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Alice - change of contract?

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I've just had an email from Alice informing me that my request for a change of offer has been recorded and that I need to complete a few steps to finalise it.

Chèr(e) abonné(e),

Nous avons bien enregistré votre demande de changement d'offre pour

profiter de la nouvelle offre AliceBox.

Pour finaliser votre demande, merci de confirmer votre demande en

cliquant sur le lien suivant:

(link removed as it apparently went straight into my account with no log in, thanks for alerting me Danny!)

Attention: sans cette confirmation, votre changement d'offre ne

sera pas effectif.

Merci de votre fidélité,

L'équipe Alic

Now I have NOT asked for any changes,  this comes totally out of the blue,   and as far as I can see this is a blatant attempt to "bounce" me into a situation where they can keep me another year by default because effectively I'd be starting a "different" contract to the one I've had for more than  three years.

Am I right in thinking that I should simply ignore this demand?

Has anyone else had something similar?

Thanks in advance.


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Thanks Danny, I've taken action.

Suggests it isn't a scam at least!

Actually,   it's a very VERY serious breach of security.    It doesn't in fact go to my details,  it goes to the details of a friend's Alice account where - temporarily - we used my email address as the point of contact whilst the contract was being set up.   It seems to be totally appalling that Alice don't take you through the security steps when you click that link.

Again,  many many thanks Danny!

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it seems strange that this has been sent without your request.

If you are in France, I would call 1033 and tell them that you have not and do not want to change your contract.

If this relates to the changes to the TVA - all of the ISPs have been affected - then I presume if it is going the same way as it is with Free, you will be migrated automatically to the new offer unless you tell them you do not want to. In this case, your account should be terminated.

I think you should have received a previous email telling you about the changes.

Plenty to read here


I will have a read  through and let you know if anything relevant jumps out.....

Changing to Orange soon may well work out a better idea in your neck of the woods..... that's another question though.


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I'll contact our friends and ask them if they've requested any changes.

I've checked my Alice email account (which I don't use) and it's just full of junk from Virgin and Simyo.   I still seem to be paying €34.99 per month in spite of any VAT changes,  although as we don't have the TV (triple play?) offer I thought the VAT was staying the same...

Anyway,  if they want to cut me off I'll move to Orange as you suggest.

Thanks once again Danny.

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read the second post by Busyspider on the first page for starters.

Also it seem that you are not alone in not having received any email notification of changes.

You are wise not to confirm or tick anything at the moment.


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It seems that to confirm your new contract you need to confirm it in your espace client by clicking on 'suite' and then continuing. So it seems you have done so yet.

This will involve a new contract with the same terms as those of Free, including the 96 euro fee for 'frais d'activation' which works out in practice like the 'résiliation' fee of SFR and others. With Alice/Free the amount goes down by 3 euros each month so e.g. if you cancel after one year it is 96 - 36 = 60 to pay. If you cancel after two years it will be 96 - 72 = 24 to pay.

If you dont want all that and if you decide to cancel, then you can do it via the espace client easily too. In the menu on the left near the top there is an item 'résiliation' or 'formulaire de résiliation' (I forget exactly) and you can easily tick some boxes and print off your cancellation letter. Follow the instructions and make sure you keep a copy for yourself and also send the letter and the box back by AR + AR and keep the registered post slip when you get them for a long time as proof of their having received both - just in case there is any hassle!

I did this when I cancelled Alice and it all went very smoothly. No guarantee that will follow of course!!

Let me know if want some help in choosing an Orange or other package which may be best for you.


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[quote user="idun"]Would that Alice had been so organised and easy when I was having problems with them and their earlier incarnations.[/quote]

I agree with that - I had no end of problems with them, years after I changed ISP's they were still on my case.

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Having ascertained that the email I received (original post) was for a friend's account (not mine) I'm puzzled about the lack (in my case) of a VAT increase;  I'm still paying €34.95 (both for Feb and March 2011).

No emails or other prompts.  I think I'll keep quiet and see if they notice.

Thanks for the advice anyway.

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[quote user="Martin963"]Having ascertained that the email I received (original post) was for a friend's account (not mine) I'm puzzled about the lack (in my case) of a VAT increase;  I'm still paying €34.95 (both for Feb and March 2011).

No emails or other prompts.  I think I'll keep quiet and see if they notice.

Thanks for the advice anyway.


Presuming you were a subscriber before february 2009, it is probable that you were ina non degrouped area with ADSL Nu.

You would probably now be classed as Alice Box in a non degrouped area with a monthly subscription of € 34,95 per calendar month.

Like me![:)]

You should not therefore resort to anxiety moments.



Below my account for february 2011, a rare exception to the usual € 34,95 TTC but I called a lad on his mobile to coordinate a RDV to pick up a water heater advertised on Le BonCoin; further below a years monthly payments to Alice.

Alice are currently offering a move to the Free V Box maybe that is what you are considering; the offer covers non degrouped areas.

I may move to it when I have mastered the DLNA features of the Samsung PS50C6790.

Facture n° 262455707 - 21 Mars 2011 Détail de votre consommation
Abonnements, forfaits et options 34.95 € TTC
Prix unitaire/mois Montant % TVA Montant
Alice ADSL du mois de Mars 2011 34.95
Communications de la ligne n° 0549****** 0.52 € TTC
Offre Quantité Durée Montant % TVA Montant
hh :mm :ss EUR HT EUR TTC
Trafic Téléphonique
Trafic Téléphonique Février 2011 0.52
Appels Internationaux Téléphonie 18 03:32:42 0.00 19.6 0.00
Appels Nationaux Téléphonie 12 00:48:32 0.00 19.6 0.00
Mobile Téléphonie 1 00:01:48 0.43 19.6 0.52
Total facture 29.65 35.47
Les montants unitaires étant arrondis, leur somme peut différer du montant total à payer

 Vos factures 
 Facture N°262455707 de Mars 2011 35,47€ 
 Facture N°255484242 de Février 2011 34,95€ 
 Facture N°249700109 de Janvier 2011 34,95€ 
 Facture N°244863606 de Décembre 2010 34,95€ 
 Facture N°243613741 de Novembre 2010 34,95€ 
 Facture N°234857451 d'Octobre 2010 34,95€ 
 Facture N°228971841 de Septembre 2010 34,95€ 
 Facture N°223742756 de Août 2010 34,95€ 
 Facture N°217379739 de Juillet 2010 34,95€ 
 Facture N°212298893 de Juin 2010 34,95€ 
 Facture N°209523443 de Mai 2010 34,95€ 
 Facture N°201921103 de Avril 2010 35,08€  

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