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I am thinking of buying a 3D Ready TV and in particular one on Amazon.


The price with free delivery and a pair of active 3D Spectacles thrown in is competitive. The Samsung promotion with payback of VAT on the offer until March brings the price down to about € 700 including the spectacles, worth about € 70.

A major factor will be the efficacy of the 3D HyperReal Engine:

Samsung has incorporated a 3D chip with auto-conversion technology that renders 2D content into 3D in real time. And to get greater experience you have active shutter 3D glasses (resolution – 1982×1080) sold by the Korean giant to get full cinematic 3D feel right in your living room.

Can anyone advise me if it is as effective as claimed, the TV would be used sometimes with a Samsung Blu-Ray Player, but the main viewing would be on the local TNT HD channels.

I have a 97 cm HD TV, so the 2D stuff is of little interest, it is the 3D rendering which is paramount.

Thanks for any advice and guidance.

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Personally I would wait for the next generation that do not require glass's, how it works I don't know but it was shown on UK TV a few months back (perhaps the Gadget Show?) because £100 plus for a pair of glass's for your mate to use when he comes round seems a bit expensive to me. Why not wait till 2017 when the first holographic TV's will become available according to PC World although there are already two such systems in existence (and have been for a few years) if you have the odd £30k plus to spend although the new ones will of course be much cheaper and use existing 3D broadcast and other sources.
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[quote user="Alpinemist"]I've been looking at TV's also with 3D. Can't help on that front yet but everyone I ask does say go for LED and not LCD due to pic quality.[/quote]

LED doesn't pass the cost/benefit criteria for me; an extra € 3000 for the privilege makes me blanch.

In the meantime I can only find one test giving info on the 3D Hyper Real Engine and that is not very positive.

The 2D to 3D is essential, pity no one seems to have a Samsung 3D ready TV.

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pachapapa, I do not have the TV set but as a member of "Which" I have viewed their report. Although, I am not allowed to reproduce the report  here this may be of help to you. On their 5* rating they give 4* for standard picture quality, 5* HD picture quality and  just 3* for sound quality and a 72% overall rating. The Samsung LE40C750 is an entry-level 40-inch 3D-ready LCD HDTV, however, it falls just short of the best 3D TVs. The cons on the set are mediocre sound quality, hum from the speakers, HDMI widescreen switching.

From a personal point of view having seen demonstrations of 3D, I think it is just a novelty at present with very little content choice available and in the current form may become a white elephant. It is something that I would not spend money till until at least the wearing of glasses was no longer required, which I understand may be available on a future generation of 3D


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Thanks Baz for reply; I am not keen to outlay serious cash on anything at moment, as you say it is early days still, The glasses dont bother me but I appreciate your point, in fact most people share the same concern. I know there are 3 Samsung 3Ds on display in Parthenay so I wiil try and convince one of the staff to give it a try.

Leclerc are currently selling Double Blu-Ray packs with one DVD for active specs on a 3D Set Up and an anaglyphe,red & green for a conventional 2D TV. Priced at € 29 but price likely to go down if use becomes generalised.

I am not convinced on the 3D without specs; I have seen it on the back display on the Fujitsu twin-lens 3D camera and on the Nintendo hand held games player. It works OK on a small screen but cant see it on a big screen. It is based on 2 images on the screen one directed at the right eye and one directed at the left eye; maybe if your family huddle together in the middle of the room OK but anyone off centre is likely to get only one image in 2D.

I am in a hurry at the moment because of the favourable implications of getting TVA back from Samsung; but I also think they will be first in line for selection for the june-july sales. 

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[quote user="Baz"]

pachapapa, I do not have the TV set but as a member of "Which" I have viewed their report. Although, I am not allowed to reproduce the report  here this may be of help to you. On their 5* rating they give 4* for standard picture quality, 5* HD picture quality and  just 3* for sound quality and a 72% overall rating. The Samsung LE40C750 is an entry-level 40-inch 3D-ready LCD HDTV, however, it falls just short of the best 3D TVs. The cons on the set are mediocre sound quality, hum from the speakers, HDMI widescreen switching.

From a personal point of view having seen demonstrations of 3D, I think it is just a novelty at present with very little content choice available and in the current form may become a white elephant. It is something that I would not spend money till until at least the wearing of glasses was no longer required, which I understand may be available on a future generation of 3D



Just as a matter of interest Baz what came out as 'Best Buy'?

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[quote user="Quillan"][quote user="Baz"]

pachapapa, I do not have the TV set but as a member of "Which" I have viewed their report. Although, I am not allowed to reproduce the report  here this may be of help to you. On their 5* rating they give 4* for standard picture quality, 5* HD picture quality and  just 3* for sound quality and a 72% overall rating. The Samsung LE40C750 is an entry-level 40-inch 3D-ready LCD HDTV, however, it falls just short of the best 3D TVs. The cons on the set are mediocre sound quality, hum from the speakers, HDMI widescreen switching.

From a personal point of view having seen demonstrations of 3D, I think it is just a novelty at present with very little content choice available and in the current form may become a white elephant. It is something that I would not spend money till until at least the wearing of glasses was no longer required, which I understand may be available on a future generation of 3D



Just as a matter of interest Baz what came out as 'Best Buy'?


