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Internet speeds

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Just trying to improve our internet connection (FT / Orange) 512k for which we pay about 35€ a month in total. I have looked at the site that tests the line and it tells me that we are at a distance of 6776 m from the exchange, have an afaiblissement of 71.29dB (not sure what this means?) and for Debit ADSL and ADSL 2+ we have 0 kbs. Our internet connection is extremely temperamental but works better if I unplug the wireless telephones and plug in a non-wireless telephone when we use it. We have a wireless Netgear router. I suspect that the line and the exterior junction box are very old so I am thinking of ringing FT and asking them to check it. Is there anything else I can try? Would be grateful for explanations that are not too technical!

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At that distance you are really on the limit for any kind of broadband.  An attenuation of 70dB (which is normal being 7Kms from the exchange) is enough to completely block such connections and I'm slightly surprised that you get even 512k with an attenuation of 71.29dB,  that figure will change a bit sometimes hence the connection being temperamental.  You certainly won't get more with current technology, even ADSL2+

Have you considered a 3G key? If you have a reasonable mobile phone signal you just stick the key into your PC or laptop and off you go at 3.6Mbit/s. It is of course mobile (with a laptop) and no line rental charges if you can do without a landline.  Slightly less expensive too, depending on the package you pick.

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Thanks Pierre. The mobile signal is no great shakes either, as we have to hang out of the bedroom window in the gite or go to the top of the garden! Thanks for explaining so clearly.  One of our neighbours has just been connected and the engineer said that they may consider a booster at some point. Is it worth my while getting them to check the physical line and the internal and external junction boxes?
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We have had a lot of discussion over the years about it (I am on the Conseil Municipal). One hamlet in the commune couldn't get broadband at all and now have a Nordnet satellite connection. But, yes you are right it may be worth trying to get the booster. We have a small group of people who use the internet all the time and many households without computers so we are not a big lobby, but a couple of us depend on it for our businesses.
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What really annoys me is when they say on UK television how poor UK broadband is compared with France. What they actually mean is compared with Paris (and even then I am not sure). In the depths of the New Forest we had a reliable 2mg and here only a dodgy 512k at a far higher price.
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[quote user="EmilyA"] Is it worth my while getting them to check the physical line and the internal and external junction boxes?[/quote]

Not really, the figure you gave at the distance you are from the exchange is about right. It sounds like the actual connection is as good as its going to get.

Is your mobile signal bad on all the major suppliers? Sometimes if its not good on SFR its better on say orange or Bouygtel (or vice versa)  If its bad on all of them then satellite might be the only answer for you.

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Thanks Pierre. I have decided to get them to come as I can understand the slow speeds, but not the fact that some days are much better than others or the problems caused by the interference from the wireless telephone. There are also some bizarre patterns in the service, for example it is much slower / flakier on Saturday mornings and the same if it is wet or windy. I realise it will cost me for them to come and check the internal junction box, but I will know then that I have done all that I can. There was a lovely moment with the helpline when they said "it is not France Telecom's fault that you live a long way from the exchange and don't have a very good connection"!!!

Some mobile signals are better than others, but none of them are really strong. I think if the visit doesn't produce anything then I will get lobbying for the booster.

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Just to update - the man from Orange came and there was a fault (ancient storm damage, before our time) in the internal connection point. The internet connection is now working far faster and we have not had to unplug the wireless phone to use the internet. He also detected a fault on the line which will cause problems in the rain and is sending someone to repair it. Sadly though we will never get anything faster than 512k as we live in the countryside a long way from the exchange.

Doesn't feel like much encouragement for rural small businesses but there you go!

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