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E-Mail from France Telecom?

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Just had an e-mail from France Telecom/Orange? have copied it below, received this via my E-mail account linked to my internet account with FT. I think it is a con, anyone else had the same, must admit had a bit of a scare before we went through it. Did have my suspicions on this as my name wasn't shown on the e-mail. I take it, it is normal practice in France for companies to put your name on e-mails as they do in the UK.

Ps I applied for access Libre back in September with Orange, had never given the e-mail address to anyone, never used it, went on for the first time and already had e-mails from sexy Monica, Sophie etc.

----- Original Message -----

From: "France Telecom" <promofr@pixmania.org>

To: ########@orange.fr

Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 3:36 PM

Subject: mettre a jour vous coordonnes !

> Cher (e) client (e) :


> Nous somme au regret

de vous  apprendre qu on date du 08 novembre  2009 et au cours d un traitement

informatique de routine concernant les prelevements mensuels effectues sur


> compte de notre clientele abonnee,nous avons malencontreusement

impute la somme six cent quatre-vingt-dix (600.90 euros).


> A fin

de vous faire benificier du remboursement  de cette somme indument prelevee sur

votre votre compte,,nous vous prions de vous connecter sur le lien qui apparait

en dessous de

> ce message et nous fournir  les renseignements necessaires

a l etablissement de votre  fiche special remboursement .


> Merci

de votre comprehension


> Cliquer ici pour proceder a l

tablissement de votre fiche :   http://www.radiometro.it/media/INBOX/info.htm




> Nb :


> -   Notre service facturation

vous contactera dans un delai de 48 h pour vous confirmer le remboursement

.veuillez fournir un numero de telephone joignable.




> Bien a vous.


> Service Client


> France

telecom & orange


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Since the address that it purports to have come from (pixmania) is not an FT address (and even this one has probably been spoofed), and since the site that they want you to go to is "radiometro.it", it's a dead cert that this is a scam. File it in the bin.



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Bugbear, yes I did eventually manage to send them one, but I had problems doing it. I am using Outlook express in the UK ISP is Talktalk, I can receive e-mails from Orange.fr, but it seems I am unable to send e-mails to Orange through my talktalk account by using my orange profile, if you understand. But done now.



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