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All French purchased arms and dishes which are taller than they are wide all take the same size. Sky dishes irrespective of size have a smaller neck/ hole for the LNB and vary - Satcure or Maplins UK sites give options / descriptions. Sorry just realsied dinner is almost ready or would post links
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Second go:

Had a squint at the quad LNB in my standard UK sourced dish and the French sourced monoblock LNB and dish for Hotbird and they look identical in size. Both only about 1m above my head on the side of the house so not peering meters up into the darkness !

The answer is to measure before you buy but in terms of functionality any LNB you find in the shops will work.

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[quote user="AnOther"]Second go:

Had a squint at the quad LNB in my standard UK sourced dish and the French sourced monoblock LNB and dish for Hotbird and they look identical in size. Both only about 1m above my head on the side of the house so not peering meters up into the darkness !

The answer is to measure before you buy but in terms of functionality any LNB you find in the shops will work.


Are you sure Ernie? I thought the sky ones use an 18 volt line to the LNB which others do not.

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Off the shelf / out of the box French purchased single and twin LNBs work with Sky digiboxes so I do not think voltage is an issue.

Link to page which shows various Sky sizes and also standard LNBs. The LNBs themselves are inside the white plastic covers it is the neck which is held by the collar which varies in size as does the method of attaching to the arm for the Sky perforated dishes.




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As Anton has said,  "Sky LNBs" and "other LNB's" are all "universals".    It's very rare to find other types, although they exist (C band,  Telecom,  etc)

The original Sky LNB's had a local oscillator frequency of 10.00 GHz.   These were replaced with "enhanced" LNBs which ran at 9.75 GHz to accommodate Astra 1D's band of frequencies (analogue transmissions at the time of course).   With the start of broadcasting in the 11.7 - 12.7 GHz band these were replaced by "universal" LNBs which switched to high band (10.6 GHz LO freq) when 22 kHz was applied.   The 13 V / 18 V  switching for polarisation has been there pretty much from the start.

Someone sent me a quad LNB with a Sky badge to replace one I'd lent them,  and the neck IS different to a "standard" collar size,  slightly smaller.   However,   when you buy one of those adaptor kits to allow a Sky minidish to accept a standard LNB it comes with an extra circular piece that changes the size of the collar to accept a standard size or a Sky size LNB.

If Coops has a standard non sky dish and buys a bog standard multiple LNB it should fit fine.  But be careful coops!

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I think that I have a Sky mini-dish, but as this was installed for me by a France based Brit who used to specialise in these things (now non-operational) and as I can't find the paperwork, I can't be 100% certain.  I presently have a nice chap doing some work for me and he has agreed to install a twin or quad LNB for me and put in some wiring so I can have two Freesat/Sky decoders because a) I'm sick of not being able to watch one channel and record another and b) I've got to move rooms and want a telly in my new study/bedroom.  He's local so I'm not sure he'd know if it's a Sky mini-dish if he went and looked at it - what's more I'd like to buy the thing, and the new box, from Amazon in the UK as it's so much cheaper but I don't want to get the wrong thing if I can avoid it.

The question therefore is chaps, would he know a Sky mini-dish if he looked at it?  Does it have Sky stamped on it somewhere?[;-)]

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[quote user="Chancer"]

The pigeon provokers I get, the through window connectors also although I would never use one, but what on earth is the Tupperware box filled with what looks like sand for?

Is that your idea of a weatherproof joint box AnOther?


Looks like cement to me - come on put us out of our misery, what is it??

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Coops -  just one point which I was trying to allude to in my previous.

Some early Sky dishes have an LNB which doesn't have a collar as such,  but whose support (which is in fact inseparable from the LNB) pokes direct into the dish arm.

If you have one of those you need an adaptor kit to convert the arm on your dish so that it can carry an ordinary LNB.

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[quote user="Martin963"]Coops -  just one point which I was trying to allude to in my previous.

Some early Sky dishes have an LNB which doesn't have a collar as such,  but whose support (which is in fact inseparable from the LNB) pokes direct into the dish arm.

If you have one of those you need an adaptor kit to convert the arm on your dish so that it can carry an ordinary LNB.

Like here

[/quote]Thanks Martin.  At that price I'm tempted to get one just in case.  However, before I do - could I tell from the ground (I'm not going up any ladders, ta!) if it's an early one?  It was fitted 5 years ago - is it likely?
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Coops  -  I don't know if what I'm going to write applies univerally but....

I've got two of the old all-in-one jobs,  and instead of the surface of the LNB that faces the dish being a white circular dish (as it normally is on the bog-standard types) it's sort of more oval shaped,   with the surface being swept back at an angle either side.   I know that's a rotten description,  in addition the surface isn't white but dark grey.    The end of the arm of the dish just disappears into the structure of the LNB,  instead of their being a collar.

If you put up a photo that would tell us.

I may be worrying unnecessarily....

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Well I've zoomed in on that pic (lovely roof!) and it looks as though it'll need the kit,  *as far as I can see*.  

I'm basing that on the fact that the cable comes out slightly on the left of the LNB and the LNB housing looks chunky for a single LNB,   as my ones do.

But I'd value someone else commenting as I don't want to put coops to unnecessary expense.

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The top dish is a SKY mesh dish and will need a SKY LNB from either Maplin, Satcure or one of the French based specialists in French TV. If the lower dish is also used for UK, and it also seems to be aligned for the same satellites as the SKY dish then it will take a 2 or 4 way LMB from a DIR Shed or hypermarket.
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