format .  

ps that site for the manual gives a short measure version , it only goes up to page 35 ......mine goes up to page 99

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is it possible that you are trying to copy something that may have some form of copy protection?

I know someone who has a Panasonic (I think) DVD recorder and had similar problems trying to export certain recordings from the hard drive. A lot of digital TV seems to have some sort of DRM protection to stop people copying from to a disc or another format i.e. its OK on the hard drive as that is just for personal use but if you want to copy it elsewhere it is blocked.

Maybe Martin knows something about the digital BBC programmes having some sort of encryption.



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I don't know,  but would guess that you'd only start suffering from copy-protect problems on some Sky film channels.

AFAIK  (and it isn't my speciality!) Sky do use Macrovision on some of their channels,   which prevents copying while viewing direct.   I imagine that they COULD put a copy-prohibit flag onto similar film programmes on a hard disk,  but I would doubt the BBC would do anything like that.

Of course in the HD field the special HDMI output is designed around preventing illicit copying of HD material,  so if it's HD material then it wouldn't be surprising.

On HD sat boxes you can get at a downscaled version of the signal,   for example we can watch the BBC HD channel without problems on a cathode ray tube TV using a SCART lead. 

All in all I really don't know,   but it seems absolutely daft to market a TV/HDD where you cannot fish anything off the drive and store it for later.   After all most programming is NOT subject to strict copyright.....  and you might want to keep say Granny appearing on a local news bulletin!!

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Looking at the picture in the instruction book that Danny located,  certainly the symbol beside the SCART sockets suggests that they are ins as well as outs.

I would try a different Scart cable,  and I would also double double double check that the DVD recorder you are using is correctly set in terms of what input you have used to connect it to the TV.   Are you sure (and I don't mean to be patronising) that you have correctly chosen (say) AV2 as the input channel on the DVD recorder if you've used the AV2 socket on it?

Finally,  what happens if you plug a second TV into one of the SCART sockets on the LG?  (assuming you have a second set).

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[quote user="Jane and Danny"]

If you ever lose yours, you will know where to look [Www]


Thanks for that , I dont think I will lose mine , it is in 7 languages so is about the size of war and peace [Www]

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I have now tried a different scart lead , the result when I am playing the HD the scart output switches to the tuner .

So although I can see the program I want on the LG , what ends up on the second tv is the tuner output.

When I stop the HD the second tv goes blank.

I hope that makes sense.

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Does that happen on both Scart 1 and Scart 2 on the LG?    One would have hoped that one of them would follow the HD function.

However,  we're getting closer by the sound of things.   

I'm thinking there must be a menu somewhere to over-ride what's happening,  but under what title....?

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Laters;   long shot,   but what happens if you tune the LG tuner into analogue and ask it to "look" at AV1,  or AV2,  then press play on the HD.   I'm just wondering if they've left a loophole there;  on the other hand you might just get a visual howl-round.

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Hi Martin,

"Does that happen on both Scart 1 and Scart 2 on the LG? " ....yes

 "but what happens if you tune the LG tuner into analogue and ask it to "look" at AV1,  or AV2."......not sure what you mean , the tuner only looks at the aerial input ?

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Fair enough,  what I was trying to get at was the AV inputs on the LG.   Obviously under some circs they swithc automatically  (AV1 and AV2) but I was wondering if there was a "position" that selected (manually) the HDD o/p -  it might be after AV4 but before BBC 1 (or TF1 or whatever) and I just wondered if whether you selected it it might produce the HD o/p to a Scart socket.

It must be possible to select AV3 and Av4 manually for when you want to use those (non-automatically switching)inputs but I haven't got the manual in front of me -  I just wondered if there was anything else on the same lines...?

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