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 hi ok

             I signed up with Orange last Monday at the shop .just had this ..




et si vous optiez pour le prélèvement automatique ?



Lors de la souscription à votre offre internet, vous avez choisi de régler par chèque.

Aujourd'hui, nous souhaitons vous simplifier la vie !

Pour vous ôter tout souci de règlement, optez pour le prélèvement automatique en cliquant ici .

Vous pouvez gérer à tout moment votre compte sur orange.fr > espace client > mon compte internet.

Merci de votre confiance.

Fabrice André
Directeur de la relation clients

 I was just about to fill in my bank details   mmmmm I thought  you have all my details you even took a RIB of me ... no pad lock

 nearly had me

               be careful out there


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Did you choose to pay by cheque?

I would be very worried if that is a scam as it suggests someone in the shop has passed your detail on. I would be inclined to go back and ask them what the hell they are playing at!

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hi ok

                 All the emails I have from Orange  come from  Orange-FT........... this one comes from   mailforge.orange

       and I have checked my details and I am not paying by cheque but by direct debit


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I'm sure it's happening, but it's a case of being vigilant. A good clue is that when you hover the cursor over a link in a scam email the address displayed in the little tag is not the same as the one shown in the message.

This is not a problem confined to Orange; you'll get these scam/phishing emails from your bank too.EDIT (well, not actually from your bank, but pretending to be!!)

 Be aware!

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Gosh this all got me really worried because I answered one of these email's and used by debit card. [:@]

Let me explain. I recently changed bank and I had a letter from Orange to tell me that my bill had not been paid, the direct debit had been refused (I shall have to sort this out with my new bank). I then got an email which had the correct amount on of the money I owed and the option to pay by debit card so I clicked on the link to pay as I didn't want my service stopped. The link starts with www.r.mailforge.orange.fr.... etc which took me to my account from which I logged in and paid via my bank card. I had a screen pop up with the payment details which I printed off, at the bottom is a CPOP number which is the transaction number.

Today I phoned Orange having read this thread and they were able to confirm that I had paid by my card and that the CPOP number was identical to what I had printed off so this is either a very clever scam or it's not a scam at all. Anyway I asked  the chap if address's coming from Orange can start with www.r.mailforge but unfortunately he was not able to answer. What he did tell me was that if you forward (very important to forward and not copy) the email to abuse@orange.fr they will email you back if it is a forgery.

Another interesting thing is that the SPAM filter for Outlook 2007 treats all emails starting with noreply@mailforge.orange.fr as SPAM and puts them in the 'Junk' folder.

Hope that helps.

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[quote user="sid"]

I'm sure it's happening, but it's a case of being vigilant. A good clue is that when you hover the cursor over a link in a scam email the address displayed in the little tag is not the same as the one shown in the message.

This is not a problem confined to Orange; you'll get these scam/phishing emails from your bank too. Be aware!

[/quote]And not just from your bank. I get these ones from banks where I have never had an account.
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[quote user="Rabbie"][quote user="sid"]

I'm sure it's happening, but it's a case of being vigilant. A good clue is that when you hover the cursor over a link in a scam email the address displayed in the little tag is not the same as the one shown in the message.

This is not a problem confined to Orange; you'll get these scam/phishing emails from your bank too. Be aware!

[/quote]And not just from your bank. I get these ones from banks where I have never had an account.[/quote]

Very true!!

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