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2nd phone line - cost ?

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It looks like it is the usual 16 euros a month plus 55 euros installation fee

PLUS a special 54,49 euros fee for getting a second line???  I suppose that if you just take over a line then the cables are already there but in this case, they will definitely have to add them


you can do it online (allegedly!) - click on 'souscrire'

I thought you had just given up you FT line by going ADSL nu!!! Is this a crafty scheme to see if you can get a better speed ?!! [:D]


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[quote user="Jane and Danny"]I thought you had just given up you FT line by going ADSL nu!!! Is this a crafty scheme to see if you can get a better speed ?!! [:D][/quote]Very perceptive Danny [;-)]

My researech unearthed THIS

Plus I discovered what the numbers beside ones line length in Degrouptest really mean.

4 /10 = .4mm = - 15dB/km
5 /10 = .5mm = - 12.4dB/km
6 /10 = .6mm = - 10.3dB/
8 /10 = .8mm = - 7.9dB/km

In my case then, with 4/10 1920m & 6/10 3016m (allegedly) it works out to 59.8648dB which is EXACTLY what degrouptest says so that is clearly a calculated number not a measured one whereas my router(s), which are measuring the value, have never waivered from 49/50dB and interestingly, perhaps coincidental, if I work my line @ 1920+3016 @ 6/10 it comes to 50.8dB [geek]

Believe me, I'm far from giving up yet !


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very interesting thread in your link Ern but maybe you can just follow his lead without getting a new line at all and just write to them with your figures. Nowt to lose with a letter.

Now you are an Orange client, that may be more in your favour.


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Agreed, just asked about the cost of a 2nd line for the purposes of collating information. I'm still trying to find the actual address in Toulouse and have PM'd the guy in the thread but he hasn't come back to me yet, don't suppose anyone else knows it do they ?

Yes, the whole point of going Orange, apart from the obvious one of wanting rid of Telespit of course, was to strenghten my case and having found that thread I feel a lot more hopeful now than I did before I have to say [:)]


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Well, in the thread, he said he sent letter to "DR FT de Toulouse" . That is Direction Regionale FT Toulouse i.e head office for this region.

As for the address:

Directions Régionales de France Télécom/Orange

Directeur - Mireille Garcia
Tél : 05 62 15 86 50
France Télécom/Orange
Direction Régionale Midi Pyrénées
BP 35121
31512 Toulouse Cedex 5

from this page http://www.orange.com/fr_FR/collectivites/att00008183/ContactsDR-juin09.pdf

a nicely written letter  (maybe Clair could help you???[Www]lots of pretty pleases) would help your case.

Good luck



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Thank for that Danny, I didn't think there was an actual Dr. FT as translated by Babelfish !

A letter along with a copy of the dossier I have compiled on both my own line and on those for 2 neighbouring properties with the same issue will definitely be winging it's way there in due course.

It actually appears to be quite a common problem, one which those of the technophobe school will likely be completely unaware of (and of course equally likely to not even care about). I don't expect everyone to be an expert but I still find it astonishing that when the conversation does turn to things Internet and I enquire of people what connection speed thay have I reckon 80% shrug and say they don't have a clue !

This goes for both France and UK BTW


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 I suppose that if you just take over a line then the cables are already there but in this case, they will definitely have to add them.

Not really but yes well actually.

Take of cover of principal phone connection socket...lot of wires with pretty colours....of these 4 are connected the rest turned back.

OrangeFT use POTS so effectively two lines "prima facie" available.

But most fixed line plugs have only two wires located on the first phone spads.

The techy will "rewire" the fixed phone to accomodate the second phone wire locations AND for the € 54.49 he will install another second phone with same

configuration using not more than 30 metres of cable.

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I think that he is talking about an internal extension socket from the new master socket.

They are very unlikely to run a new cable for your second line as you almost certainly have a 4 pair cable coming into your dwelling, the technician will just use a spare pair for the new line and fit another master socket next to your existing one.

I dont really understand all this techy talk of afablaissement etc but arent they just going to say that your new line is equally as crap as they reckon your existing one is?

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A second fixed phone to supplement the first fixed phone installed on the second fixed line.

Le prix d'accès au réseau inclut, au cas où l' installation du client n'en possède pas, la fourniture d'une (ou deux) prise(s) téléphonique(s) et de 30 mètres de câble maximum à partir du point de terminaison s'il existe ou, à défaut, du point d'entrée du câble réseau dans le local du client. Ce prix ne donne pas droit au déplacement des prises existantes

The swallows do not get an extra perch.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

I think that he is talking about an internal extension socket from the new master socket.

They are very unlikely to run a new cable for your second line as you almost certainly have a 4 pair cable coming into your dwelling, the technician will just use a spare pair for the new line and fit another master socket next to your existing one.