Quillan, if you asking about 3D TV's then it was   Samsung - UE55C8000 but only at 75% which is an LED at around £3000


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The C9000 series has received favourable reviews inn france, similar to C7700. The best site for reviews in france is Les Numeriques.

The link opens on the 46inch C750 which has a fuller test than the 40C750, click the flag for english translation top right and a drop down menu on left to select Make and model.


The site thinks that the 2D / 3D transform is not bad BUT I WANNA SEE IT FIRST![:)]

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Tuesday visit to Parthenay, a quiet day.  At Leclerc the 3D TV is a plasma and the assistant was unable to demonstrate the Hyper Real Engine, claimed that Plasmas do not have the function.

At HyperU the technician left the glasses for 10 minutes to charge and then activated with synch to a Samsung LE40C750 on display. The change from 2D to 3D mode is quite dramatic with good relief. The algorithm produces the 3D effect behind the screen so it is a bit like looking at a football game through a plate glass window, rather than the cine Avatar effect which occurs on both sides of the screen. So the 2D to 3D transformation is a valid factor in any purchase consideration.

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Pre-Final selection of 3D TVs , one Panasonic but the 2D to D transformation has poor press revues. The SD definition Samsung PS50C490, currently on display with glasses available will go the same way as no 2D to 3D transform. The surprise entry is the mid range Panasonic but it has been steadily reduced in price since the autumn, at 42 inch not a bad deal. The Samsung PS50C6790 is also likely to be side ligned as an extra € 200 seems a lot for basically just the addition of a PVR facilityand Internet@TV (SAMSUNG APPS). If you have tried "surfing" the internet on a Play Station 3...well a complete waste of time.


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[quote user="Quillan"]I don't know if it is of interest but I had an email from Amazon FR a few minutes ago to say they have special offers today on 3D TV's[/quote]

Thanks for heads up, earlier Amazon France had the Samsung LE40C750 + lunettes ( 3D specs are expensive, Panas cost € 120 ) a model included in the Samsung VAT reemboursed promotion; they are now out of stock with the VAT promo closing at midnight saturday. Currently Panasonic have a cash back offer of € 200 and for their 42" G20E mid range model it is a good deal, price has dropped from € 1400 to around € 300 in 3 months for this model.

However yesterday after consultations with Credit Agricole it appears that the MasterCard SecureCode internet purchase system ONLY works in conjunction with a mobile phone and an exchange of SMS message. I have no mobile and live in a black hole reception "cuvette".

So mailed cheque to redcoon yesterday for a Samsung 50" 3D Plasma with lunettes included and it has all the bells & whistles.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well I finally did get a Plasma but delayed installing it due to work in hand; so the statutory 7 day contract retraction period has expired.

So I am left with the two year Samsung Guarantee, what a drag compared with popping the offending product in " le voiture " and legging it to the local grande surface.

At least the guarantee is parts and labour à domicile, so hopefully there is an agrée technician in Parthenay or Niort.

Agh! the problem I hear you say rubbing your hands with glee.[:)]

Got an intrusive vertical white line down the screen, even with Gladiators:


Has anyone tried this method for fixing lines on plasmas?


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[quote user="pachapapa"]

Has anyone tried this method for fixing lines on plasmas?



I think you will get better results if you call them up [:D]

they were very good when I helped someone with a faulty computer monitor still just inside the 3 year guarantee. They came out within 2 days on site with a replacement and took the faulty one away.


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Things are starting to move forward at last!

Took a while to convince ahmed et al on the SAV helpline that repetitive use of the Auto Diagnostic Image Test option was not going to fix it.

And yesterday the Dossier finally got moved on to the "for action" spike.

Pleasantly surprised to get a polite, and intelligent, phone call from a lady in Tours who considered the fault to be serious and not repairable at my residence.

So decided she would order a new "dalle" and get back to me when delivered to arrange a RDV for picking up the TV, leave me a replacement meanwhile, until the defective unit is fixed.

The TV is full of little surprises as to functions, took me a while to get the onboard Sat Tuner to memorise both Astra 1 and Hotbird on a single dish with two LNBs and a 22kHz Toneburst unit.


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I bought a new tv a few weeks ago and they were trying to get me interested in the 3D. I don't know whether it is because my eye sight isn't what it was, but just the small amount of time I was sat there with the glasses on made me feel giddy, queasy even and it wasn't actually clear.

Maybe it isn't for old lasses like me even in the future. And I am not sure if I like the idea of seeing things like that all the time, something feels off. Old moi, this post has made me feel it.
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I don't know if it's old age or not, Idun, but when I saw Avatar in 3-D I admit I felt that even if it had been in 30-D it would still have been utter cr*p.  Nothing a good old-fashioned decent script wouldn't have cured (and probably at far less cost.)[I]

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

I don't know if it's old age or not, Idun, but when I saw Avatar in 3-D I admit I felt that even if it had been in 30-D it would still have been utter cr*p.  Nothing a good old-fashioned decent script wouldn't have cured (and probably at far less cost.)[I]


A kindle doesn't do it justice.[:P]

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