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Cancelled Orange Internet

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Using Clairs excellent letter.

Worked brilliantly, except they can't read.

I wanted it cancelled on the 21st May, so they decide to cancel it on the 9th May instead. What part of cancel on the 21st don't they get????

Arrrrghhhh!!!!!! I've had enough. I'm going crazy here. Everything that can go wrong, is going wrong!!!!
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Nope. Perhaps that's it then, no idea when the payment comes out.

Surprised they can't do part month, but then....

Oh well, had to change a few plans around it, but it'll work out now.

It would be just nice to have something go smoothly for a change. In a rut and need to vent.
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Suite à votre demande pour le contrat N° xxxxxxxxxxxx, nous vous confirmons que la résiliation prendra effet le 09/05/2010. À compter de cette date, vous ne pourrez plus accéder à vos services.

Is my French so bad, or does this not basically say your internet will be cut off on the 9th May?

Very interesting.

It's the 10th today and yet I'm able to access the net still.

Why can't people do as they promise? Is it really that hard? If I'd have known they weren't going to do as they'd promised, I wouldn't have had to set up an expensive alternative.
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Perhaps somebody else read you letter and decided on the 21st May like you asked.

It's France, there's no point in getting wound up. If they did decide on the 9th May then it's probably on some plebs 'to-do list' and he/she will get round to it at some stage. Look at it this way your getting free Internet, I wish I could. [:D]

I cancelled my car insurance, I took the contract, a copy of the letter I had sent plus the receipt from La Poste for the registered letter to my bank and asked them not to allow any direct debits from said company after the date I set to cancel the contract in the letter, it cost me 16 Euros but I slept well. I did this after reading about all the grief people had suffered cancelling things on this forum and it worked. No further money went from my account and I never heard from the insurance company again.

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Yeah I guess.

Just drives me insane when people say they will do one thing and then don't. I mean why say it if you're not going to follow through?

Ah well, I'd rather have two options of phone access than none at all and I emailed my bank manager to tell him to cancel all my standing orders and direct debits, so no money "in theory" should exit my account now.
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I wish I had your faith in E-mails being acted on in France, in my experience anything less than une letrre recomandée is consigned to the , physical or electronic dustbin.

France Telecom cut off my line 14 days before I requested it, in fact pretty much as soon as they recieved my recorded letter however they still charged me for the period which was reassuring [:P]

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I had a similar experience with Orange internet last year.

In my case I wanted to reconnect internet and sent them an email asking to be reconnected on 21st of a month (this was sent on the 9th).

At the same time, in a separate e-mail, I asked France Telecom (Orange) phone department to reconnect my phone on 16th.

Follow me so far?

Got a reply e-mail from internet department almost immediately saying they had tried to reconnect me but couldn't because the phone line was not working!!


Guess they can't read, as you say, Richard.
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Watch them ! I have been down this road with Orange Recorded delivery letters mean nothing to them...They reinstated my broadband internet contract even though they were told the FT line was no longer connected .....My non payment of their demand for monies due to their cock up was sent on to debt collectors . They are terrible to deal with .
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Well, I feel I have to defend the phone part of the company.

I sent them an e mail on Saturday, requesting my phone reconnection.

Stupidly, I forgot to arm myself with a phone bill when I left France last autumn so I couldn't give them my client number, or the exact amount of my last bill (which is what they always ask for).

Got a reply first thing this morning (Monday) saying that they can go ahead with my request if I send instead the first 7 chiffres of the bank account I use to pay my bills.

Did that and got a further reply a few minutes later saying that all is in order.

Mind you, they haven't reconnected the phone line yet - asked for 21st May! - but I am quietly confident that someone on the other end knows what they're doing.
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