I dont really understand all this techy talk of afablaissement etc but arent they just going to say that your new line is equally as crap as they reckon your existing one is?


There is a precedent as in Dial-Up days one could pay extra for twolines and an optional bandwidth increase.

Not sure how that would work with DSLAMs.

The cables entering the establishment have 8 individual wires; so no doubt Ernie will finally after years of perseverance have his router with 6 wires on download 2 wires on upload and spaghetti junction at the DSLAM.

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Actually I have but one lonely pair coming to the house from the pole, and it's quite heavy gauge too, more than .6mm I'm pretty sure. This I know because very early on I had some crackling on the line so I checked the final splice where the incomer is anchored to the corner then drops down on a different piece of single pair to the socket. All seemed OK and the crackling turned out to be somewhere else and was fixed by FT.

At some time in the quite recent past, 5 years or so possibly, the old wooden poles were replaced with concrete ones (I inherited 15 wooden ones with my property [8-|]) during which process I'd say a new piece of cable would certainly have have been run in.

As for a 2nd line being crap, this is the whole point, THE EXISTING LINE ISN'T, it's just that for reasons only known to FT the numbers not only say otherwise but have significantly altered for the worse. I'm supposing, not unreasonably I believe, that if a new line were installed at some point it would be properly tested and the true characteristics ascribed to it in which case I think I should be able to get my speed upped into the 3-4mb region on it and if that proved the case then in due course I could dump my existing FT ADSL nu line.

As I say though, not committing to anything yet, just expanding my research and exploring the options [;-)]


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[quote user="AnOther"]

Actually I have but one lonely pair coming to the house from the pole, and it's quite heavy gauge too, more than .6mm I'm pretty sure. This I know because very early on I had some crackling on the line so I checked the final splice where the incomer is anchored to the corner then drops down on a different piece of single pair to the socket. All seemed OK and the crackling turned out to be somewhere else and was fixed by FT.

At some time in the quite recent past, 5 years or so possibly, the old wooden poles were replaced with concrete ones (I inherited 15 wooden ones with my property [8-|]) during which process I'd say a new piece of cable would certainly have have been run in.

As for a 2nd line being crap, this is the whole point, THE EXISTING LINE ISN'T, it's just that for reasons only known to FT the numbers not only say otherwise but have significantly altered for the worse. I'm supposing, not unreasonably I believe, that if a new line were installed at some point it would be properly tested and the true characteristics ascribed to it in which case I think I should be able to get my speed upped into the 3-4mb region on it and if that proved the case then in due course I could dump my existing FT ADSL nu line.

As I say though, not committing to anything yet, just expanding my research and exploring the options [;-)]



you have signed up for a year with Orange so as long as you are happy to wait[;-)]


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Actually I said "arent they just going to say that your new line is as crap as they reckon your existing one is".

Do you think that they will test your new line when they wont your existing one?

I hope that I am not right but the quote on that site seems about right "Vous cherchez les emmerdes la"

Not understanding all the tech stuff is your problem that you cannot sign up to ADSL with anyone?

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[quote user="Chancer"]

Actually I said "arent they just going to say that your new line is as crap as they reckon your existing one is".

Do you think that they will test your new line when they wont your existing one?

I hope that I am not right but the quote on that site seems about right "Vous cherchez les emmerdes la"

Not understanding all the tech stuff is your problem that you cannot sign up to ADSL with anyone?

[/quote]So you did, apologies.

Will they test a new line, I can't imagine they wouldn't and as the engineer will have to visit the premises I would damn well insist that he did.

Maybe I do 'chase or seek the turd' but I'm not one for giving up until I know I'm licked [:D]

Yes I can sign up for ADSL, I have it but I am 100% convinced that my line is capable of supporting 3-4 times the 1mb Orange have given me and 6-8 times the 512kb all the rest offer which is based on the incorrect stats. I already had an 'impossible' 2mb before Teleconnect (spit) told FT to turn me down to 512kb and I want it back - or better [:@]

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My thinking was.....

Free only have a single offer, their product being based on the same technology as BT Broadband

So if you were able to sign up with them.

It automatically adjusts to the fastest service the line can provide.

Its also cheaper than Orange.


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[quote user="AnOther"][quote user="Chancer"]

[/quote]So you did, apologies.

Maybe I do 'chase or seek the turd' but I'm not one for giving up until I know I'm licked [:D] [/quote]

Well I guess what you get up to on your offshore platform is your own business [:D][6]

I was more thinking along the lines of/

emmerder, verbe transitif

Sens  Contrarier, importuner [Familier]. Synonyme agacer Anglais to piss of

Conjugaison voir la conjugaison du verbe emmerder

As an aside how can I test the actual speed of my Free.fr line?

You have got me looking for les emmerdes now!

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