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Virus from 'Post Express office'

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I received an email last night supposedly from 'Post Express office' stating that I had a parcel 'refuse' (sic) due to incorrect address.  Attached was a file containing a 'Mailing Label' which I was supposed to open and print off.  (If they have a label, why on earth should I print it off??)

Anyway, its a nasty virus and if you open it it will infect your manchine and turn it into a 'Bot.  Hard to get rid of too.

I mention this as at first glance it is quite convincing especially if like me you are expecting a package in the post.

Also, although Comodo will pick it up, AVG and McAfee will not and I know a lot of you rely on these.

Do not open the attachment if you receive this email

Here is the text of the email

Subject : Post Express Office. Delivery refuse. NR23863

Dear client.

Email notification No.2467795

Your package has been returned to the Post Express office.

The reason of the return is "Error in the delivery address"

Important message!

Attached to the letter mailing label contains the details of the package delivery.

You have to print mailing label, and come in the Post Express office in order to receive the packages!

Thank you for your attention.

Post Express

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Its not uncommon, they come in all sorts of disguises, FedEx, Parcel Force etc. The thing is we don't expect anything most of the time and when things do come it's either by post or a 'white van man'. Only once we counld not be found but they phone us for directions so basically all these emails go in the bin. If you use something like 'Mail Washer' they get marked as Spam automatically and deleted anyway.
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Unfortunately Pierre you broke that most basic rule of email which is NEVER EVER open or download attachments from unknown sources.

Expecting a package or not who on earth are 'Post Express office' and surely the poor composition and grammatical errors in the message should have alerted you to it's dubious authenticity [blink]

Can you confirm how you know that AVG and McAfee would not catch this BTW ?

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Actually I didn't  open the attachment because I suspected it was dodgy.

I submitted the file to Comodo who quickly identified it as malware.

I looked around a few Techy blogs and from the discussions and appeals for help it seems that is a relatively new virus are AVG and McAfee don't stop it. I can't say first hand as I don't use these but many people here seem to use/like them hence my warning

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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]Anyway, its a nasty virus and if you open it it will infect your manchine and turn it into a 'Bot.  Hard to get rid of too.[/quote]Apologies if I misread this to mean that you had opened it and got infected, I should have known better [:$]

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