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telephones compatable with freebox

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The original power supply failed after only five days - the one connected now is a replacement sent by Free who charged 10€ for the privilege. Where can I get another power supply as presumably getting yet another one from Free will not necessarily resolve the problem?

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I have read through your postings again and am a bit confused between your first two where you say that you cannot get a dial tone then that you can but the problem is that of defaulting to voicemail after one ring.

However I have a couple more suggestions.

I am not using any ADSL filters on my phone points and I dont recall being instructed to do so, I did however use them when I had ADSL from FT and a standard telephone line, try removing yours if fitted, they might just be pulling down the line voltage to an unusable level.

I assume that your old analogue handset rings the required amount of times before swiching to voicemail. Try connecting your suspect Siemens phone and try calling your number from a mobile phone, you may well find that whilst your phone only rings once you may hear a further 20 seconds of ringing on the mobile before it switches to voicemail, this would confirm that the problem is with either your Freebox line output voltage (most probably caused by a faulty power supply) or your new phone. Have you tried your new phone elsewhere on a FT or Freebox line?

I should also point out that the number of rings in the house does not always correspond to those heard by the caller, often I pick up on the second ring yet the caller had not heard any ringing tone and thought that they were still waiting for a connection.

I do find that the gestion of services is much more reliable on the computer than via the telephone handset, often the commands are not actioned or the handset will confirm a service that doesnt work and on checking via the computer or television you will find it is not activated.

Finally if you have a television output on your V4 box if you connect a telly via the scart socket you can test your line and test ring your phone via the parameters and then informations reseau menus, it will (try to) ring your phone for about 10 seconds and you could be testing either the line output a.c. voltage or the power supply d.c. voltage during this time.

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The first two cordless phones we tried  (Doro Matras) just made a clicking sound instead

of a dial tone you couldn’t ring out or in.


The latest is a Siemens which has the problem with going

straight to Free voicemail.

We have no filters fitted to any extensions other than the

main socket to which the Freebox is connected.


Most people round here seem to keep their France Telecom

line for incoming calls and use the phone connected to the box for outgoing

which is what we shall probably have to try next - a shame as it incurrs another abonnement of 13€ a month which is an

unwelcome chunk out of my pension.


I also have tried the commands via the telephone handset and

either they are suspended or just engaged.


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Your first phone sounds like it was set to pulse dialling instead of DTMF, often there is a small switch to select this, my phone has a fault and will pulse dial unless I switch to DTMF each time by prefixxig *

Have you read my last few postings and tried any of the suggestions?

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